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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

they do not have an stealth drone, they do not have qased-3 like long range 2000 lb bombs and long range cruise missiles and on the ground they still use m-60 tanks...
Akinci, Akunsungur and Anka-S are much more advanced. Regarding air Munitions, t SOM, HGK Teber KGK NEB, also they have micro munition MAM and the umtas which is like hellfire missile. They developed advanced air-air missiles also. They are developing Altay next generation tank, their APCs and IFVs are better, also their artillery.
Akinci, Akunsungur and Anka-S are much more advanced.
they are advanced but they are just regular drones like mq-9 and shaheed-129. drones like saeqeh and simorgh can penetrate enemy airspace and bomb their targets.
Regarding air Munitions, t SOM, HGK Teber KGK NEB, also they have micro munition MAM and the umtas which is like hellfire missile.
we do not have a missile like SOM but we will build mobin soon. however we have ya ali cruise missile with 700 km range.
yasin and balaban glider bombs are similar to the bombs you named and their maximum range is 120 km too.
umtas range is ~10 km which is similar to qaem and sadid bombs. on the other hand Iranian akhgar missile has 30 km range which is even more than hellfire.
turkey lacks a qased like bomb which has 70-100 km range and warhead of 900 kg. also they do not have air launched ballistic missiles. also we know that a soumar/kh-55 has 3000 km range and our su-24 can carry two of them and potentially can target US in Europe and Diego Garcia island. turkey certainly can not do it.
they are advanced but they are just regular drones like mq-9 and shaheed-129. drones like saeqeh and simorgh can penetrate enemy airspace and bomb their targets.

we do not have a missile like SOM but we will build mobin soon. however we have ya ali cruise missile with 700 km range.
yasin and balaban glider bombs are similar to the bombs you named and their maximum range is 120 km too.
umtas range is ~10 km which is similar to qaem and sadid bombs. on the other hand Iranian akhgar missile has 30 km range which is even more than hellfire.
turkey lacks a qased like bomb which has 70-100 km range and warhead of 900 kg. also they do not have air launched ballistic missiles. also we know that a soumar/kh-55 has 3000 km range and our su-24 can carry two of them and potentially can target US in Europe and Diego Garcia island. turkey certainly can not do it.
Don’t waste your breath brother. Smells like a Turk troll disguised...
i do not think he is trolling but the truth is other countries have a capable advertisement system for their military achievement. sadly we have a shitty media cover on our achievements...
That’s one problem, iran unveiled a lot of weapons that are great but they never show us tests or something. I’m not a turkish troll, lebanese with iran and hezbollah.
That’s one problem, iran unveiled a lot of weapons that are great but they never show us tests or something. I’m not a turkish troll, lebanese with iran and hezbollah.

Iran does not need to show its systems in some weapons exhibition when they are used in actual conflicts all around the region. I find your comments very strange, Iran is one of the few nations that actually has proven its systems in combat, from UAVs to Air defence.

Regarding your comparison of other nations' UAVs to Iran, these other nations rely heavily on importing subsystems. How can you try to compare from Turkish UAVs when they're relying on imports, ranging from engines and even to something like a missile rack:

Moreover, even forgetting the fact they're heavily relying on imports, I have no idea how you're coming to the conclusion those UAVs you mentioned are more advanced than Iranian UAVs. Iran is fielding stealthy, jet powered UCAVs. You cannot compare that to those relatively simpler propeller driven UAVs.

Turkey has made good development in certain areas, but it is folly to try and compare them to Iran given Iran has developed truly strategic systems like long range air defence, jet engines, pin point ballistic missiles etc via relying on indigenous subsystems. The only truly worthwhile area Turkey is ahead of Iran is in advertisement of their systems. Iran has not been too focused on proper advertisement for 1) security reasons, 2) little incentive given it could not export. If Iran becomes free to export post embargo lifting, you will see much better advertisement of its systems.

So yes, lets be be realistic. What Iran has achieved in last couple of decades under these sanctions and pressure is nothing short of extraordinary, some people tend to forget this and start comparing Iran to likes of S. Arabia (which relies totally on imports) and Turkey (which relies on imports to an extend too).

