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Saudi Arabia bans English language

my job is political agitation, and i travel to agitate, to alienate, to hate, of course. oddly, the brits receive me well each time i am here - and the turkics who sweep the tubes and sell the kebabs serve me well as well and fawn endlessly (and yet the brits still don't like them and the indians - no way to please the white supremacists, are there?)

whats it got to do with constitution , btw was your job to clean the streets or work in a factory 24 hours? you dont know what they say behind your backs about your country everywhere , esp on internet
Lol, just like when the French passed laws to protect their language from English. Here's a hint, when you gotta protect it with laws, your language is on the way out.

Not true, in my opinion which is based on facts, the best people who master standard Arabic language (which is not easy BTW) are Jordanians, even though, English language is used as a standered language in universities and working places. I see no problem with using a second language. Furthermore, English is quite understandable among Jordanians from all classes, and they still the best in standard Arabic writing and speaking.

I hope my Arab fellows don't get mad, but this is true.:argh:
guys this is a hoax news I could not find it in any of the local news paper..Saudi Arabia is actively adapting English language to propmote international integration and beside that the language of choice in many corporate is English due to multicultural staff..you cannot expect a gora boss to work without english..what nonsense it this...

The Arabic only law does apply in many government offices but to adapt this in private sector is a bunch of bull..
lol the turks who sweep the tubes??? haha first time heard that , never seen turk sweeping , but see chinese in all types of dirty work , they are known in the world for it , btw most own restaurants that earns on average much more than chinese workers lol ask anyone about chinese they will say exactly what i say

my job is political agitation, and i travel to agitate, to alienate, to hate, of course. oddly, the brits receive me well each time i am here - and the turkics who sweep the tubes and sell the kebabs serve me well as well and fawn endlessly (and yet the brits still don't like them and the indians - no way to please the white supremacists, are there?)
a 15 years old kid OT and turkic metal fork theorician iajj..love watching it
i bet there is so much chinese everywhere in the world and hardly any visits back to their country , what can they visit , dirty streets? , no but turks abroad will always come back to their country that is visited by many tourists for its beauty , but people visit china only to make themselves cheap stuff


and this is china





i wonder what people are saying to them here
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Not true, in my opinion which is based on facts, the best people who master standard Arabic language (which is not easy BTW) are Jordanians, even though, English language is used as a standered language in universities and working places. I see no problem with using a second language. Furthermore, English is quite understandable among Jordanians from all classes, and they still the best in standard Arabic writing and speaking.

I hope my Arab fellows don't get mad, but this is true.:argh:

In my opinion Syrians are also as good, but of course not egyptians and lebanese.

I have seen books for teaching arabic to non-Arabs written by Lebanese and Egyptians and every sentence has a touch of their respective dialects :D
guys this is a hoax news I could not find it in any of the local news paper..Saudi Arabia is actively adapting English language to propmote international integration and beside that the language of choice in many corporate is English due to multicultural staff..you cannot expect a gora boss to work without english..what nonsense it this...

The Arabic only law does apply in many government offices but to adapt this in private sector is a bunch of bull..

The news quoted in this thread was quotiong Gulf News, i searched Gulf news and found that Gulf news was quoting Al Watan newspaper, I searched Al Watan newspaper and found it.


توجيهات باستخدام اللغة العربية والتاريخ الهجري في التعاملات الرسمية

منعت وزارة الداخلية جميع الجهات الحكومية والخاصة من استخدام التاريخ الميلادي في التعاملات الرسمية أو استخدام اللغة الإنجليزية في الرد على المكالمات والتخاطب خاصة في بعض الشركات والفنادق، وألزمت الوزارة تلك الجهات والقطاعات باستخدام التاريخ الهـجري واللغة العربية، مشددة على أن الإجراء من شأنه أن يحفـظ هويتي التاريخ الهجري الإسلامي واللغة العربية.

وأكدت "الداخلية" في تعميم وزعته على الجهات والمؤسسات - تحتفظ "الوطن" بنسخه منه- أنها رصدت بعض الإجراءات الصادرة من بعض المصالح الحكومية وغيرها تستخدم التاريخ الميلادي أو تورده في صلب تعامـلاتها دون الحاجة لذلك، وهو ما اعتبرته مخالفة لأوامر سامية تنظم التعامل الإجرائي داخل المملكة، وأشارت في توجيهاتها المعممة إلى أن كثيرا مـن أقسام الاستقبال في الفنادق والشـركات يتـم التخاطب فيها والرد على الاتصالات باللغة الإنجليزية.

وشددت الوزارة على جميع الجهات والإدارات بالالتزام باستخدام التاريخ الهجري في جميع مخاطباتها إنفاذا للأوامر السامية وحفاظا على هوية التاريخ الهجري الإسلامي، كما منحت تلك الجهات صلاحية استخدام التاريخ الميلادي عند الحاجة بشرط اقترانه بالتاريخ الميلادي الذي يوافقه مع التأكيد على استخدام اللغة العربية اعتزازا باللغة الوطنية.



