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More than 7,200 Indian Jews to immigrate to Israel

They came here as traders now they are seeing more good opportunities in israel so they are giving the excuse of aliyah and running away. israel don't need them they need israel!!!

Many people immigrate for better opportunities. So whether the jews want to leave for religious reasons or for better opportunities is immaterial. after all including this immigration about 50 thousand jews from India (mainly Bene Israelis) would have moved out. Since I have bene israeli friends, let me tell you they maintain close ties to India and are great ambassadors of goodwill between the two countries.

Millions of hindus, sikhs, muslims, jains, christians have immigrated from India too, it can not be held against them. Heck Pakistan has a higher net immigration rate than India, can it be said that Pakistanis are opportunists who hate pakistan and leave the country for greener pastures?

You are only expressing your hatred of the jew, and the kind of ''stereotypes'' you have been fed about them since childhood. And your comment about ''secularism'' was priceless!
You are only expressing your hatred of the jew, and the kind of ''stereotypes'' you have been fed about them since childhood. And your comment about ''secularism'' was priceless!
His comments are not only about bashing Jews, but also a greater nation "India" and its "Hindu" population.
One ignorant fool and we have wasted time explaining to a deaf troll.
It is said that one of the Leadership skill is a man's ability to listen and understand what the counterpart say, and this troll does not have the patience or the inteligence to do what is required(reasoning)
Submitted by Ari Jacobs (United States), Sep 23, 2005 at 07:19

Being Jewish and born in Israel, I found the speech by Musharraf to be honest and bold. Thumbs up to him.

As for some comments posted by Hindus, please stop posting ... distorted historical facts. I have been to India specifically Nagpur and Ahmedabad. Hindus hate all semitic religions and the right wing Hindus of the VHP and RSS are snakes in dove covering. The right wing hindus want to kill all non-hindus and eliminate them from India. ... I am so glad that Jews dont live in India otherwise they would be humiliated and killed everyday like the other minorities. I landed in Ahmedabad with my Israel passport and I saw the hate of the Hindu officers on the airport.. it was in their eyes. They looked at me as if I was an alien from Mars. I am just so glad that I got out of that place in 2 days but met many negative and hateprone people during my stay. They looked at my locks, black hat and beard with disgust.

And dont forget the wrath of the highcaste hindus on the lowcaste dalit hindus? When I was in Ahmedabad, I met a dalit who was willing to convert to christianity and get to UK because he wanted to get out of India so desperately. He hated the society and the high caste hindus... According to him, Hindu texts preach holocaust. Have you heard of the Sudra holocaust? The concept of a Sudra Holocaust is generally denied by the Brahmanists. It does not require the knowledge of an archaeologist, however, to grasp the historicity of the Sudra Holocaust. Elementary, day-to-day facts indeed prove that such an event occurred. Whereas all Indo-European peoples possessed three castes, the Indo-Aryans possess four. The fourth caste thus necessarily represents the enslaved and subjugated indigenous Sudras.

The Sudra Holocaust involved the most inhuman torture of the indigenous Sudras at the hands of the Aryan invaders. Not only were Sudras killed en masse during wartime, they were often executed in peace-time by the most heinous methods imaginable and for the flimsiest of reasons. This peace-time murder of Sudras lasted for much longer periods than the intermittent warfare, and made a significant cumulative contribution to the total democide of the Sudra Holocaust and the ultimate annihilation of Sudroids in the Indus-Ganges valley. ...

Do Hindus hate Jews? :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes

This article is old but that doesn't means its fake, i am saying this because many hindus immediately tell us the date when we post something!!!
^^^That spiel's straight out of Rupee News!!! LOL

100% a Pakistani named ''Ari Jacobs'', probably closely related to Christina Palmer! LOL
They are pakistanis from different religions going abroad for jobs.

But this case is different where only jews are leaving.

This is the answer to all Pakistani who have same question:

Israel was made with one aim in mind. A homeland for Jews. Israel has a law "Any jew is a born Israeli citizen". If you are a jew you can go to Israel and get settle there. The Israeli encourage the jew coming to there country.

