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Saudi Arabia bans 50 names including 'Rama' for 'conflicting with kingdom's culture'

Kingdom's "culture" ! ?

feeling cheesy
The whole news was reported as if it were some sort of declaration of war against Hinduism by KSA, which is pathetic.

But those who feel offended will only get one response and one response only i.e. THAT'S GOOD!

will they rename Ram-daan/zaan or change the name of cities like : Ram-alla :)
rama-rama....kya hai ye drama....
rama-rama....kya hai ye drama....:drag:
Well said.


That's awkward. Don't think what he said was funny.

And this is where the thinking diverges.
We believe - most Hindus - that a part of God is in each living thing. This is only understandable once you let go of the concept that God is only a physical being but think of it as Energy as well.

We meditate to achieve that connection/activate that part.

Once we achieve that via meditation. We become one with the God, with the Universe. We then do become all knowing/all merciful/all xyz.

Which is what Budha did. He achieved Enlightenment. And we believe that there are many Yogi's who are able to achieve that with meditation and yoga.

Let us be real, all religions are nonsense. Don't try to make Hinduism sound benign or better than others. The energy stuff is pseudo science. We need less of that in the world.
Muslims do not believe in an anthropomorphic interpretation of God. I disagree, if the maya is that we are made to think that we exist, the fact that something is trying to influence us into believing a certain way is evidence that we do in fact exist. If we did not exist and were an illusion in on ourselves why would somebody (or something? who causes this illusion?) go to such trouble to make us think we are alive. Furthermore if all is an illusion then there is no right or wrong as nothing we think we are doing is actually real but that cannot be right because morality seems to be an innate feature exhibited in all types of man with differing degrees.

maya is something like Wave–particle duality! we real as well as unreal. real because we have sense , unreal because its all part of the universal god. God creates things and then creates maya (illusion) to allow them interact with each other. As per hindu philophies the goal of life is to raise beyond this maya( (illusion ) and realize that we are all part of the universal god! thats what is cllaed Moksha/nirvana !!
maya is something like Wave–particle duality! we real as well as unreal. real because we have sense , unreal because its all part of the universal god. God creates things and then creates maya (illusion) to allow them interact with each other. As per hindu philophies the goal of life is to raise beyond this maya( (illusion ) and realize that we are all part of the universal god! thats what is cllaed Moksha/nirvana !!

Never mix science with religion, you end sounding like a dumbass quack.

Indeed it was. It isn't my problem that 90% of indians are stupid.

What percentage of Saudis are stupid?
hey habibi mind yo words


Forward your query to Mr. Markandey Katju:rofl:

Ironically, Katju is himself part of that 90 %
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strange too see indians comments here:D.....when some one created a thread about immorality in west these indians were suggesting him to go to native country if u hav any problem, but now when Saudis are enjoying there freedom to ban anything in "their" country suddently it becomes problem for indians:D
I know historically indians are cruel nature but it sometimes makes me really laugh on this creature and there mentality...
Indeed it was. It isn't my problem that 90% of indians are stupid.
And saudis are 100%

strange too see indians comments here:D.....when some one created a thread about immorality in west these indians were suggesting him to go to native country if u hav any problem, but now when Saudis are enjoying there freedom to ban anything in "their" country suddently it becomes problem for indians:D
I know historically indians are cruel nature but it sometimes makes me really laugh on this creature and there mentality...
How Indians are cruel historically?:pissed:On the other Hand we have been opressed by all the east(muslim empires) and west(uk,dutch,portuguese,france).

That's awkward. Don't think what he said was funny.

Let us be real, all religions are nonsense. Don't try to make Hinduism sound benign or better than others. The energy stuff is pseudo science. We need less of that in the world.
Depends...Hinduism is a single god not single book religion.Hinduism(comprising not of 330 million gods but 330 million faiths,only true democratic religion in the world,god is one but follow him as you wish no compulsion...heck even atheism is prescribed in Hindu book rigveda,provided one does righteous tasks guided by conscience,samkhya school,etc).
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I fail to understand how a government can decide what its citizens can and can't name their babies. No amount of justification on the part of the Saudis can turn this around. Maybe it is no big deal to them because they don't know any better, but to me, this is as retarded as it gets. But of course, their country, their rules.

I can still LMAO can't I?

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