May 17, 2012

Saudi Arabia bans using Gregorian dates

The use of the English language to answer calls or communicate, mainly in companies and hotels, has also been banned

Saudi Arabia has banned all government and private agencies from using the Gregorian calendar in official dealings.

The use of the English language to answer calls or communicate, mainly in companies and hotels, has also been banned, a local daily said.

All ministries and agencies have to use the Hijri dates (Islamic calendar) and the Arabic language, the interior ministry said. The ministry attributed its decision to preserving the Islamic calendar and the Arabic language, Arabic daily Al Watan reported.

In the statement to the ministries and establishments, the ministry said that it noted that some government entities were using Gregorian dates "unnecessarily", in a violation of high orders and instructions. Several hotel and company receptions used English in their communications, the ministry said.

However, ministries and agencies could use the Gregorian calendar, whenever needed, on the condition that it is associated with the corresponding Hijri date.

gulfnews : Saudi Arabia bans using Gregorian dates
guys this is a hoax news I could not find it in any of the local news paper..Saudi Arabia is actively adapting English language to propmote international integration and beside that the language of choice in many corporate is English due to multicultural staff..you cannot expect a gora boss to work without english..what nonsense it this...

The Arabic only law does apply in many government offices but to adapt this in private sector is a bunch of bull..
I think that too, first the government obviously won't ban English for private companies!
and it won't ban English in government because no one ever uses it in government already!
I would estimate about 2% of government officials understand English.

The news quoted in this thread was quotiong Gulf News, i searched Gulf news and found that Gulf news was quoting Al Watan newspaper, I searched Al Watan newspaper and found it.

gulfnews : Saudi Arabia bans using Gregorian dates



توجيهات باستخدام اللغة العربية والتاريخ الهجري في التعاملات الرسمية

منعت وزارة الداخلية جميع الجهات الحكومية والخاصة من استخدام التاريخ الميلادي في التعاملات الرسمية أو استخدام اللغة الإنجليزية في الرد على المكالمات والتخاطب خاصة في بعض الشركات والفنادق، وألزمت الوزارة تلك الجهات والقطاعات باستخدام التاريخ الهـجري واللغة العربية، مشددة على أن الإجراء من شأنه أن يحفـظ هويتي التاريخ الهجري الإسلامي واللغة العربية.

وأكدت "الداخلية" في تعميم وزعته على الجهات والمؤسسات - تحتفظ "الوطن" بنسخه منه- أنها رصدت بعض الإجراءات الصادرة من بعض المصالح الحكومية وغيرها تستخدم التاريخ الميلادي أو تورده في صلب تعامـلاتها دون الحاجة لذلك، وهو ما اعتبرته مخالفة لأوامر سامية تنظم التعامل الإجرائي داخل المملكة، وأشارت في توجيهاتها المعممة إلى أن كثيرا مـن أقسام الاستقبال في الفنادق والشـركات يتـم التخاطب فيها والرد على الاتصالات باللغة الإنجليزية.

وشددت الوزارة على جميع الجهات والإدارات بالالتزام باستخدام التاريخ الهجري في جميع مخاطباتها إنفاذا للأوامر السامية وحفاظا على هوية التاريخ الهجري الإسلامي، كما منحت تلك الجهات صلاحية استخدام التاريخ الميلادي عند الحاجة بشرط اقترانه بالتاريخ الميلادي الذي يوافقه مع التأكيد على استخدام اللغة العربية اعتزازا باللغة الوطنية.

So its saying for government agencies to respond to companies in Arabic even if the company communicated in English. And to use the Islamic calendar not the Christian one.
This is misplaced Nationalism and it will result in great damage to Saudi Economy. Pakistan went through such goofy experience in President Zia ul Haq time and their is a whole generation of Pakistanis ( some of my cousins included amongst them) who are challenged in English language. Maybe Saudi Arabia can weather such foolishness because they have oil, but Pakistanis need to be fluent in the most Internationally used language for Jobs overseas. Pakistan's biggest foreign exchange comes from Pakistani Expatriates sending money home so English is Pakistan's life blood.
This is misplaced Nationalism and it will result in great damage to Saudi Economy. Pakistan went through such goofy experience in President Zia ul Haq time and their is a whole generation of Pakistanis ( some of my cousins included amongst them) who are challenged in English language. Maybe Saudi Arabia can weather such foolishness because they have oil, but Pakistanis need to be fluent in the most Internationally used language for Jobs overseas. Pakistan's biggest foreign exchange comes from Pakistani Expatriates sending money home so English is Pakistan's life blood.
Baning the use of English by government agancies won't effect the economy at all.
Using the Islamic calendar won't effect the economy at all.
Cultural preservation is not nationalism. Not that anything is wrong with nationalism.
It was long overdue.

Arabic language, shall also be taught as a subject in Pakistan, in primary along side English.
While Persian shall be taught in higher secondary school or during graduation.
So a Sindhi will learn Sidhi, Urdu, English, Arabic and Persian.
Why don't you also teach them Chinese?? And may be Turkish???
It was long overdue.

Arabic language, shall also be taught as a subject in Pakistan, in primary along side English.
While Persian shall be taught in higher secondary school or during graduation.
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