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Egypt Returns $2 Billion to Qatar in Sign of Growing Tensions

I always said... I hate all your rulers up till the time of Fahad the devil...... nothing more than that

I never liked Fahad's days either, so I totally agree with you, but King Faisal was a hero IMO. KSA had made its chunks of mistakes like any other country.

specially when they start playing games in the neighborhood, and more importantly in Pakistan... :pissed:

I don't really appreciate the destabilization of Baluchistan either by Qatar or Iran; both of them had been warned, something that had always angered the Saudi too much. Anyway, the Qataris don't like us at all.

You effing dikk... I never said I hated Saudis :woot:

I always said... I hate all your rulers up till the time of Fahad the devil...... nothing more than that....... what I don't like is these mini Arbee states, that have no right to exist to begin with.... specially when they start playing games in the neighborhood, and more importantly in Pakistan... :pissed:

Qatar has gotta go, either you do it, or wait a decade more, let us stabilize first and let me do it...... :devil:

Why not just take over the damn place...... and use it's population as domestic workers........ and yes, you can send the fat-fukk our way...... I have special things prepared for him........ don't mind if you send his wife too........ :cheesy:
You are overestimating by a very large margin.

No. The Arab League member states and their total area is bigger than that of EU, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Iran and Bangladesh combined. You are welcome to check the numbers yourself.

The total area of the Arab League member states is 13,333,296 km2.

EU = 4,381,376 km2, Pakistan = 796,095 km2, India = 3,287,263 km2, Afghanistan = 652,230 km2, Iran = 1,648,195 km2, Bangladesh = 147,570 km2.

Add that together and you will see that the Arab League member states (their territory) still have a significantly bigger area.
No. The Arab League member states and their total area is bigger than that of EU, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Iran and Bangladesh combined. You are welcome to check the numbers yourself.

EU means whole of Europe - Ukraine and Belarus + greenland. I am sure you knew this fact.
EU means whole of Europe - Ukraine and Belarus + greenland. I am sure you knew this fact.

EU as the European Union? I am not so sure about that....



The total area of the Arab League member states is 13,333,296 km2.

EU = 4,381,376 km2, Pakistan = 796,095 km2, India = 3,287,263 km2, Afghanistan = 652,230 km2, Iran = 1,648,195 km2, Bangladesh = 147,570 km2.

Add that together and you will see that the Arab League member states (their territory) still have a significantly bigger area.

So I am actually correct.
Oh yeah.... I agree...... Faisal was one of THE BEST rulers you ever had......... I mean he was THE man........ sad what happened...... Fahad on the other hand was lucifer in human flesh.......

And yes, I know about Qatar's "love" for you..... If my sources were correct, you had some special gift prepared for them back in 2009....... although you didn't go through with it.......... :woot:

I never liked Fahad's days either, so I totally agree with you, but King Faisal was a hero IMO. KSA had made its chunks of mistakes like any other country.

I don't really appreciate the destabilization of Baluchistan either by Qatar or Iran; both of them had been warned, something that had always angered the Saudi too much. Anyway, the Qataris don't like us at all.

No dude.... I don't think so..... when did Ukraine join the EU..... Greenland first of all isn't even in continental Europe.... though it's part of Denmark..... don't know about Belarus.........

EU means whole of Europe - Ukraine and Belarus + greenland. I am sure you knew this fact.
Oh yeah.... I agree...... Faisal was one of THE BEST rulers you ever had......... I mean he was THE man........ sad what happened...... Fahad on the other hand was lucifer in human flesh.......

And yes, I know about Qatar's "love" for you..... If my sources were correct, you had some special gift prepared for them back in 2009....... although you didn't go through with it.......... :woot:

Haha, Fahd had his good and bad sides. One of the bad sides was him and his entourage spending up to 5 million euros a day in Marbella (old Al-Andalus:D) back in the "good old" days.

They still miss his money in Marbella to this day.:lol:

Faisal is a legend. One of the best Muslim leaders in modern history without a doubt.
No dude.... I don't think so..... when did Ukraine join the EU..... Greenland first of all isn't even in continental Europe.... though it's part of Denmark..... don't know about Belarus.........

