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More than 7,200 Indian Jews to immigrate to Israel

we had Jews in Pakistan too (mostly in Karachi) --pretty much all of them made the same migration. But they faced some discrimination. Whereas indians claim to be all secular and discrimination-free --even then they want to migrate.

when Muslims and many Sikh dissidents opted out from hindustan, they were villified. But when Jews opt out, indians give high-fives and become excited --thinking that this will ensure further cuddly relations with israel (may or may not).

the funny thing is, they will likely face discrimination there just because they are "cushan" :cheesy::toast_sign:

Half of the Jews came to India from Muslim worlds because Muslims were/are anti-Jews. As for India, As i said earlier Jews are one of the most favoured people. Still, Every year around 10,000's of Jews/Israeli people come for tourist purpose.

They are migrating because earlier they had no homeland. They are lost tribal but lived in India due to favoured nation and nowhere to go. Now, When Israel is there and Government is helping so going back. But there are hundred thousand Jews living in India. I have never heard a single incident in my whole life. Why will be any problem when We like Jews ? Jews are living in India for last 2500 years.

The Cochin Jews arrived in India 2,500 years ago and settled down in Kerala as traders.
The Bene Israel arrived in the state of Maharashtra 2,100 years ago.

History of the Jews in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't talk about Jews when you have 0 knowledge about them.

decade back? What about the mass bloodshed and destruction of Christian symbols and Churches just a few years back in Orissa?

as for blasphemy law --well i'm personally against it actually. It hasn't got any minorities killed though, nobody has been found guilty of it. And with media becoming ever so strong, i dont think implementing it would be possible due to possible backlash.

i guess the grass is always greener on the other side.......india could do with populations control :though people in israel are packed like sardines enjoy:

Tell me one country, Where 0 incident happened in 50 years ??? Do you even know why that incident happened ? They were all Hindus Tribals who converted into Christianity and it was tension between Hindus themselves. 1 day older Hindus and Hindus. There were few people died. The culprit Dara singh got death penalty. How many incident happened in last 50 years ? very few in vast country. Christians have same population like 1947 indeed increased by 1%. A Person from Christians community can become Defence Minister of India and CM of 2-3 states when population is only 2%. Can it happen in Pakistan?. So, Yes, We are secular in true sense and we don't need any certificate from anyone that also Pakistan. May be we are still not perfect but still good enough in large country with 29 states, 30+ Ethnic groups, 7 religions, 25+ Languages, 7 neighbours.

If we are in good position then you should been in best position due to very less problem from 1947 onwards but that is not the case and situation is worst.
we had Jews in Pakistan too (mostly in Karachi) --pretty much all of them made the same migration. But they faced some discrimination. Whereas indians claim to be all secular and discrimination-free --even then they want to migrate.

when Muslims and many Sikh dissidents opted out from hindustan, they were villified. But when Jews opt out, indians give high-fives and become excited --thinking that this will ensure further cuddly relations with israel (may or may not).

Jews migrate from India mostly for economic reasons, just like some do to the west. It is just that they get a free pass to Israel. Nobody cares whether the relationship between Israel & India will improve because of this, the relations do fine & they are not restricted to Jews alone.

Your analogy about Sikh "dissidents" & even muslims is misplaced. The jews leaving India don't oppose the idea of India, they hold fond memories (almost unique among jewish experiences)
Half of the Jews came to India from Muslim worlds because Muslims were/are anti-Jews.

factually incorrect......even during the holocaust, many Jews fled to Iran and were treated well there (while being villified in the eastern european countries where many of them lived)

even today, Muslim countries like Iran, Syria, Turkiye etc. have Jewish populations

As for India, As i said earlier Jews are one of the most favoured people. Still, Every year around 10,000's of Jews/Israeli people come for tourist purpose.

funny thing is, "Jew" isn't even a nationality.....

They are migrating because earlier they had no homeland. They are lost tribal but lived in India due to favoured nation and nowhere to go.

i'd love to see a picture of some of them :)

my gut feeling tells me that they look more indian rather than east european or even mediterranean (the way some Ashkenazis or Sephardics would look)

Don't talk about Jews when you have 0 knowledge about them.

i have as many Muslim friends as I do Jewish friends here in the US.....people i trust, eat lunch with, go out on a Friday night with, etc.

as for knowledge, well there's always room to learn.

