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Is Bangladesh going for JF-17?

BAF has no intention to buy JF-17. It intends to purchase one squadron of j-10B from China. However, China may not be able to deliver these within the next few years. So, in order to fulfill its present requirement, it has decided to buy one sq. of F-7BG and upgrade its present two sq of F-7MB to BG grade.

BAF is doing this as an interim measure and its ultimate aim is to buy one or two sq. of j-10B. In total, BAF wants to maintain a fleet of 9 sq. or 144 plaes including its training aircrafts that can also be used as light fighters and ground attack. The fleet will consist of the following:

The contract to supply a new F-7BG squadron has already been signed and deliveries are expected this year or early next year. Also, BAF will receive one sq. of MiG-29SMTs
and the existing MiG-29s will be upgraded to SMT standard.

BAFs new combat fleet will be primarily composed of 3 x sq of F-7BGs for interception and ground attack, 2 x sq of MiG-29 for air defence and 2 x sq of J-10B multirole fighters.

All BAF combat aircrafts will be able to deliver laser guided munitions of Chinese and Russian origin.

J-10 "B"s wont be sold to any other country... Also its kind of a JV with PAF eng,pilot working on the J-10B-FC-20 project.
I think in the present situation, ANY sale is good for both the nations, especially Pakistan. Currently, to capture market segment CAC and PAC will go to any extent to promote jets. Let's see; FC-1 has come to perform in many air shows. It has actively been promoted by Pakistani air force personnel in Paris.

So it doesn't matter which country buys it right now, as long as there is money exchange. Whether it is BD, Burma, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Iran, Azerbaijan, Albania or North Korea, I don't think Chinese will mind the sales as long as it generates good revenues for them.

A solid sale of say, 60 FC-1s to Bangladesh with another 40 as options (to replace the aging BAF jets) would really boost China's image.

Mate, Su-30 of MK series are even more expensive to maintain and operate since they are long range fighters capable of going mroe than 5,000 Km without refueling. Don't think you'd need such an expensive jet if you think MiG-29s are expensive.

I think TOT is usually done when there is a large order placed. Personally speaking I think it depends on how many jets BD will order. Considering JF-17's base price is around $15 million, I think 50-60 can easily be ordered by BAF. It is a good option considering that Burmese air force has a Russian weapon system much more newer (with latest MiG-29 SMT variants) upgraded version. FC-1 would be a surprise option.

I wasnt talking about the su 30MKI series. Plus Bd wont order MK series cos it is partially by india
what are BD's threat perceptions? why would it need to upgrade its airforce when ti has good relatiosn with India and doesnt have any other natural enemy in vicinity?

Well bangladesh's main threat is her neighbours who have strong militaries compared to us. Although we enjoy good relations, we still want deterrence to prevent any invasion. Bangladesh fought a border skirmish with india in 2001 and had a military stand off against myanmar in 2008. So yeah, we want to stay alert and prevent any deterrence
Healthy discussion going on in a sister forum about JF-17 in BAF :)
Their F-7BG was supposed to be BVR capable by 2010. Whether that happened or not I am not sure, but the JF-17 would provide them very robust MR capability which they have not had even with their Fulcrums.

I think with Nigerian F7's the plane came from China and the radarset from Kamra. BD is not opting for production cause it has no infrastructure. The want to do the same as PAC but there is lot of time and investment needed and I doubt they get the same level. If they cannot fly Mig29 (two rd33) they are not going to have lots of resources to buy more then one or two squadrons of JF17. But one part Pakistan is needed. If they want integration of western weapons like the MAR then they will have to go to PAC to get it.

MAR is an ARM which is patently used for SEAD/DEAD roles. I do not think the BAF have any such desire to integrate this strictly offensive capability which would generate unwanted attention for her neighbours (not that they cannot have this capability in the future if they feel the need for it, but I think given their current situation, they probably do not have a requirement for such capability). I do agree that the JF-7, in whatever configuration, would be a good fit for the BAF.

