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Indian-Origin Israeli Soldier, 20, Killed In Fighting In Gaza

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Hindu is a geographic term, nevermind what the world understands it as.

Everyone here in India is Hindu, even most of you are Hindu. (Arab term hai, embrace it.. no mazhab involved here)

The correct term is Dharmi, Buddhists and Sikhs are also Dharmis..

You are not a Dharmi

Jews, Xtians and Musalmans are from the Abrahamic fold.

Yeah I know all that

I was just answering that guy who thought we are celebrating death of this guy because we thought him to be hindu or dharmi as you say it
@WebMaster i understand my language may not be have the best choice of vocabulary but you are issuing me with warnings left right and Centre

Can you understand many are quite annoyed at the deaths of kids dying in Palestine and some here on this very forum are not banned for outright supporting it

And I am not the only one who has been issue warnings others have complained of the same

Can you calm down a bit with the warnings and I will try to tone down my language
May this courageous soul rest in peace.

Unlike the pakidiots commenting here, who just talk, this Indian went and fought against hamas terrorism.
May this courageous soul rest in peace.

Unlike the pakidiots commenting here, who just talk, this Indian went and fought against hamas terrorism.

If I had not been issued with warnings I would have given you a reply that you would remember
If I had not been issued with warnings I would have given you a reply that you would remember
He is flaming and people are falling for it.

Stupid guy @hatehs has created this thread with a misleading title and people are falling for the bait and showing bravado over the keyboard. Keep your anger intact for real threads and scenarios. Not for misleading threads like this.
Yeah I know all that

I was just answering that guy who thought we are celebrating death of this guy because we thought him to be hindu or dharmi as you say it

There's Ethiopian OG nibbas in the IDF too.. Jews come in many flavours.

Inka hai kuch scene, where all the Jews of the world can get, if they so wish, insta citijenship and move there. Look it up.
He was of Indian origin but an Israeli nationalist. RIP

Most people here talk like idiots.

They are sitting at the office and home, having good lives with their family, but advocating for the people of Palestine, Kashmir, and other parts of the world. They should fight and do armed struggle.

I believe they are living in false hope and not aware of history. Just being happy by doing LIP service and keyboard warriors
Wonder when Bollywood is going to release a movie about him
Wonder when Bollywood is going to release a movie about him
Name of the movie will be
Halel JEWHIAD featuring SHAH RUKH KHAN...
View attachment 967536View attachment 967537

There's Ethiopian OG nibbas in the IDF too.. Jews come in many flavours.

Inka hai kuch scene, where all the Jews of the world can get, if they so wish, insta citijenship and move there. Look it up.

Haan pata hai. Sarai aik hi jagah marain gai at end of times. Isi liye sub jamah hoye hain
May this courageous soul rest in peace.

Unlike the pakidiots commenting here, who just talk, this Indian went and fought against hamas terrorism.
Who cares whatever an endiot spill, rest in piss. One more terrorist sent to hell.
IDF is behind the times , they never have a real war since lebanon 1980 and it showed when hezbollah destroy their invasion in 2006. Now it is the Givate unit that acting like newbies in a real war against armed enemies. Even the Ukrainian forces are far beyond IDF in real combat capability and they still lost horribly against Russian superior military.

Here's excrept from Dreizin Report on the incredible complacency of IDF in gaza

  • As I wrote on October 8th, bulk of Israeli ground force is not combat-capable, is lucky to be facing only Hamas for now, not Hezbollah. If you hadn’t already seen the Hamas drone video still from two days ago, of 15+ Israeli soldiers chilling in a shallow sandpit, today we have Hamas video of a fragmentation grenade air-dropped on group of 25+ soldiers all chilling idle, out in the open, bunched up within a ~4.5 meter radius; it appears that at least 3 were killed or crippled, probably more wounded less severely. VERY lucky that the grenade only hit the edge of the group. Also, last night overnight (Tues-Weds), we got news of an ASTOUNDING 13 Israeli casualties (9 dead, 4 wounded) in **ONE** armored vehicle (from the first-echelon Givati brigade) hit by an antitank missile or possibly a tandem-blast RPG. Per the Ukraine war, WHICH HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 20 MONTHS: In an environment saturated with precision standoff tools to destroy your vehicles, the absolute MAXIMUM acceptable bodies in or on one vehicle (including driver) is 8, but ideally and more commonly 4-6. 13 is a total AMATEUR CLUSTERF*CK. It doesn’t matter what they’re doing, how bad the need to get on that vehicle, because it’s a deathtrap, it’s better they stayed put. In short… Disperse or die en masse. COMPLACENCY KILLS"
Is it a Paksiatni trait to not know the facts and not even try to seek for it?

I still see some people commenting and celebrating as if this was an Indian.

Hey, IDIOTS, he was an Israeli citizen and a Jew. NOT and INDIAN. OR a HINDU.

Thoda dimaag ka bhi istemaal kar lo, agar hai thoda saa?
Is it a Paksiatni trait to not know the facts and not even try to seek for it?

I still see some people commenting and celebrating as if this was an Indian.

Hey, IDIOTS, he was an Israeli citizen and a Jew. NOT and INDIAN. OR a HINDU.

Thoda dimaag ka bhi istemaal kar lo, agar hai thoda saa?
Fact Check: False ❌❌❌

My sources indicate he was a radical Hindu who sneakily converted to "Zudaism" and rushed to Ijrael where he subsequently perished.
My sources indicate he was a radical Hindu who sneakily converted to "Zudaism" and rushed to Ijrael where he subsequently perished.
Why don’t you also convert and join the Ijraaaaeli forces and then do a nuclear blast killing all the jewwwws?

Oh, I forgot! You might get loose motions just at the thought of a bullet being fired within 100 meters.

It’s only a keyboard where all your bravado comes out. Creating false threads, telling lies, spreading hate in virtual world. I am pretty sure that, in the real world you must be a sissy saying Yesss Saar to Indians and Jews every day.
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