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Saudi Arabia bans 50 names including 'Rama' for 'conflicting with kingdom's culture'

Let the Saudis do what they want. Its their country, their rules. If Saudis do get offended by these idiotic legislation, they can rise up like the Syrians.

Personally it makes me really glad that as a Muslim that I live in the West where I have freedom and democracy.

We all are in good term with such legistaltions as these.

If there is someone who's blood is boiling then be it. What else they can do? I mean, just like you, there is nothing much you can do but burn, which is a good thing for us. Nothing makes more happy than watching you throwing tantrums!

Maybe they would but i will just go one time in my life there

Maybe we won't let you in :lol:
what about restriction/prohibition of cow slaughter?
Not doing anything to address the nuisance caused by cows freely roaming on the streets?
Restriction on certain classes of people to not touch or even come close to people of other class?
etc, etc,

restrictions upon restrictions......on common citizen.....while the Saudi princes are free to do whatever they like..........Saudi Arabia is a unique country....
Wikileaks shows Saudi wild party with Alcohol, drugs, sex and prostitutes - English pravda.ru
Isn't "our country our rules" Indian members' favourite line on PDF? What happened to that rule?
Isn't "our country our rules" Indian members' favourite line on PDF? What happened to that rule?
Exactly. Their country, their rules!! Indians shouldn't care if they ban Rama, Shama, or Dhama or anything. LOLs
Stupid wahabi dogs have too much time on their hands it seems but we need their black gold

They are scared of losing their grip on power that fat king and his cronies can ban all they want but in the end dharma will win

And with whom are we gonna lose our grip of power from? You :lol: ..

With all due respect but not even a Saudi fingernail worths an entire nation of your own sick-twisted mentality ego.
LONDON: Saudi Arabia's interior ministry has banned 50 names they argue contradict the culture or religion of the Kingdom, according to reports by local media.

Parents in the kingdom will reportedly no longer be able to call their children by names such as Linda, Alice, Elaine or Binyamin (Arabic for Benjamin) after the civil affairs department at the ministry issued a list of the prohibited names.

Binyamin is believed in Islam to be the son of Prophet Jacob, but is also the name of the current Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Some names on the list are allegedly banned by the interior ministry because they are considered "blasphemous," non-Arabic or non-Islamic, or contradictory to the kingdom's culture or religion, Gulf News has reported.

The ban was also allegedly justified by the ministry because some of the names were deemed foreign or "inappropriate".

Other sets of forbidden names include those with royal connotations, such as Sumuw (highness), Malek (king) and Malika (queen).

Some on the list do not fit into any of these categories however, leaving the reason for banning them open to speculation.

The full list of forbidden names as reported in Gulf News is listed below:

Malaak (angel)

Abdul Aati

Abdul Naser

Abdul Musleh

Binyamin (Arabic for Benjamin)







Abdul Nabi

Abdul Rasool

Sumuw (highness)

Al Mamlaka (the kingdom)

Malika (queen)

Mamlaka (kingdom)

Tabarak (blessed)



Rama (Hindu god)








Basmala (utterance of the name of God)

Jibreel (angel Gabriel)

Abdul Mu'een






Nabi (prophet)

Nabiyya (female prophet)

Amir (prince)








Saudi Arabia bans 50 names including 'Rama' for 'conflicting with kingdom's culture' - The Times of India

It is in confirmation with Ideology of Islam. Nothing new.
We all are in good term with such legistaltions as these.

If there is someone who's blood is boiling then be it. What else they can do? I mean, just like you, there is nothing much you can do but burn, which is a good thing for us. Nothing makes more happy than watching you throwing tantrums!

There is nothing that Saudi Arabia has done that makes me jealous of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia can keep on issuing these idiotic decrees and legislation.

As long as this idiotic thinking stays within the borders of the Kingdom, I don't care. I just dont want the Saudis using their petro dollars to export their Wahabbist Cult anywhere else.
you can't eat, you can't name your kids, you can't can't make a tweet, you can't can't can't....:disagree:

I actually support these laws forbidding basic rights :crazy:, maybe one day too much pressure will make the people explode and get rid of the wahhabi "kings"
What happens within our borders is a matter of our concern only. Indians better deal with issues at home, clean water and human resources and girls getting raped every now and then.
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