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Pan-Islamic rally urges Pakistan to liberate Jerusalem

@AUz Pakistan is the citadel of Islam,the defender of Mohammed and Allah.

On one hand you claim all the Muslims glory and achievements and on the other hand when it comes to some responsibilities you hide by giving some excuses.Now things cant work like this.Pakistan has the most pwerful military in middle east and has even won wars with 9 times larger enemy that is India.So its time that Pakistan shows that it is the protector and undisputed leader of Ummah otherwise you Pakistan will not be called as a true Muslim nation.You have to decide it yourself.

The ball is in Pakistan's court.
PK should first liberate itself from the scourge of militancy and terrorism, then it should talk of other things....
@AUz Pakistan is the citadel of Islam,the defender of Mohammed and Allah.

On one hand you claim all the Muslims glory and achievements and on the other hand when it comes to some responsibilities you hide by giving some excuses.Now things cant work like this.Pakistan has the most pwerful military in middle east and has even won wars with 9 times larger enemy that is India.So its time that Pakistan shows that it is the protector and undisputed leader of Ummah otherwise you Pakistan will not be called as a true Muslim nation.You have to decide it yourself.

The ball is in Pakistan's court.
sorry, but we threw that ball down the drain............
and no we are not leaders of the Muslim Ummah, that is KSA, so they should help them
Hizb ut Tahrir and MI6 connection
Dr. Jassim Taqui
Friday, June 24, 2011 - Islamabad—the ISPR spokesman Major. Gen. Athar Abbas disclosed that the arrested Brigadier Ali Khan and four other majors were detained for questioning on their links with London-based Islamist party Hizb - ut – Tahrir (HuT). HuT is an international political party whose proclaimed aim is the establishment of a global Islamic Caliphate. The party claims that it desists violence and that it seeks to achieve its objective through peaceful means. However, security agencies found something mysterious and dangerous about the party and banned it in 2003.

No grounds were given by the authorities on banning HuT. However, experts believe that the party enjoys close ties with MI6, which stood with the party despite complaints from Arab and Central Asian countries about its link with the militant parties that seek to destabilize these countries. Former President Gen. Pervez Musharraf also complained to the British authorities that HuT was engaged in propaganda drive against military leadership.

The party has been active in the Middle East. It sought to overthrow Arab regimes by penetrating their armed forces in an attempt to bring change by military coups. Therefore, one after another, all Arab countries banned HuT. Following Geronimo Operation, HuT revived its activities against the civilian and military leadership through processions, pamphlets, posters, SMS and write-ups in the internet especially in Facebook and Twitter. From 1986 to 1996, under leadership of Syrian born Omar Bakri Muhammad, HuT grew from a very small organization in Britain to a one of the most active Islamic organization in the country. In 1996 Bakri split with HuT over disagreement on policy , style and methods, and focused on another organization Al-Mujahajiroun . HuT is legal in Britain. It dominates the Islamic scene with some 8500 members. The SCO nations are very worried on the activities of HuT in Central Asia. The party leaders themselves never explain why is the party so interested in this region. However, experts believe that HuT is used by the MI6 as part of the Anglo-American strategy to contain the influence of Russians and Chinese in Central Asian Republics. HuT is reportedly linked to the Muslim Brotherhood which has long been a front for the CIA and MI6. the Brotherhood has been used by MI6 and CIA to weaken the independent governments in the Middle East. Former DCM of Egyptian Embassy in Pakistan Dr. Reza Shihata established in his Ph.D. thesis that the Brotherhood was linked with the CIA. He relied heavily on “ see-only” references in the library of the American Congress on the secret contacts between the Brotherhood and CIA.

Presently, the HuT has been given the task of destabilizing Pakistan by targeting the armed forces , which is under attacks by TTP and imperial powers. The real game of HuT is implement the foreign powers agenda in Pakistan by demoralizing and discrediting the Pakistani soldiers and attempting to break military discipline.
Hizb ut Tahrir and MI6 connection
Hizb ut Tahrir and MI6 connection
Dr. Jassim Taqui
Friday, June 24, 2011 - Islamabad—the ISPR spokesman Major. Gen. Athar Abbas disclosed that the arrested Brigadier Ali Khan and four other majors were detained for questioning on their links with London-based Islamist party Hizb - ut – Tahrir (HuT). HuT is an international political party whose proclaimed aim is the establishment of a global Islamic Caliphate. The party claims that it desists violence and that it seeks to achieve its objective through peaceful means. However, security agencies found something mysterious and dangerous about the party and banned it in 2003.

No grounds were given by the authorities on banning HuT. However, experts believe that the party enjoys close ties with MI6, which stood with the party despite complaints from Arab and Central Asian countries about its link with the militant parties that seek to destabilize these countries. Former President Gen. Pervez Musharraf also complained to the British authorities that HuT was engaged in propaganda drive against military leadership.