About the f7BG. Chinese have probably no BVR radarset ready for them. And we all can discuss about how far the BG/PG are effective BVR platforms.

SSaad bhai sahab, you are probably right on MAR but option like Brazilian AAM (MEctron MAA-1 Piranha 1 or 2) or even the A Darter for highly agile short range. Chine will surely provide all Chinese alternatives for a good price but it cannot add western options. As far as I know there is even a bigger limit. BD is not rich country. So it will try to get the JF17 on loans or other deals. The China has set a limit that only Chinese options are sold for JF17. So the BD has then to knock on PAF doors to get more or alternatives.

I do not want to say that Chine offers inferior. I do not think so cause Chine is improving a that speed we should not even think about it. The J20 is an example of that. We talked about F16A alternative in the form of JF17. We have seen J10 being seen as less then block 52. Now we see J20 as another level not expected. So China can deliver... But as a country you might want other parts for other reasons. I, as China, would not be extremely happy to sell SD10 to BD cause BD is extremely friendly to India these days... Would you risk it? So BD would maybe search for western alternative to be added which cannot be done in China cause no western producer want to risk that copy effects.
And that may not be the case even if regime changes. People in opposition always oppose but are more liberal and rational when in power. Wait and watch. Also what are the chances for Awami League to come back to power ?

Judging by the current situation, they wont be elected back into power next election. Unless BNP s*ews up or AL does a wonderful miracle to the country
Judging by the current situation, they wont be elected back into power next election. Unless BNP s*ews up or AL does a wonderful miracle to the country

If you take a poll of Indian members here there is a 99% chance that BJP will come back to power, but who knows?

Also whats the guarantee that BNP will not try to have good relations with India. Indo-Israel relationship flourished under BJP regime. When the Govt changed, Congress came to power with the help of Communists who are militantly pro-Palestine and ant-Israel. Many predicted that India's relationship with Israel is gonna fail. Actually communists said that they will cut Indo-Israel contact but nothing happened. Indo-Israel relationship is one of the strongest inter-national relationship in the world.
If you take a poll of Indian members here there is a 99% chance that BJP will come back to power, but who knows?

Also whats the guarantee that BNP will not try to have good relations with India. Indo-Israel relationship flourished under BJP regime. When the Govt changed, Congress came to power with the help of Communists who are militantly pro-Palestine and ant-Israel. Many predicted that India's relationship with Israel is gonna fail. Actually communists said that they will cut Indo-Israel contact but nothing happened. Indo-Israel relationship is one of the strongest inter-national relationship in the world.

People are unhappy wth AL thats for sure. Most of their election pledges are unfullfilled, and I dont see any remote possibility of completing 1/2 of their agenda. They are too slow and too incompetent as most experienced people are sidelined by Hasina.

India should get the transit in this AL term if they really crave for it. BNP will honor it, after coming to power. BD never back off from its international commitment.
5 Pages already......Great going people! :tup:
what are BD's threat perceptions? why would it need to upgrade its airforce when ti has good relatiosn with India and doesnt have any other natural enemy in vicinity?

It's not simply a matter of Bangladesh vs. India or Bangladesh vs. Myanmar. The region around which we are surrounded by isn't exactly stable. And not only that, there is a lot of political infighting in Bangladesh.

So, if any crisis reaches at some point, the Military of Bangladesh must be able to deal with any threat that comes then and after. And in case of a Sino-Indo war, we must be able to make sure that no foreign unit can use Bangladesh's territory or airspace. We don't want any of that conflict to spill over our territory.

Also, Bangladesh has naval interests in the Bay of Bengal in which some parts are assumed to be rich in oil. So, it must be able to secure them, especially from Myanmar.

Another factor is that NE India isn't exactly the most peaceful place in the world. So, whatever shenanigans go over there, we must be able avoid any of the to spill over our territory.

And as far as procuring new aircraft goes, we have to replace our aging A-5s and F-7s once they reach the end of their life-cycles. One A-5 has already crashed.

So therefore, Bangladesh's defense spending to maintain a sufficient military is justified, given the nature of the neighborhood. We are in no way interested or intend to get into an arms race with India or something like that.

