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Indian-Origin Israeli Soldier, 20, Killed In Fighting In Gaza

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@waz is this language acceptable
Nothing abusive in my language. Raksha Bandhan has been identified as a festival where vile young males try to do terrible things with their sisters:
There were many other Raksha Bandhan stories that kept popping up on my wall but this particular article of DailyO, shared by India Today, one of India's leading media names, shared multiple times got me a little intrigued. After opening this article like any other curious reader (self confessed), I found that it has been written by some Sreemoyee Piu Kundu. What was even more crass was than the title was its url, which contained keywords like - raksha-bandhan-incest-relationships-brother-sister-having-sex-incest. (Mind you, I have not even read beyond the Facebook post, author name, title and the url along with the comments of several agitated readers below their Facebook post). All this definitely turned out to be a click-bait gimmick.

So I start going through the content, which turned out to be a collection of several instances of 'marriages between cousins' from the Indian society and as well as globally. The author also mentioned her 'mixed feelings' towards her cousin, who looked at her 'lustfully'. She also cited an example from Indian mythology on how Lord Brahma married his daughter Saraswati.
Nothing abusive in my language. Raksha Bandhan has been identified as a festival where vile young males try to do terrible things with their sisters:
A leftist cuck writes an article based on another click bait article and it's suddenly the truth of the world
Pakistan has one of the highest Cousin marriage Rate in the world I wouldn't throw those stones from glass houses

Raksha Bandhan has been identified as a festival where vile young males try to do terrible things with their sisters
Why should I care fking care scum I don't celebrate it don't you get the point in your thick skull 💀 I don't care about this festival
That you obviously hate

Nothing abusive in my language.
Yes calling me a rapist again and again is good language
A leftist cuck writes an article and it's suddenly the truth of the world
Pakistan has the highest Rate in the world I wouldn't throw those stones from glass houses
Is this the excuse you used to do the vile things you did on Raksha Bandhan?
Don't even try to come at me after all the vile things you did during the Raksha Bandhan incest festival. I feel sick replying to you.

First apologije for what you did to your siblings during Raksha Bandhan then I'll consider engaging with you. I feel uncomfortable engaging with you knowing the filthy things you did to them using that incest festival as a pretext and I'm worried you'll just do the same thing again during Holi.

@waz @The Eagle @SQ8
Is this language acceptable?

Is this the excuse you used to do the vile things you did on Raksha Bandhan?
What did I do pak scum I said it was a holiday?
What did I do?
Prove I did something

Don't you fking lie on the internet to make it the truth 5 yrs in the future
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What did I do pak scum I said it was a holiday
What did I do?
Prove I did something
If you didn't do something, you wouldn't be so defensive about it. But here you are shrieking and moaning like I butchered a cow or something - whatever you did on Raksha Bandhan must have been awful.
But here you are shrieking and moaning like I butchered a cow or something - whatever you did on Raksha Bandhan must have been awful.
Prove it you scum like I proved today what was written by you @Hiptullha on def hub
Prove I did something
I just can't take the hypocrisy of the mods

If you didn't do something, you wouldn't be so defensive about it.
What defensive aren't you defensive that you aren't multi ID @Hiptullha
Why shouldn't I try to make sense of your vile accusations and ethics
Aren't even replying to me on the other thread reply thier

All this definitely turned out to be a click-bait gimmick.

Your own article from 2014

Raksha Bandhan must have been awful.
Do you spend your entire time on Twitter hating hindus?
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Prove it you scum like I proved today what was written by you @Hiptullha on def hub
Prove I did something
I just can't take the hypocrisy of the mods

What defensive aren't you defensive that you aren't multi ID @Hiptullha
Aren't even replying to me on the other thread
Reply thier

Do you spend your entire time on Twitter hating hindus?
I love Hindus and love peace, I hate radicals who guzzle gobar and want people lynched for eating beef. Stop crying and apologize for what you did on Raksha Bandhan and then I'll reply to that thread.
apologize for what you did on Raksha Bandhan and then I'll reply to that thread.
Fk of radical don't lie in your own thread you stated you lie to make things true 5 years later don't take back your words

Is this like the part where saying "hello" Is a threat and hiptullha "thrashed" Me by calling me a derogatory slur for gay people and saying he doesn't want my "franndship"

apologize for what you did on Raksha Bandhan
What did I do radical write in clear detail since you are so knowledgeable?
Write evey slur and religious insult you can think of elaborate bcs I trully don't understand what you mean
Only a sick rotten man can jump to these conclusions from me saying it's a holiday

love Hindus and love peace
No you don't
I hate radicals
You are one
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If he had stayed back in India and joined the IA he'd have been a general....

Lesson: go back to your original countries and enjoy this life to the brim....
You are one
Ignore this monkey. Best medicine for such attention seekers.
He was a Jew and an Israeli citizen. India doesn’t have a policy of sending its citizens in personal capacity on mercenary missions.

I don’t think Israel allows such a thing. Moreover, that may have it’s own complications to deal with.
With mandatory military service for its citizens, they don’t need outsiders. For now.
Read up on Law of Return.

And something to consider.

Arab Gulf states need to deport Indians for partaking and supporting this genocide. This is really too much. Where is Indian condemnation?
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