@Indian jew migration: Jew migrated from all over the world to israel. The migrated from hostile countries (Muslim and Anti jew) and friendly country (USA, Britain, india) as well. So this migration should not be seen as discrimination.

@Discrimination in India: Except Muslims no other religion claim Indian discriminating with them. India given shelter to many religion, many sects and many ethnic groups.

My personal view: I think Each religion should have a home-land.
Submitted by Ari Jacobs (United States), Sep 23, 2005 at 07:19

Being Jewish and born in Israel, I found the speech by Musharraf to be honest and bold. Thumbs up to him.

As for some comments posted by Hindus, please stop posting ... distorted historical facts. I have been to India specifically Nagpur and Ahmedabad. Hindus hate all semitic religions and the right wing Hindus of the VHP and RSS are snakes in dove covering. The right wing hindus want to kill all non-hindus and eliminate them from India. ... I am so glad that Jews dont live in India otherwise they would be humiliated and killed everyday like the other minorities. I landed in Ahmedabad with my Israel passport and I saw the hate of the Hindu officers on the airport.. it was in their eyes. They looked at me as if I was an alien from Mars. I am just so glad that I got out of that place in 2 days but met many negative and hateprone people during my stay. They looked at my locks, black hat and beard with disgust.

And dont forget the wrath of the highcaste hindus on the lowcaste dalit hindus? When I was in Ahmedabad, I met a dalit who was willing to convert to christianity and get to UK because he wanted to get out of India so desperately. He hated the society and the high caste hindus... According to him, Hindu texts preach holocaust. Have you heard of the Sudra holocaust? The concept of a Sudra Holocaust is generally denied by the Brahmanists. It does not require the knowledge of an archaeologist, however, to grasp the historicity of the Sudra Holocaust. Elementary, day-to-day facts indeed prove that such an event occurred. Whereas all Indo-European peoples possessed three castes, the Indo-Aryans possess four. The fourth caste thus necessarily represents the enslaved and subjugated indigenous Sudras.

The Sudra Holocaust involved the most inhuman torture of the indigenous Sudras at the hands of the Aryan invaders. Not only were Sudras killed en masse during wartime, they were often executed in peace-time by the most heinous methods imaginable and for the flimsiest of reasons. This peace-time murder of Sudras lasted for much longer periods than the intermittent warfare, and made a significant cumulative contribution to the total democide of the Sudra Holocaust and the ultimate annihilation of Sudroids in the Indus-Ganges valley. ...

Do Hindus hate Jews? :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes

This article is old but that doesn't means its fake, i am saying this because many hindus immediately tell us the date when we post something!!!

oh god..good old aryan invasion theory..created by so called western scholars and yet believed by delusional pakistanis...i pity you guys...shame on you pakistanis for trying to malign others...
Yay yay yay!! i am a Pakistani and i am sooo happy Indian jews are leaving to Israel ...yay yay there is something wrong in shinningsecular India yay yay this made my day..and i dont even give a damn about the religious intolerance in my country ..i am just worried about the evil bharatis and the juice!!
The migrated from hostile countries (Muslim and Anti jew) and friendly country (USA, Britain, india) as well. So this migration should not be seen as discrimination.

Well, i will say include U.S in hostile countires.

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Hate Crimes Against Jews in U.S. on the Rise

@Discrimination in India: Except Muslims no other religion claim Indian discriminating with them. India given shelter to many religion, many sects and many ethnic groups. [/COLOR]

Sikh genocide 1984, christian massacre 2008. yeah no other community claim discrimination against them. :lol:
This is the answer to all Pakistani who have same question:

Israel was made with one aim in mind. A homeland for Jews. Israel has a law "Any jew is a born Israeli citizen". If you are a jew you can go to Israel and get settle there. The Israeli encourage the jew coming to there country.

@Indian jew migration: Jew migrated from all over the world to israel. The migrated from hostile countries (Muslim and Anti jew) and friendly country (USA, Britain, india) as well. So this migration should not be seen as discrimination.