Anyway, this topic is about Iran's missile program so lets keep to topic.
Drone technology, air Munitions, ground forces

Is this a joke?

Iran deployed drones in Iran-Iraq war that’s 40 years ago. Iran has one of the most diverse drone line ups in the world ranging from small drones (Yasir) all the way to flying wing that have flown from Iran to Syria and done bombing missions.

Nothing Turkey makes is true Turk design. Atlay tank is based on South Korean tank. Almost every major Turkish arms product has foreign technology built in or foreign guidance.

I’m not even gonna bother debating this topic. It is well known. Of course Iran could be in same situation if it was under no sanction. Iran has done this under heavy arms embargo, arms tech transfer sanctions, and sabotage by Israel and US of supply chain and raw materials.

Ground forces Iran is the first country in the world to be able to halt a color revolution by the West (Syria and Yemen) not even Russia (Ukraine) was as successful as Iran has been.

If you do not believe me google Pentagon planners analysis of Iranian forces. They are used in war game simulation because Iran is number one adversary in the world in being to mobilize foreign legions to win conflicts in other countries (again not my words but the words of Pentagon planners!)

Iran has been a heavy war game simulation because they are the most interesting country to simulate a global conflict against due to both asymmetric and symmetric capabilities.
In case you didnt know..... the air launched missiles Turkey claims to make now, Iran was making OVER 20 years ago. And the Iranian missiles are fully Iranian made:




Don’t waste your breath brother. Smells like a Turk troll disguised...
Most probably an Israeli in disguise. He's trying to provoke us by downplaying our achievements against Turkey's achievements to extract more information about our capabilities. And he's using the Lebanese flag to make us think he supports Hezbollah.
Akinci, Akunsungur and Anka-S are much more advanced. Regarding air Munitions, t SOM, HGK Teber KGK NEB, also they have micro munition MAM and the umtas which is like hellfire missile. They developed advanced air-air missiles also. They are developing Altay next generation tank, their APCs and IFVs are better, also their artillery.
Well, my "Lebanese" friend it is simple to answer this question by factoring in Turkey is allowed Western technology because it is NATO. Many of the parts of systems are imported or foreign designs produced in Turkey. Turkey can catch up with Iran at this rate but give it at least a decade or a decade and a half.
Akinci, Akunsungur and Anka-S are much more advanced. Regarding air Munitions, t SOM, HGK Teber KGK NEB, also they have micro munition MAM and the umtas which is like hellfire missile. They developed advanced air-air missiles also. They are developing Altay next generation tank, their APCs and IFVs are better, also their artillery.

Are you perhaps on twitter with a pic of Imad mughniye?
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Yes why🤔 i dk why you guys think i’m a troll or some spy😂

Yeah I know, you are just a little behind on the rest on knowledge on military stuff and they are paranoid against any newcomer on here. Not all of them though, just a couple.

I advise you to lurk and google a bit more before posting :-)

But yes @Saleh99 is not a troll
Turkey doesnt rush to produce it at home something like microprocessors, ccd sensor etc. Turkey focused final product design and crucial subsystems.

The point is, those "crucial subsystems" are what you're importing in many cases.

When Turkey introduced SOM at 2011 nearly half of its components were foreign but today only thing is its engine and next year Kale KTJ3200 will be in serial production. Kale and P&W is partner for F35 engine production is in turkey , KTJ 3200 is funded Turkish government and IP rights belong to Turkey, so your wishes are not true, it has zero american contribution, if it is licensed there will be serial production long time ago, development started in 2012.

You're basically proving a point here in that you're assembling some foreign hardware and then acting as if you have the ability to produce its subsystems. It does not matter if you own the IP or not, it does not change the fact it was some foreign designed system with those same foreigners giving you the technology to assemble the products. There are so many examples here, ranging from the German submarines you were assembling, to your role in assembling the F-35 parts.

when you plan to produce a jet engine nobody will sell it is materials,

Yes, and that is why Turkey does not have the ability to produce those materials, instead you have procured the subsystems and putting the final thing together.