Christians have same population like 1947 indeed increased by 1%. A Person from Christians community can become Defence Minister of India and CM of 2-3 states when population is only 2%. Can it happen in Pakistan?

a person from Christian community can become a renowned educator and philanthropist (like Anthony Theodore Lobo), a celebrated PAF Squadron Leader (like Peter Christy) or respected High Court Judges (like Jamshaid Rehmatullah)......not saying there are no communal issues in Pakistan though, but i'm just answering your question.
Jews migrate from India mostly for economic reasons, just like some do to the west. It is just that they get a free pass to Israel. Nobody cares whether the relationship between Israel & India will improve because of this, the relations do fine & they are not restricted to Jews alone.

Your analogy about Sikh "dissidents" & even muslims is misplaced. The jews leaving India don't oppose the idea of India, they hold fond memories (almost unique among jewish experiences)

Indias Jews

There's no question that India's secularism is under strain. Militant Hinduism remains as much a potent force as extremist Islam. The ongoing bloodletting in Kashmir is an open sore, and the periodic spasms of communal violence in Gujarat, combined with memories of the Mumbai bombings of 2006, have led to undeniable tensions. Just have a chat sometime with a Kashmiri Pandit--a Hindu displaced from that war-torn region--and you will know what I mean.

Yet this country of 1 billion largely impoverished people, home of the second-largest Muslim population in the world, still manages to maintain a sturdy system of democracy based on respect for religious and ethnic diversity. In the U.S., diversity is a politically correct slogan. In India it is a historical fact. Much as we in the West may resent it, India has a lot to teach us when it comes to religious tolerance.

To my mind, the best example of that can be found in the remarkable story of a tiny minority--India's Jewish community. India may be the only country in the world that has been free of anti-Semitic prejudice throughout its history. As the Jewish genealogical journal Avotaynu recently observed in an article on one Indian Jewish group, "The Bene Israel flourished for 2,400 years in a tolerant land that has never known anti-Semitism, and were successful in all aspects of the socio-economic and cultural life of the people of the region."

That's really a bit astonishing, if not ridiculous, when you think about it. Compare that with any Western nation, be it France or Russia or even the U.S., where discrimination against Jews in housing was a fact of life as recently as the 1950s. But in "backward" India, from the beginning, the Jewish communities have not only been free of discrimination but have dominated the commercial life of every place where they have settled--something that has fed traditional European anti-Semitism.

Why has India remained free of this scourge? Various reasons have been advanced for that--such as, the Hindu religion does not seek to convert those from other faiths. What we do know is that anti-Semitism seems alien to the Indian character. And if you don't believe me, I suggest you take a trip to a southern Indian town called Kochi, in the state of Kerala. There you can find the physical evidence of this glaring historical anomaly.

Kochi, formerly called Cochin, is a former European settlement with a large Christian population and a seafaring heritage. It is a town of enormous charm that reminds some visitors of the Caribbean more than India. On a shabby lane in Kochi you can find a complex of four 439-year-old buildings--the Paradesi Synagogue.

There you have Exhibit A for India's tradition of secularism and day-to-day tolerance of religious diversity: the fact that this synagogue exists at all.

Kochi's Jews trace their descent back to 700 B.C., and lived in harmony with their Muslim and Hindu neighbors until--well, I guess I’ll have to backtrack a bit on my claim that there was never anti-Semitism in India. There was quite a bit in the 16th century.

Kochi's Jews were indeed persecuted--not by Indians but by the Portuguese, following in the glorious traditions of the Inquisition. With the help of the Hindu maharaja and the Dutch, Kochi's Jewish community rebuilt its synagogue, burned by the Portuguese, in its current location near his maharajah's palace. It has remained there, unmolested, ever since.

The Jews of Kochi are largely gone now, mostly emigrated to Israel, but it remains a very Jewish landmark in a very non-Jewish country. The synagogue, at least when I last visited it, had none of the heavy security that is common in large New York City synagogues. A short distance away is a Jewish cemetery, and again the distinction is in what you don't see--there's none of the overturned headstones and vandalism that have been sadly common in Jewish cemeteries in the U.S. Yes, even in Brooklyn.

It's pretty much the same story elsewhere in India. Separate Jewish communities were established over the years in Mumbai, where the Bene Israel arrived over 2,000 years ago, and in Kolkata, where a more recent community of Middle Eastern "Baghdadi" Jews became established. In the northeast of India is the Bnai Menashe, who trace their origins to the Israelite tribe of Menasseh.

The Indian Jewish community has never been very large, with the Bene Israel numbering just 35,000 at its peak in the 1950s. Yet Indian Jews have achieved distinction far beyond their numbers. A great many chose to make a career in the military under the Raj (British rule that ended with independence 60 years ago this week)--a phenomenon that, believe me, is certainly foreign to the Eastern European Jewish experience.

