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More than 7,200 Indian Jews to immigrate to Israel

You are saying as if you have no riots in your country and your nation is the face of Peace in the world.THis is a imperfect world and we have problems, we Indians do not talk what happened, but we talk about why it happened and what can be made to avoide such situations. Thats the reason that we are prospering and we pray for Pakistans prospirity.

Nop, i haven't said this!!!

But admit it, it happens in your country also.
and has it happened again??
even brahmins were massacred when a brahmin killed mahatma gandhi but everyone lives in harmony now...
there wont be any rational debate with you unless you understand difference between state sponsored discrimination like you guys do with non-muslims and discrimination on individual level...I am very happy that discrimination on individual level is getting rare every day in india now....

Discrimination is discrimination doesn't matter who sponsored it.

while you guys are sure going to spend rest of your lives with blood bath on streets...

Actually this is your wish!!! :agree:
I wonder why these NorthEastern Indians are taken into Israel? Are they Jew? I believe it is agenda of Zionist Jews to enrich their genepool with various groups. so called Jewish DNA is traced in Syrian Christians. they don't care at all.
why only these people northeasterners? what will be their fate in Israel?
I wonder why these NorthEastern Indians are taken into Israel? Are they Jew? I believe it is agenda of Zionist Jews to enrich their genepool with various groups. so called Jewish DNA is traced in Syrian Christians. they don't care at all.
why only these people northeasterners? what will be their fate in Israel?

Its not a propaganda. It is happening from a long time. From around the world Jews are and have gone back to Israel from various countries. Even in India almost all of Jewish people from Kerela have gone back. And now it is from North east. As simple as that.
Yes i was talking about partition and we are glad also that it happened. :pakistan:

I have read the article. :)

Is there a time for this divine duty or whenever they feel unsafe they can give the excuse of aliyah and ran away. :D

Actually if you see, the whole strength of Indo-Israeli friendship is because of the fact that Jews were never persecuted only in ancient India when worldwide they were hunted down. Since you like to look at it from the communal periscope, be my guest. Ask the Israelis here about it in better detail or use google properly.

Aliyah is something they can do anytime.
Nop, i haven't said this!!!

But admit it, it happens in your country also.

Nothing more than what happens everywhere. Jewish people are some of the safest communities in India with nothing to worry about. You're just frustrated why jihadis don't get a free run desecrating our places around like how social jihadis in north European liberal countries get to do.

Sorry, freedom is there but only when local culture of land is respected. Jews and Zoroastrians are the only two communities who've actually lived upto that respect and yet retaining their identities despite staying on for centuries in our country. What discrimination cr@p are you talking about? Many Jewish communities in Maharashtra stay in the saffron right wing enclaves to avoid a Israel-palestine like issue for their safety. :what:
What a shame. They were not loyal citizens.

and the funny thing is, the indians here are excited about it....

let's see if the indian jews are treated better than the Ethiopian jews in israel were/are treated :rofl:

funny thing is, indians fume and riot when Christian missionaries operate in the country; but it appears that the foreign-funded and run Jewish groups in the country are exposing WHERE their loyalties really lie :)
and the funny thing is, the indians here are excited about it....

let's see if the indian jews are treated better than the Ethiopian jews in israel were/are treated :rofl:

funny thing is, indians fume and riot when Christian missionaries operate in the country; but it appears that the foreign-funded and run Jewish groups in the country are exposing WHERE their loyalties really lie :)

Cut your crap, when you have not read the complete story. But as usual, small part works better to troll. Their are 1,00,000 Jews living in India and these were waiting for official declaration. India is one of the most favoured nation for Jews after U.S..

As for Christians, 1 Incident a decade back ? :lol: Post something new, Tired of hearing same story daily. Last news i heard a 14 year old kid faced blasphemy law for a spelling error in pure land Pakistan couple of days back. Every day such things happen in your country. :wave:
Cut your crap, when you have not read the complete story. But as usual, small part works better to troll. Their are 1,00,000 Jews living in India and these were waiting for official declaration. India is one of the most favoured nation for Jews.

we had Jews in Pakistan too (mostly in Karachi) --pretty much all of them made the same migration. But they faced some discrimination. Whereas indians claim to be all secular and discrimination-free --even then they want to migrate.

when Muslims and many Sikh dissidents opted out from hindustan, they were villified. But when Jews opt out, indians give high-fives and become excited --thinking that this will ensure further cuddly relations with israel (may or may not).

the funny thing is, they will likely face discrimination there just because they are "cushan" :cheesy::toast_sign:

As for Christians, 1 Incident a decade back ? :lol: Post something new, Last news i heard a 14 year old kid faced blasphemy law for a spelling error in pure land Pakistan.

decade back? What about the mass bloodshed and destruction of Christian symbols and Churches just a few years back in Orissa?

as for blasphemy law --well i'm personally against it actually. It hasn't got any minorities killed though, nobody has been found guilty of it. And with media becoming ever so strong, i dont think implementing it would be possible due to possible backlash.

i guess the grass is always greener on the other side.......india could do with populations control :though people in israel are packed like sardines enjoy:
For the madarassa "educated" folks who don't know squat about Aliyah, learn about a simple tool called google. I sometimes wonder if reciting religious book is the only qualification needed to join the Pakistani Army.
wish that were the case with Ethiopia, as i mentioned in my last post

Ethiopian community hit hard by discrimination - Israel News, Ynetnews

lame attempt @ trolling.

Cultural mix: Jai Maharashtra in Israel | TopNews

and straight from the horse's mouth;

Never was a country like India that Jews could truly live without discrimination or persecution, ever.

India truly is one of a kind.

The reason these Indian Jews are immigrating to Israel is because of the same reason 5.5 million other Jews did it from all over the world, the love for Israel and the burning in your soul to make it stronger, more advanced and protect her.

And as all other Jews from the world, they will also bring with them their Indian traditions, so all the better.

I dont know why you pakistanis are getting so riled up at this news which just involves india and israel.....what has pakisstan got to do with this ?
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