Turkey built them in house too.

You're assembling them in house, not building them from scratch. There is a huge difference.

Turkish aviation engine maker is state owned TEI, They have 30,40, 50 , 115 hp gasoline , 155, 170 ,220 hp deisel engine, 38, 90, 300,400 lb turbojet and 1500hp turboshaft engines, all of designed and produced in turkey without foreign contribution. ,

Given the fact you are relying on importing so many parts etc, this notion that you're producing 1500HP turboshaft engine without any outside aid/import is just propaganda.

why dont you look at by yourself? you basically copy european and american engines and proud of it, your cars uses citroen car engine, i can list at least 10 engine manufacturer in turkey.

Forgetting the fact Iran has plenty of indigenously designed engine in many capacity, even if it did "copy" a foreign engine, you still need to have a robust industry to actually produce engines. This is a far cry from the likes of Turkey that directly import the subsystems/assemble and other technologies.

in 2000 first national ballistic missiles fired.

By "national missile" do you mean the Chinese missiles you imported?

First national rocket reached space in 2017 and first space vehicle(technically) made maneuvers at space in 2018.

Turkey has yet to show any space launch capabilities.

Lastly need something about UAVs, we have many kind of them and there is no dependency any part of it.

Most of your UAVs are relying on foreign engines, and yet you say there is "no dependency on any part of it"?

Making a wing shaped UAV doesnt make it stealth

Actually flying wing designs are lower RCS relatively speaking.

, do they have RAM coating and IR management ?

RAM coating, most certainly yes.

no because they are cheap!

Flawed logic. The UAV will follow its function in a cost effective manner, not utilising systems such as RAM could be contrary to its stated function of producing a very low RCS system. Unless you have any direct evidence to suggest otherwise, then refrain from making such statements.

Bayraktar is also very low RCS

No, it is not. It has barely any low RCS design parameters. There only thing low RCS about it is the fact it is a drone, must of which are lower RCS by the virtue of their smaller sizes.

and proved it on panstirs.

Pantsir downed many of your UAVs. The fact that you managed to destroy a few of them suggest a shortcoming in the Pantsir's design and also the importance of layered defence systems. You can take any systems and put it in the open and it will eventually get destroyed. Add that to the shortcomigns of the panstir, then it is not surprise it could be destroyed. Despite the Turkish propaganda, this was obvious to people. more-over, you are still running to purchase Russians air defence systems, that should tell you something.

If you want to see truly impressive use of UAVs, look at the Iranian attack on Saudi oil fields.

making a small uav with jet is only increase its cost per flight our, it is a preference only .

A jet powered, stealthy UCAV is leagues above anything you have produced and compared to propeller driven system, it is of a higher strategic value in a multitude to factors.

and why dont you look at yourself? iranian UAVs doesnt have laser designator(at least i dont see)

You should probably check closer.

and uses ccd seeker with rf link to control small bombs,

Most of these Iranian UAB bombs are "fire and forget", once again, pay closer attention. There are enough thread running on this topic in this forum for you to become adequately informed.

, i can tell many things but it is enough .

Only things you have told so far are attempts to hide the reality of your defence sector and hope (rather naively) that people here could not see through that. Like I have said before, Turkey has made some good progress, but you're nowhere near the level which has been propagandised by some of the Turkish members here. In reality, Turkey is about a decade or two behind the likes of Iran in truly indigenous developments. Not that this is a problem, if Turkey can meet its solution using foreigner imports/reliance, then go ahead, but do not engage in this folly of trying to insinuate you're on Iran's level when it comes to a truly indigenous defence sector. Iran got where it is out of necessity, Turkey has the luxury of importing from the likes of NATO and South Korea etc, Iran does not. so there are different paths the two nations had to take.
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despite the propaganda iran smuggles many parts in turkey and turkish companies sanctions by west , the truth is harsh, iran cant make a simple electrical parts and grafit .

good luck senyor with your super high tech.

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