Indeed, the most well-known Indian Jew is an eminent soldier: Lt. Gen. J.F.R. Jacob, who commanded Indian forces in the invasion of East Pakistan in 1971. Other Indian Jews achieved distinction in Bollywood, such as the pioneering actress Sulochana, queen of the Indian silent movies. It would probably surprise most Seinfeld fans to learn that Brian George, who played the sad-sack Pakistani restaurant owner Babu Bhatt, is an Israeli of Indian descent.

To be sure, the small size of the Jewish community has meant that the Jews of India never rose to become a political force. As a community it has never exerted any influence on Indian politics, and certainly not on the rabidly anti-Israel foreign policy that has marked much of India's modern history. In other countries, the absence of Jewish communal influence--or even the absence of Jews--has not prevented rulers from using Jews as scapegoats. Poland of the late 1960s, the era of "anti-Semitism without Jews," is a good example.

All this has a way of mystifying Indians. I've always had difficulty with Indians when we've discussed anti-Semitism. They don't understand it, and to tell you the truth, I've had difficulty explaining it myself.

Indians are sometimes accused of being condescending toward Westerners, and of being excessively preachy in their attitude toward other nations. That accusation is sometimes correct. But when it comes to India's treatment of one of its smallest and most vulnerable minorities, there is ample reason to be both condescending--and proud.
we had Jews in Pakistan too (mostly in Karachi) --pretty much all of them made the same migration. But they faced some discrimination. Whereas indians claim to be all secular and discrimination-free --even then they want to migrate.
Sure, Jews migrate. The best indication of discrimination, imo, is whether any migrate back. India, the U.S., Britain - these are all countries where Jews may migrate to Israel but also where Jews may immigrate from Israel. However, in a country like Pakistan it is currently unthinkable that there will ever be a return- or counter-flow. As far as I'm aware, there are very few Pakistani Jews left, all of whom rely for protection on the fact that they work for the government and do not meet as an organized religious community for any reason whatsoever. Jews, Pakistani or foreign, who don't serve the government seem to be fair game - kidnapped to be sold as jihadi meat. If Pakistanis don't like these impressions, they are going to have to work hard to change them.

As for whether Hindus are inherently hostile to Jews, this I don't know, but Gandhi did not make a good impression on me when I learned he recommended that Europe's Jews kill themselves to prove their moral superiority over the Nazis.

as for blasphemy law --well i'm personally against it actually.
What you say personally and privately doesn't matter. What you are willing to advocate publicly does.

It hasn't got any minorities killed though, nobody has been found guilty of it.
Come on. People aren't "found guilty" because extra-judicial killings of blasphemers are accepted; the accused don't make it to trial. And because of this, it is an effective weapon of terror to all, non-Muslim and Muslim.
As for whether Hindus are inherently hostile to Jews, this I don't know, but Gandhi did not make a good impression on me when I learned he recommended that Europe's Jews kill themselves to prove their moral superiority over the Nazis.

You have to understand the context in which Gandhi said those words ---

He while being a great and larger-than-life leader wished to implement his "gandhian principles " everywhere , even in situations eg. Nazi Germany where it wouldn't work .

A quote from Gandhi ---
"Jews must insist upon non-discrimination and equality wherever they lived, he said: they should fight the Nazis by insisting on practising their faith freely, as equal citizens: “If I were a Jew and were born in Germany,” he said, “I would claim Germany as my home even as the tallest gentile German may, and challenge him to shoot me or cast me in the dungeon; I would refuse to be expelled or to submit to discriminating treatment.”

while many researchers and proponents of pan-zionism have been of the opinion that by advocating "non-resistance" and "non-violence" Gandhi had in fact proposed nothing new . He was in fact advocating the same principles which jews had been pursuing for decades which ultimately culminated in the Catastrophic event of the Holocaust.

However we must understand that non-violence had worked with "relatively genteel" occupiers like the British , which led Gandhi to presume to be arrogant about its effectiveness in dealing with Hitler and the Axis dictatorships. Historians debate about the effectiveness of non-violence but there is a general consensus that it would be useless in the face of a psycopath like Hitler. This was the fact which Gandhi either wasn't very well informed about or chose to ignore apropos his ego.

Other than that if you require another "great" Indian leader advocating Israel right of creation , the right of jews to have a homeland per se , then you need to look no further than Jawaharlal Nehru .

