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Indian-Origin Israeli Soldier, 20, Killed In Fighting In Gaza

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Why don’t you also convert and join the Ijraaaaeli forces and then do a nuclear blast killing all the jewwwws?

Oh, I forgot! You might get loose motions just at the thought of a bullet being fired within 100 meters.

It’s only a keyboard where all your bravado comes out. Creating false threads, telling lies, spreading hate in virtual world. I am pretty sure that, in the real world you must be a sissy saying Yesss Saar to Indians and Jews every day.
It's fooking @Hiptullha reborn making troll threads and constantly tagging me on vile imgs
Mods take no action on the graphic imgs used by this multi ID VPN user
A man strangling a black Indian is the best this fokr can use to infuriate me
And is saying bol om shanti BC
Cannot spare some feelings towards 40 people killed in tribal clashes

Mods even changed the title of thread by this nincompoop
Fact Check: False ❌❌❌

My sources indicate he was a radical Hindu who sneakily converted to "Zudaism" and rushed to Ijrael where he subsequently perished.
No, man. These is a tiny OG Jewish (barely) population centered mostly somewhere in Kerala and a few places, including Mumbai. They got their synagogues, old cemeteries etc too.. been here since forever, all through the British period etc.

They're not a proselytizing faith anyway, only by marriage do people convert or something too.. nobody can convert one day and become a Jew, and neither can you, Abrahamic little brother.
It's fooking @Hiptullha reborn making troll threads and constantly tagging me on vile imgs
Don’t know about his other ID’s but he definitely is an idiot with a good fan base of equally nincompoops, who post comments without checking even a shred of facts.

A good example is this thread, where this idiot has made comments against Hindus and Indians and other idiots have jumped in to support him, without checking anything.
Don’t know about his other ID’s but he definitely is an idiot with a good fan base of equally nincompoops, who post comments without checking even a shred of facts.

A good example is this thread, where this idiot has made comments against Hindus and Indians and other idiots have jumped in to support him, without checking anything.
The mods had to change the title
Why don’t you also convert and join the Ijraaaaeli forces and then do a nuclear blast killing all the jewwwws?
I don't want to kill "Zews" the same way radical Chindoos "orgajm" seeing dead Palestinian babies...so no, I'll stay in Canada and advocate for peace and an end to bloodshed.

. I am pretty sure that, in the real world you must be a sissy saying Yesss Saar to Indians and Jews every day.
Incredible pajeet fantasy. FYI the only Bharatis here are Tim Hortons clerks and Walmart shelf stackers who came here via fraud.

No, man. These is a tiny OG Jewish (barely) population centered mostly somewhere in Kerala and a few places, including Mumbai. They got their synagogues, old cemeteries etc too.. been here since forever, all through the British period etc.

They're not a proselytizing faith anyway, only by marriage do people convert or something too.. nobody can convert one day and become a Jew, and neither can you, Abrahamic little brother.
I've spoken with MULTIPLE RELIABLE sources and they have confirmed otherwise. Over for pajeetcels.
I don't want to kill "Zews" the same way radical Chindoos "orgajm" seeing dead Palestinian babies...so no, I'll stay in Canada and advocate for peace and an end to bloodshed.

Incredible pajeet fantasy. FYI the only Bharatis here are Tim Hortons clerks and Walmart shelf stackers who came here via fraud.
Why don't you respond to this thread
And "prowe" You are not @Hiptullha
It's fooking @Hiptullha reborn making troll threads and constantly tagging me on vile imgs
Mods take no action on the graphic imgs used by this multi ID VPN user
A man strangling a black Indian is the best this fokr can use to infuriate me
And is saying bol om shanti BC
Cannot spare some feelings towards 40 people killed in tribal clashes

Mods even changed the title of thread by this nincompoop
Don't even try to come at me after all the vile things you did during the Raksha Bandhan incest festival. I feel sick replying to you.
Mods probably allow such idiots, because you have to have such specimens around to understand the value of sane people.

This nut case @hatehs, is true face of how Islam has been distorted and made to propagate hatred in the name of religion. Guys like this make illiterate people go and blow themselves up and kill others, while this idiot is sitting comfy somewhere in Canada.
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Pakistanis are having a party.
Mods probably allow such idiots, because you have to have such specimens around to understand the value of sane people.

This nut case is true face of, how Islam has been distorted and made to propagate hatred in the name of religion. Guys like this make illustrate people go and blow themselves up and kill others, while this idiot is sitting comfy somewhere in Canada.
This guy just told me to nuke "Zews" and somehow I'm the guy inciting "wiolence". No self-avareness from these radical scum!
Don't even try to come at me after all the vile things you did during the Raksha Bandhan incest festival. I feel sick replying to you.
What @Hiptullha did not see your vile msgs
How much do you hate gays
I know it's in your religion but have some shame ****
Vile things "raksha bandhan"
You are disgusting
What @Hiptullha did not see your vile msgs
How much do you hate gays
I know it's in your religion but have some shame ****
Vile things "raksha bandhan"
You are disgusting
First apologije for what you did to your siblings during Raksha Bandhan then I'll consider engaging with you. I feel uncomfortable engaging with you knowing the filthy things you did to them using that incest festival as a pretext and I'm worried you'll just do the same thing again during Holi.
Mods probably allow such idiots, because you have to have such specimens around to understand the value of sane people.

This nut case @hatehs, is true face of how Islam has been distorted and made to propagate hatred in the name of religion. Guys like this make illustrate people go and blow themselves up and kill others, while this idiot is sitting comfy somewhere in Canada.

Mods don't care a fkr can spam rape threads and I make a single one and I am on warnings
The fk lies and tags me makes muti ids.
Is a disgusting radical bigot liar and user of fake ids spreads religious hate and nobody cares

First apologije for what you did to your siblings during Raksha Bandhan then I'll consider engaging with you. I feel uncomfortable engaging with you knowing the filthy things you did to them using that incest festival as a pretext and I'm worried you'll just do the same thing again during Holi.
Look at this disgusting fk spread more fake news here **** no one outside PDF cares who you are

First apologije for what you did to your siblings during Raksha Bandhan then I'll consider engaging with you. I feel uncomfortable engaging with you knowing the filthy things you did to them using that incest festival as a pretext and I'm worried you'll just do the same thing again during Holi.
@waz is this language acceptable
View attachment 967568

Mods don't care a fkr can spam rape threads and I make a single one and I am on warnings
The fk lies and tags me makes muti ids.
Is a disgusting radical bigot liar and user of fake ids spreads religious hate and nobody cares

Look at this disgusting fk spread more fake news here **** no one outside PDF cares who you are
Pajeet crying because he got warnings on an online internet forum LMAO
Pajeet crying because he got warnings on an online internet forum LMAO
I can't make multi IDs like you

I have no siblings you dm fk radical scum
Is this the best you can do now?
Where's your fire @Hiptullha ?
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