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Two billion Muslims do nothing Shame. Retired General Asim munier is only man in 2 billions with atomic bomb

Another title flagellating Muslims. Sounds Islamophobic. Maybe actual Muslims are a minority in 'Muslim' countries?
Haha that is what I had said on the forum.
Quraish did not attach their name to Arabia, although it is because of them Arabia became famous. In America, slaves acquired the last name of their owners.
Arabs are clueless. They should read, 'The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order'. If they understood it they wouldn't make unending appeals to the
global/international/western community.

They have not understood and not responded to Islamophobic supremacist ideologies like Zionism, Hindutva, Evangelism, and the Far Right in Europe, other than with acceptance and normalization.
"the West was setting the stage for sustained conflict with rival civilizations, most notably with China and the Islamic world."

Western civilization is united like no other and very formidable. China is a single country and formidable. The Islamic world is not a single country, not a single civilization, and not formidable. It could somewhat function as a political bloc under the leadership of a Khalifa whom Arabs got rid of.
He critiques the Arab mind. I believe after the first four righteous Khalifa they generally reverted to their culture from antiquity which worshiped tyrannical rulers and authoritarian priests. He cites Quran to prove his points. In other videos he shows many Hadith are not valid contradicting the Quran (and Sunnah). Most lay people (before the age of smartphones) did not even know most Hadith are only single source transmissions. He would have a lot more views and subscribers if he kept his videos short, not unnecessarily dragging them. But, his knowledge and references are good. He has a PhD in Education.
This video clip is from 20 years ago
He says it, "We don't blame our rulers", because they practically worship them like in the ancient times! If they criticize they get killed, tortured, or jailed. As suspected, the rulers reverted to tyranny when they ordered preachers (priests) to theologically contradict the Quran telling people they have no freewill.
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Islamophobia totally fits with their agenda. Blame, shame, burden, sermon, discrimination, persecution, and death are for the powerless (which creates extremism to begin with). State regimes and rulers live in luxury and gluttony.

Why Arabs lose wars?
Best Comment: @bosoerjadi283813 days ago (edited)
The most important reason is that arab armed forces are primarily meant to quash domestic insurrections, rebellions and coups.
It is a priority question in the European parliament. So what explains such insanity.

They know Quran gives human rights, freedom, and dignity not allowed in their own countries. It freaks them out. They can allow nudity, ****, prostitution, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, but they will not allow scrutiny of their power. They can enslave and kill one billion Arabs and Muslims to maintain their power and luxury.

Quran condemns hypocrites of Medinah, however, they were not imprisoned or killed for their opposition. In GCC countries, people are imprisoned and killed for far less. Look at the way they killed Khashoggi for nothing (very mild and valid criticism of the conduct of the Yemen war).
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