India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru supported the creation of Israel.[18] Although India did not subscribe to the Partitioning of Palestine plan of 1947 and voted against Israel's admission in the United Nations in 1949, it did recognize Israel as a nation in 1950.[19]

Various Hindu nationalist organizations, led by the Sangh Parivar, supported the Jewish cause and the creation of Israel.[20] Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, founder of Hindutva, supported Israel when it was created and viewed its creation as "joyous" and condemned India's vote at the UN against Israel

Finally coming back to the question of Jewish acceptance in Indian society i.e whether Hindus were inherently discriminatory to Jews ...the opinions of two individuals no matter their standing in History and their few statements , reflect very little of historical Indian attitudes towards Jewish culture and practices. For that we must go to the History of Judaism in India which dates back to 2500 years and look for evidences of anti-semitism .

History of the Jews in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its a matter of immense pride that there isn't mention of a single incident , in all of recorded history.
As for whether Hindus are inherently hostile to Jews, this I don't know, but Gandhi did not make a good impression on me when I learned he recommended that Europe's Jews kill themselves to prove their moral superiority over the Nazis.

Gandhi was the worst anti-Hindu against all the mainstream Hindus if you didn't know. His appeasement policies were despised by our eastern kingdom before we re-merged with modern India.

Trust me, the man has only been "father of nation" because escapist weaklings and shrewd Congress party made him so. No one except a few brainwashed leftists respects him anymore. The modern generation is coming out of the propaganda of Congress party and is now realizing the darkness Gandhi was.

Gandhi is the LAST figure you should associate mainstream Hindus and even us Buddhists with (just in case). The man ruined our Buddhist concept of Ahimsa into spinelessness and caused more bloodshed than all his ramblings of so-called non-violence. This man denounced national heros and promoted communal terrorism even then, causing partition.
factually incorrect......even during the holocaust, many Jews fled to Iran and were treated well there (while being villified in the eastern european countries where many of them lived)

This was pre revolution Iran. When true Islamic government comes, Jews are always despised. I don't think Assad is more religious in terms of governance and more to do with a militarist dictatorship kind of government. The simple reason why Israel is hated even in far flung places like Brunei is testimony to the fact that Muslims hate Jews (apart from other non-Muslims of course).

even today, Muslim countries like Iran, Syria, Turkiye etc. have Jewish populations

Israel has Arabs living too.

unny thing is, "Jew" isn't even a nationality.....

Neither is Muslim on the basis of which they go claiming separate countries all over the world in non-Muslim countries like Russia (Chechnya) and us (you know).

i'd love to see a picture of some of them :)

my gut feeling tells me that they look more indian rather than east european or even mediterranean (the way some Ashkenazis or Sephardics would look)

They're Jewish. If you didn't know, Jews migrated and mingled with many races and groups around the world. Even Israel is multi-colored.

i have as many Muslim friends as I do Jewish friends here in the US.....people i trust, eat lunch with, go out on a Friday night with, etc.

Individual examples don't account for the en masse hatred shown country wise.

a person from Christian community can become a renowned educator and philanthropist (like Anthony Theodore Lobo), a celebrated PAF Squadron Leader (like Peter Christy) or respected High Court Judges (like Jamshaid Rehmatullah)......not saying there are no communal issues in Pakistan though, but i'm just answering your question.

Wikipedia? Really? :confused:

No.. personal experiences and the sources BELOW Wiki. I think that ought to iron out your fantasized Arabist thinking.
@ Soloman

well -- it appears that there is a number of israeli jews (most of them indigenous to eastern europe, with no ties whatsoever to the middle east or Jerusalem itself) are migrating back to those eastern european countries --because they are scared of threats from Iran

go figure......so yes, maybe re-migration isn't such a bad thing after all
@ Soloman

well -- it appears that there is a number of israeli jews (most of them indigenous to eastern europe, with no ties whatsoever to the middle east or Jerusalem itself) are migrating back to those eastern european countries --because they are scared of threats from Iran

go figure......so yes, maybe re-migration isn't such a bad thing after all

Record numbers of Israelis are re applying to get their passports to europe back. Instead of fighting Zionism and living in peace with all mankind - they are jumping ship. Very sad they have limited backbone. Speak up now coz soon their will be no one to speak up. Peace with everyone in the middle east is in the best interest for all.
Jews Must have to gather here in one place (Israel).. as they all have to be erased from earth by Hazrat Essa (A.S).
I just now have seen some of the images of these tribes.none of them look like a person from middle east.Everyone among them is a mongoloid.it means these people were converted to judaism
at end of day Israel will never be short of jewish people because they will source them from outside to continue jewish tradition in Israel
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