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Saudi Arabia bans English language

Baseless report. This is not going to happen. English is being surprisingly promoted, but at a small rate.
I heard they want to introduce English as a compulsory language for primary school!!
That's just retarded. Then again, our entire education system is retarded.

I agree our education system sucks but I support teaching English in primary school. Most parents inroll their children in private schools because they teach English in primary school. And studies have shown that those children grow up to be more productive members of society.
I heard they want to introduce English as a compulsory language for primary school!!
That's just retarded. Then again, our entire education system is retarded.


That's how it is for 40 years in Europe. From 4th grade (age 10, 11) we got taught English (mandatory) with option of another major European language (German, French, Italian).
That's actually good, since English is the dominant global language. Children can easily learn three languages and keep them separate. The important thing is to make sure they don't stop using Arabic.
I disagree, English if taught correctly can easily be mastered in six years(high school). Its bound to effect children's Arabic skills if English is taught as well.
I think thats a unique problem. We in India learn English from kindergarden and yet no one is complaining about the death of Hindi/Malayalam/Gujurati etc. Anyways I don't understand how such a huge language like Arabic can die.

Thats bcs you use English in your daily life a lot more than Arabic. I remember one friend telling me how to recognize professionals from amateurs in cookery shows. The amateurs will introduce the ingredients in local language while professionals will use English for the same, as English is the language of instruction in Hotel Management Institutes.

Original Arabic or "Fus'ha" is already did and is rarely used except in Arabic language classes and official speakings.

Me and my friends go to medical school and everything is in English. From our phones to our books to our shows everything so naturally English is coming up. I don't speak English words with say old people or uneducated looking people.
I disagree, English if taught correctly can easily be mastered in six years(high school). Its bound to effect children's Arabic skills if English is taught as well.

children absorb knowledge at a much faster rate then adults. There are numerous cases where parents who have married from different countries have been talking to a child in each his own language.
The child (then age 3+) grew up knowing both languages. + the one extra taught in school after that.
I disagree, English if taught correctly can easily be mastered in six years(high school). Its bound to effect children's Arabic skills if English is taught as well.

There is a biological age range where children are hardwired to pick up new languages effortlessly. In primary school, children can easily learn three languages, no problem, and keep them separate. This is not theory -- European children routinely learn three languages in school.

Trying to learn a language in later years -- even teens -- is much harder after you have outgrown the biological sweet spot.
I agree our education system sucks but I support teaching English in primary school. Most parents inroll their children in private schools because they teach English in primary school. And studies have shown that those children grow up to be more productive members of society.
You mean children in private schools or children who studied English in primary schools?
I think correlation might be established between the two factors but not causation.
The government in Saudi Arabia has decreed that the English language is to be banned by all government and private agencies. They must now use only Arabic, the language of the Quran.
Saudi Arabia bans English language

I would say it is a good step. The countries who preserve their culture, language and traditions tend to do better in the long term. What will learning english do for a Saudi? It will only increase brain drain to other countries. Whereas, by being restricted to Arabic in private and public organisations in their country they can ensure they do not forget their heritage and culture and can progress at the same time.
I would say it is a good step. The countries who preserve their culture, language and traditions tend to do better in the long term. What will learning english do for a Saudi? It will only increase brain drain to other countries. Whereas, by being restricted to Arabic in private and public organisations in their country they can ensure they do not forget their heritage and culture and can progress at the same time.
Finally we agree on something!
Why bring Indians into the mix..its not as if Pakistan is free from western influence
I agree with U my friend...Its shame for our country that we never banned English and never tried to preserve our culture....its a damn shame......We shold follow Saudia and bann this corrupt English culture as well as their language within our country.....Excellent step taken by the Saudi govt..............:)
so? what's the problem?
they are trying to preserve their culture and language.

Just because Indians have given up their culture to the west doesn't mean everyone is like you people.

Where did you get Indians from this article to pull them in and with what face do you even comment about Indians when you yourself CHOOSE to give up your Islamic country in favor of being under Judea Christian laws?
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