@Discrimination in India: Except Muslims no other religion claim Indian discriminating with them. India given shelter to many religion, many sects and many ethnic groups.

My personal view: I think Each religion should have a home-land.

Quote with substantial evidence........
Don't post your personal views

---------- Post added at 02:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 PM ----------

Submitted by Ari Jacobs (United States), Sep 23, 2005 at 07:19

Being Jewish and born in Israel, I found the speech by Musharraf to be honest and bold. Thumbs up to him.

As for some comments posted by Hindus, please stop posting ... distorted historical facts. I have been to India specifically Nagpur and Ahmedabad. Hindus hate all semitic religions and the right wing Hindus of the VHP and RSS are snakes in dove covering. The right wing hindus want to kill all non-hindus and eliminate them from India. ... I am so glad that Jews dont live in India otherwise they would be humiliated and killed everyday like the other minorities. I landed in Ahmedabad with my Israel passport and I saw the hate of the Hindu officers on the airport.. it was in their eyes. They looked at me as if I was an alien from Mars. I am just so glad that I got out of that place in 2 days but met many negative and hateprone people during my stay. They looked at my locks, black hat and beard with disgust.

And dont forget the wrath of the highcaste hindus on the lowcaste dalit hindus? When I was in Ahmedabad, I met a dalit who was willing to convert to christianity and get to UK because he wanted to get out of India so desperately. He hated the society and the high caste hindus... According to him, Hindu texts preach holocaust. Have you heard of the Sudra holocaust? The concept of a Sudra Holocaust is generally denied by the Brahmanists. It does not require the knowledge of an archaeologist, however, to grasp the historicity of the Sudra Holocaust. Elementary, day-to-day facts indeed prove that such an event occurred. Whereas all Indo-European peoples possessed three castes, the Indo-Aryans possess four. The fourth caste thus necessarily represents the enslaved and subjugated indigenous Sudras.

The Sudra Holocaust involved the most inhuman torture of the indigenous Sudras at the hands of the Aryan invaders. Not only were Sudras killed en masse during wartime, they were often executed in peace-time by the most heinous methods imaginable and for the flimsiest of reasons. This peace-time murder of Sudras lasted for much longer periods than the intermittent warfare, and made a significant cumulative contribution to the total democide of the Sudra Holocaust and the ultimate annihilation of Sudroids in the Indus-Ganges valley. ...

Do Hindus hate Jews? :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes

This article is old but that doesn't means its fake, i am saying this because many hindus immediately tell us the date when we post something!!!

Can you guide me I too wanted to settle in UK
Sikh genocide 1984, christian massacre 2008. yeah no other community claim discrimination against them. :lol:
You are saying as if you have no riots in your country and your nation is the face of Peace in the world. THis is a imperfect world and we have problems, we Indians do not talk what happened, but we talk about why it happened and what can be made to avoide such situations. Thats the reason that we are prospering and we pray for Pakistans prospirity.
Well, i will say include U.S in hostile countires.

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Hate Crimes Against Jews in U.S. on the Rise

Sikh genocide 1984, christian massacre 2008. yeah no other community claim discrimination against them. :lol:

and has it happened again??
even brahmins were massacred when a brahmin killed mahatma gandhi but everyone lives in harmony now...
there wont be any rational debate with you unless you understand difference between state sponsored discrimination like you guys do with non-muslims and discrimination on individual level...I am very happy that discrimination on individual level is getting rare every day in india now....while you guys are sure going to spend rest of your lives with blood bath on streets...
no probs bro

when it's about minorities india is the most tolerant nation on the earth (people are free to disagree)

i am a follower of jainism and it's hardly represent one percent of indian population

but we are one of the most prosperous and educated society in india and are

free to follow our rituals and other religious things

we are PROUD INDIANS :smitten:

Jian, Baudh, Hindu, Sikh is very similar religions. many of my frnds are jain and boudh, I never knew it. We are so similar that I never came to know that they are jain.

I found it once in party when they refuse to eat non veg, I thought they are Brahmins, But they told they are jain. Interesting naa.. and one more thing, they all have married to Hindu and Sikh girls.. ha ha ha ...
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