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Pan-Islamic rally urges Pakistan to liberate Jerusalem

because when we called the Ummah, they did not respond
So?? According to Kuran a true Muslim always help fellow Muslim.So you are basically defying Quran here.Do you understand the implications of defying Quran.It means that you are not a true Muslim and you will called as pagans and salves of Indians,Arabs,Persians,Turks, e.t.c. .Is that all acceptable to you??
Besides what happens to your logic when the talk is about Kashmir??
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Any other nation would have 'surrendered' to the Soviet Union, entered the 'Soviet bloc', and would have enjoyed the benefits. Afghanistan got run over by soviets? who cares? Each nation protect its own interests, isn't it?
Soviets never threatened invasion of Pakistan. Their interests were only in Afghanistan. It was Pakistan who unilaterally and willingly got involved in anti-Soviet resistance in Afghanistan.
So?? According to Kuran a true Muslim always help fellow Muslim.So you are basically defying kuran here.Do you understand the implications of defying Kuran.It means that you are not a true Muslim and you will called as pagans and salves of Indians,Arabs,Persians,Turks, e.t.c. .Is that all acceptable to you??
Besides what happens to your logic when the talk is about Kashmir??
Its spelled Quran, not what u are trying to write, and nice attempt at being smart, but a miserable failure.
Well the spelling does not matter,Does it??
Yes it does, and it does alot. I am not an expert in arabic, but what ever I know and have studded of it, one arabic work can change alot just by a simple mistake in pronunciation, or changing the spellings. Its not as simple a language as english.
@al-Hasani can tell u more about it.
So?? According to Kuran a true Muslim always help fellow Muslim.So you are basically defying Quran here.Do you understand the implications of defying Quran.It means that you are not a true Muslim and you will called as pagans and salves of Indians,Arabs,Persians,Turks, e.t.c. .Is that all acceptable to you??
Besides what happens to your logic when the talk is about Kashmir??
cuz Kashmir is our problem, how many other Muslim countries do you see coming to help Kashmir? do you see KSA even saying something about this? and can you quote the Quran about what u said
cuz Kashmir is our problem, how many other Muslim countries do you see coming to help Kashmir? do you see KSA even saying something about this? and can you quote the Quran about what u said

KSA is a smart state :) .

Yes it does, and it does alot. I am not an expert in arabic, but what ever I know and have studded of it, one arabic work can change alot just by a simple mistake in pronunciation, or changing the spellings. Its not as simple a language as english.
can tell u more about it.

Colloquial english uses both Koran and Quran/Qur'an . Correct way to write i guess is Qur'an but that does not diminishes the book being talked about nor it is derogatory .
Soviets never threatened invasion of Pakistan. Their interests were only in Afghanistan. It was Pakistan who unilaterally and willingly got involved in anti-Soviet resistance in Afghanistan.

"Threat Perception" at work here.

But you got my point...
It will never be the time. Not our problem. Period.
Aap ki na hou janab hamari tou hai.

Indians egging Pakistan on to attack Israel....Priceless :D
Israel is kinda similar. Unpredictable and pain in the ***. And its military is also an ideological military....
But Israel has won real wars, many times, most very convincingly, with multiple opponents and captured & held enemy territories even until today..

Indians egging Pakistan on to attack Israel....Priceless :D
Very similar to Pakistanis rooting for Indo-China war

Any other nation would have 'surrendered' to the Soviet Union
USSR never demanded Pakistan's surrender or even join its bloc..
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But Israel has won real wars, many times, most very convincingly, with multiple opponents and captured & held enemy territories even until today..

lol..How is it relevant to the point I was trying to make? Go back and read my full post again.

USSR never demanded Pakistan's surrender or even join its bloc..


Pakistan took the initiative and confronted the Soviet might in the mountain lands of Afghanistan (later U.S and Arabs joined in with their help, funding, weapons etc)... The war proved a critical nail in Soviet's coffin and communism fell...Guess what happen?
OK.. So, as per you, Pakistan single handedly brought down the mighty soviet union. Then, why has Pakistan not been able to 'liberate Kashmir from Hindu occupation' or even extract revenge for the 1971 humiliation at the hands of the lowly banias?

But you got my point...
Sorry, I still don't get your point..
Are you saying that in Pakistan defeat means victory and victory also means victory?
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Sorry, I still don't get your point..
Are you saying that in Pakistan defeat means victory and victory also means victory?

You are to low-iq to understand anything.

Please reply to my whole post if you want to reply. Stop cutting my post and replying it in pieces every few minute. Post one message, idiot.
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