I had not counted Ukraine and Belarus ( there was a -ve sign before them ). I was wrong about greenland as they are member of most of the treaties of EU while not being a member. ( due to there being part of Denmark when EU came into being )
Dude, Greenland is HUGE.... if you remove that from your calculations, then EU is nothing more than a large sized country...... :D

I had not counted Ukraine and Belarus ( there was a -ve sign before them ). I was wrong about greenland as they are member of most of the treaties of EU while not being a member. ( due to there being part of Denmark when EU came into being )
I had not counted Ukraine and Belarus ( there was a -ve sign before them ). I was wrong about greenland as they are member of most of the treaties of EU while not being a member. ( due to there being part of Denmark when EU came into being )

As long as Russia exists then Ukraine and Belarus will never become a part of the EU let alone NATO. Besides they are far Eastern European states. Likewise the so-called "European part of Russia" is also not really Europe if you ask most Eastern European/Central European countries that are now EU member states (Poland, Baltic states, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania) let alone Western Europe. Two if not ten worlds apart.:lol:

Greenland is not geographically a part of Europe but Northern America. Besides it is just a big ice bloc that is the size of KSA with a population of 50.000 many of whom are Danish settlers/workers that are not even staying there temporarily.

Besides even if you add Greenland to the list of EU, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Iran and Bangladesh their total area will still be slightly smaller than that of the Arab League member states!
Anyway a rather pointless discussion.

What I tried to get across was the stupidity of generalizing a HUGE part of the world such as the Arab world. The Arab world is very diverse and a region of contradictions. You have Yemen which is largely an impoverished country economically although extremely rich in history and culture but on the same Peninsula or just next door you have KSA and Oman that are very different worlds economically speaking. Just to give you one example. Could give you 1000 other examples.

Just because Syria is a living hell right now (unfortunately) it does not mean that every Arab country is that too let alone a neighboring country like the beautiful Lebanon which still continues to have parties in Beirut that attracts the whole Arab jet-set personality or large part of it. Besides other personalities from across the world. Or the GCC for that matter. Or Morocco, or Algeria or Tunisia, or Jordan etc.

Besides Syria (which is one of the most ancient countries/areas in the world with among the richest heritages) will rise again just like other fellow Arab and Semitic countries. It is in our blood to rise up after bad times. History has shown this time and time again.
weird...KSA allowing Qatar to dictate things in the ME is like Germany letting Luxemburg to call the shots in Europe.
weird...KSA allowing Qatar to dictate things in the ME is like Germany letting Luxemburg to call the shots in Europe.

They are not dictating anything anymore. Besides wealth = influence. The Americans have a base in Qatar that is valuable to them hence they often close their eyes in that direction.
Likewise the so-called "European part of Russia" is also not really Europe if you ask most Eastern European/Central European countries that are now EU member states (Poland, Baltic states, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania) let alone Western Europe. Two if not ten worlds apart.:lol:

Yep,that's a wild land inhabited by vodca addicts who plan all day how to spill into proper Europe,sword in hand riding wild bears.:))
Yep,that's a wild land inhabited by vodca addicts who plan all day how to spill into proper Europe,sword in hand riding wild bears.:))

One of my best friends is a Pole and I even went with him to Poland and he told me everything. Besides then I have lived in Europe long enough (France and Denmark) and spoken with enough of Europeans of different backgrounds to know how most Europeans view that part of Europe (on paper that is). Their history has little if anything to do with the proper European history (Western, Central European etc.), culture let alone mentality. Besides I have relatives who have married Europeans so I am very familiar with the regular views I would say. I am yet to visit Romania though.:D

Regarding your Qatar thing then you must remember that they are ****** rich and money = influence. No two ways about it. We are talking about the most influential country of that size and population in the world. Arguably. Not a far fetched statement to make in my humble opinion. They did not get the World Cup in 2022 by mistake, all their investments in USA, Europe (France especially), their warm relations with the West etc. In fact I should correct myself slightly. They have a right to punch above their weight simply because they can afford it but in terms of their foreign policy in the Arab region then they have done more bad than good hence why KSA and the USA had to remove Hamad and install his son. Ironically all this coincided with Qatar's small fiasco in Syria and KSA taking the charge by supporting FSA.

Just look at Al Jazeera and how big a political influence they have. Already opening a channel in USA and they have attracted famous American journalists and hosts to their new station.

In some way you can't have anything other than respect for their leadership for achieving such a big influence given their size and population. Hamad also transformed Qatar totally and was behind countless of big projects inside Qatar. That is why he is so well-liked. And who would not like their leaders if they were as rich as the regular Qatari and lived as comfortable lives? Who can blame them?
I suggest you read about Qatar's investments in the West and Arab world. You would be shocked how influential they are. Some rich people/states cannot understand how to use their wealth to gain influence but others such as Qatar can. They obviously also commit mistakes as seen in Egypt and Syria but that will be a learning process for them. They have such significant investments that they will not need gas income anymore to be influential.

It is not true.
Europe (the old one let's say) is made of royal families mixing to each other. Poland has always been Europe.
It is more complicated for Ukrainia since then you should consider Russians as Europeans.
But many many considere Russians as Europeans .

So definition of Europe having lot of meanings:
- European Union (which is not one meaning there are many EU) : many countries will come / enter in it
- European continent
- a kind of European people history (and their lands) still in the continent
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