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Can Pakistan and Israel be friends??

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They were living with other countries all the time. But they were killed in massive numbers. They wanted to save them selves and their religion so the demand for a separate country arisen. The same case like us.
There are more than 2000 Jews in Pakistan and what our moderate mullahs doing with them?? Don't you know or you don't want to accept the truth??

Never saw a guy more messed up and ignorant of history than you .
Dear all those killings were designed by some high end ashkenzai jews who were among best friend of hitlers so that land which they call Holy of the holies "Israel" can be confiscated just to shelter 'Poor,homeless jews"... That was a joke much bigger in magnitude and implications as compare to Bush WMD's of Iraq and creation of al-qaida by CIA to pursue the jewish american agenda of one world. Had their been no alqaida wouldnt world be more peaceful today as there wouldnt have been any reason for US to drag his *** in middle east and afghanistan and africa and the list goes on .

Jews enjoyed the highest possible respect in both US and europeans societies for past 1000 years and there are countless proof of that . Just watch this video to open up your mind . At 3 min 32 sec just read the letter written by british foreign minsiter in 1917 to an ashkenzai jew who wasnt a public figure or some govt office holder but still he is being addressed as Dear Lord Rothschild if you can just dig whoz this asshole Rothschild you will learn how to break free from this web of misinformation and propaganda.

This is a an official israeli video.

Holocaust was all staged to get the land of Israel through the same 1) create a problem 2)Tell world how serious that problem is and how badly Some people who loves humanity and are against blood shed wants to solve it with JUSTICE 3) find a solution that address all the concerns of those few very HUMANE people fullfilling all their desires ..
Dear just answer me. Had their been no holocaust would their be a state by the name of israel? Who got benefit from killing millions of jews ? Last Question christians killed million of jews but why Isreal is against muslims today while on the other hand jews are on very good terms with those killer christians ?

@Solomon2 @500 @JewishUSAWoman
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Relations ... OK; Trade ... OK; but will never be the friends.
No nope. Israel India Husbandu Waifu. Get your own husband @pakistaan
No nope. Israel India Husbandu Waifu. Get your own husband @pakistaan


This thread is attracting loonies. Now we have people denying holocaust. I wonder what would they think if their own family members had to go through the same horror?
I think Israels can't speak for themselves or they are not Here. Servents serving well but desi taste still coming in.
Only when Israel and Saudi Arabia make a peace deal will Pakistan follow suit.
Dear just answer me. Had their been no holocaust would their be a state by the name of israel?
Of course there would be. And much stronger than today. In fact by the beginning of WW2 there was already de facto existing state of Israel.

Who got benefit from killing millions of jews ?
This killing was quite irrational thing.
Last Question christians killed million of jews but why Isreal is against muslims today while on the other hand jews are on very good terms with those killer christians ?
Israel is not "against Muslims". 20% of Israeli population are Muslims and they are fine.

Israel has much much better relationships with Muslim Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan than Christian Venezuela and Bolivia. Its matter of politics, not religion.
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This thread is attracting loonies. Now we have people denying holocaust. I wonder what would they think if their own family members had to go through the same horror?

it's really embarrassing that some people around here still subscribe to some of these batshit insane conspiracy theories. Thankfully though, there seem to be many more rational thinkers here then not.
Israel is not "against Muslims". 20% of Israeli population are Muslims and they are fine.

JERUSALEM — An Israeli court on Tuesday backed an Israeli government policy of allowing Christians from the Gaza Strip to pray at Israeli and West Bank holy sites, and denying the enclave’s Muslims the same right.

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal lodged by six Gaza Muslims and Israeli non-governmental organisation Gisha to challenge a ruling of the Beersheba District Court, which refused to intervene against the policy.

The six women were prevented from going to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third-holiest site in east Jerusalem, to pray during a Muslim festival.

They denounced the policy as discrimination in favour of Gaza’s 3,000 Christians and against around 1.6 million Muslims in the coastal enclave.

Christians, but not Muslims, can pray in Israel holy sites: court | The Raw Story

Rights of 1.6 million muslims are inferior to 3000 christions . It very vividly reflects the respect State of Israel offers to Muslims.

Deported from Israel for being a Muslim who visited Pakistan.

Purpose: To visit Jerusalem and everything within it which ‘drives men mad.’

I had spent months preparing for my trip to the country with the primary aim of visiting Jerusalem and seeing the great historical landmarks such as the Al Aqsa mosque and Wailing Wall. I had purchased clothes appropriate for the sweltering heat of the Middle East, booked my flight well in advance and converted almost all of my remaining savings to Israeli Shekels in an almost hyperactive state of eagerness. It was in this mood that I reached Ben Gurion airport on the morning of the 24th of June.

The early warning signs should have been clear at passport control when the woman there rifled through my passport, asked “You’ve been to Pakistan?” and quickly sifted me through to the interrogation room where everyone incidentally was either Arab or Muslim. My fears of racial and religious discrimination, instead of being proven overblown and hyped up as I had hoped, were quickly justified.

Deported from Israel for being a Muslim who visited Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog
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