The party has been active in the Middle East. It sought to overthrow Arab regimes by penetrating their armed forces in an attempt to bring change by military coups. Therefore, one after another, all Arab countries banned HuT. Following Geronimo Operation, HuT revived its activities against the civilian and military leadership through processions, pamphlets, posters, SMS and write-ups in the internet especially in Facebook and Twitter. From 1986 to 1996, under leadership of Syrian born Omar Bakri Muhammad, HuT grew from a very small organization in Britain to a one of the most active Islamic organization in the country. In 1996 Bakri split with HuT over disagreement on policy , style and methods, and focused on another organization Al-Mujahajiroun . HuT is legal in Britain. It dominates the Islamic scene with some 8500 members. The SCO nations are very worried on the activities of HuT in Central Asia. The party leaders themselves never explain why is the party so interested in this region. However, experts believe that HuT is used by the MI6 as part of the Anglo-American strategy to contain the influence of Russians and Chinese in Central Asian Republics. HuT is reportedly linked to the Muslim Brotherhood which has long been a front for the CIA and MI6. the Brotherhood has been used by MI6 and CIA to weaken the independent governments in the Middle East. Former DCM of Egyptian Embassy in Pakistan Dr. Reza Shihata established in his Ph.D. thesis that the Brotherhood was linked with the CIA. He relied heavily on “ see-only” references in the library of the American Congress on the secret contacts between the Brotherhood and CIA.

Presently, the HuT has been given the task of destabilizing Pakistan by targeting the armed forces , which is under attacks by TTP and imperial powers. The real game of HuT is implement the foreign powers agenda in Pakistan by demoralizing and discrediting the Pakistani soldiers and attempting to break military discipline.
Hizb ut Tahrir and MI6 connection
It's all allegations, no actual proof.

Secondly, the analysis doesn't add up. Hizb ut-Tahrir's is a global party, its members come from all walks and types and it'd be no surprise if an HT branch were to rise in Pakistan or other parts of Central Asia. Now as to why HT becomes so popular? Could do with that particular group's level of effort and/or the general response of people. In the case of Pakistan the idea of lots of non-HT people buying into the idea of the Caliphate doesn't sound far-fetched, especially considering that many Pakistanis think "Pakistan ka matlab kya, la ilah'ha il-l'allah."

Still, why would a government that lets the US fly drones over Pakistan (i.e a pro-US policy) go and ban a CIA-backed political party? If HT were backed by CIA then I'm sure - looking at Pakistan - they'd be in charge, no problem. Instead their members (e.g. Naveed Butt) are finding themselves abducted.

As for alleged links with Muslim Brotherhood, again, doesn't make sense. HT and MB have two diametrically opposed methodologies. HT appeals to all of society (from public to elites to society) effect systemic change in one sweep, MB believes in compromise and democratic elections (as we've seen with Morsi).
But the Pakistan is the citadel of Islam what about that??
sorry but other Muslim countries refused to accpet that position, and only call us that when then need our Army, the seem to prefer India as a fort of Islam, so go help them
Pakistan can't help with the Israel - Palestine issue because we need to help ourselves first. Charity begins at home. Also, getting involved would mean a full scale nuclear war with Israel who will be funded by the US maybe even NATO.

However, Pakistan will always defend Makkah and Madina.
Bharties are pro-Israeli on one hand and on the other hand they are trying to encourage Pakistan and Israel to weaken each other.:tsk:
getting involved would mean a full scale nuclear war with Israel.

Thank you for bringing some common sense here. Neither Israel or Pakistan is interested in committing national suicide. Anyone who possess any rationality knows this.
One of the most rational comments in this thread. Neither Israel or Pakistan are interested in committing national suicide. and without a doubt, it would be national suicide.
Pakistan is teh undisputed leader of Middle east and the has even defeated 9 times bigger India many times.ITs a shame that Pakistan the citadel of Islam is running form its responsibilities.
@AUz Pakistan is the citadel of Islam,the defender of Mohammed and Allah.

On one hand you claim all the Muslims glory and achievements and on the other hand when it comes to some responsibilities you hide by giving some excuses.Now things cant work like this.Pakistan has the most pwerful military in middle east and has even won wars with 9 times larger enemy that is India.So its time that Pakistan shows that it is the protector and undisputed leader of Ummah otherwise you Pakistan will not be called as a true Muslim nation.You have to decide it yourself.

The ball is in Pakistan's court.

Pakistan will confront Israel if Israel attacks Pakistan. That's it.

Let Arabs handle their own problems..
Pakistan will confront Israel if Israel attacks Pakistan. That's it.

Let Arabs handle their own problems..
So what about the claims of Pakistani ruling over India for thousand and thousand of years??.You Pakistan are the first one to claim other achievements on the basis of Ummah brotherhood.Now you people are running away when the Ummah is calling you by giving silly excuses.No that is really shameful.

Allah will not be impressed if the citadel of Islam that is Pakistan will keep acting like this.
So what about the claims of Pakistani ruling over India for thousand and thousand of years??.You Pakistan are the first one to claim other achievements on the basis of Ummah brotherhood.Now you people are running away when the Ummah is calling you by giving silly excuses.No that is really shameful.

Allah will not be impressed if the citadel of Islam that is Pakistan will keep acting like this.
because when we called the Ummah, they did not respond
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