J-10 "B"s wont be sold to any other country... Also its kind of a JV with PAF eng,pilot working on the J-10B-FC-20 project.

If the FC-20 is indeed an upgraded J-10A, then I don't see the point of procuring it.

I wasnt talking about the su 30MKI series. Plus Bd wont order MK series cos it is partially by india

There are several variants of the SU-30 depending on the end-user.

The MKI stands for "Modernizirovannyi, Kommercheskiy, Indiski" - which literally translates to "Modernized, Commercial, Indian".

Similarly, MKK stand for "Modernizirovannyi, Kommercheskiy, Kitayski" - translates to "Modernized, Commercial, China".

The SU-MKA is Algerian.

I doubt if a heavy twin-engined bird would be in the best interests of the BAF due to cost considerations.
If Bangladesh can't get J-10 B because it is designed for Pakistan than China can go for J-11 as it is double engine plane and Bangladesh already have Mig 29 so it will easy for them to handle those and Bangladesh should also try for some more Russian Planes I mean if they go for Sukhoi Series they can get it
In the 21st century wht the logic of having MIG-21 variant F-7BG ? aren't a combination of MIG-29SMT J-10B and a fleet of JF-17 block I/II give better punch in the battle field .

F-7BG is not old style plane. China is still producing it and PLAAF is still using it. Every type of plane has different functions than other types of planes, and our BAF officers know very well what they need for an interim period and what is their goal in the future. Present need is F-7BG and the near future requirement is F-10B and the next target will possibly be F-20. So, have patience.
MiG29K and MiG35 is good deal for Bangladesh. BD already use MiG29 so it will be easier to maintain them. Qualitywise MiG35 is better than J10 or FC1. The Maintainance and upgradation for MiGs wll be easier as India also use MiG29 SMT and MiG29K. Russia can use India to upgrade or maintain BD's MiGs, which will reduce mainiance cost

Another Option is Su27 series planes (if wallet permits), A squadron of Su35 BM will make BD more tougher... F16 is also good option, but no one knows that how long its assembly line will be open. Rest fighters are very costly....
If Bangladesh can't get J-10 B because it is designed for Pakistan than China can go for J-11 as it is double engine plane and Bangladesh already have Mig 29 so it will easy for them to handle those and Bangladesh should also try for some more Russian Planes I mean if they go for Sukhoi Series they can get it
Well It is a gross statement, If Chinese decide and there is external demand, then certainly there would be an incentive to export this, but the thing is that till now China has only made it official for Pakistan. But there is an expected setback as there were rumors of a prototype of J-10B crash (serial 1034?). Though officially it has been denied but The flurry of pictures of J-10B we witnessed recently has suddenly disappeared. This is what makes me somewhat suspecious.
Anyhow, whether J-10 be it A or B is offered or not, lets not speculate things right now as neither you nor me are insiders. If there is any such thing it would surface sooner or later.
Well It is a gross statement, If Chinese decide and there is external demand, then certainly there would be an incentive to export this, but the thing is that till now China has only made it official for Pakistan. But there is an expected setback as there were rumors of a prototype of J-10B crash (serial 1034?). Though officially it has been denied but The flurry of pictures of J-10B we witnessed recently has suddenly disappeared. This is what makes me somewhat suspecious.
Anyhow, whether J-10 be it A or B is offered or not, lets not speculate things right now as neither you nor me are insiders. If there is any such thing it would surface sooner or later.

Reports of J-10B jet crash untrue: Air force
Reports of J-10B jet crash untrue: Air force - China.org.cn

There were no J10B 1034 crash and the rumor was proved to be false news.The rumormonger,a chinese famous big shrimp " peishens".who had been fired by globaltimes.

J10B PT 1034 (photo by yanliang goneless after the crash rumor )

CAC's trial flight work all grow thinner in every fourth quarter.
CAC new pic ,you can see j10B PT1035

If J10B will export ,then it is definite that PAF have the first priority of J10B.There is no question about it

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