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10 Turkish Military Projects that Turkiye will join to Elite Club ( 2023-2028 )

You went full retarded on me there

I am talking about real IP theft basing them on real people and making them into fictional with changed elements here and there
The point is that there is no link between the mandalorian and Salafis.
I have no idea how you came to that conclusion
What the bloody heck have you been smokin'ey?

Mandalorians are not based on Salafis. Did you know anythin'about Mandalorians before the show,mate?

I swear by Allah that the Mandalorians are lously based on the Salafis. That is where the inspiration is drawn from and it is so blatant. They needed an inspiration from a society or civilization or what not and it is very very clear to me from whom
I swear by Allah that the Mandalorians are lously based on the Salafists. That is where the inspiration is drawn from and it is so blatant. They needed an inspiration from a society or civilization or what not and it is very very clear to me from whom
Uhhhhh, ok bro

Believe what you want to believe
I swear by Allah that the Mandalorians are lously based on the Salafis. That is where the inspiration is drawn from and it is so blatant. They needed an inspiration from a society or civilization or what not and it is very very clear to me from whom
Dude,there's absolutely no connection between the Mandalorians and the Salafis. There's nothing at all.

It's not "clear" at all. What the heck? Do you know Star Wars history? I mean...have you even read the '90s comics? How did you even come to that conclusion? They're completely different from Salafis.
Uhhhhh, ok bro

Believe what you want to believe

Ancients? Nobody has so much nostalgia about the ancients where the whole creed is based on following the way of the ancients literally nobody..

The similarities are just to much...
Ancients? Nobody has so much nostalgia about the ancients where the whole creed is based on following the way of the ancients literally nobody..

The similarities are just to much...
The covenant from Halo too, the Forerunners as well.

The precursors too.

It's just a commonly used trope
Dude,there's absolutely no connection between the Mandalorians and the Salafis. There's nothing at all.

It's not "clear" at all. What the heck? Do you know Star Wars history? I mean...have you even read the '90s comics? How did you even come to that conclusion? They're completely different from Salafis.

Zealots, this is the way, following the old ancient ways of mandalore, war in their creed.. They want to follow the Sunnah of the Salaf this is where it is from..

Sunnah of the Salaf'' means the ways of the ancient..

There are so many similarities that the author deliberately used some elements from the Salafis or draw inspiration from.. Example like this is the way..
Zealots, this is the way, following the old ancient ways of mandalore, war in their creed.. They want to follow the Sunnah of the Salaf this is where it is from..

Sunnah of the Salaf'' means the ways of the ancient..

There are so many similarities that the author deliberate used some elements from the Salafis into the Mandalorians
You know how many civilizations had zealots or were built upon warrior cultures? And mercenary attributes?

If SW writers throw in a few words that are taken from real world history,it doesn't mean the whole culture is copied.
You crawled back to your defensive hole.
Oh, really? You decided, and it is so?
Are you joking? He's a pretty ok person. What exactly has he said that sounded illogical?
I don't know what your mission is. I don't understand your obsession with Muslim world despite being vehemently anti-Muslim. But remember that you'll fail if your aim is to defeat Islam. Many empires have tried it over the centuries. It always ended in defeat for them.

Turkiye has the opportunity to end dollar's supremacy. America's fate depends on these four regimes: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E. and Bahrain. China or Russia can do nothing to America as long as these Arab despots are in power. If you haven't understood this, then you should never comment on Muslim world events.

You seem desperate to divert attention away from the petrodollar scam. It is the lense through which I view America's actions in the MENA region. Sometimes I even CORRECTLY predict America's future actions. If you understand the petrodollar system, you'll understand Middle Eastern politics.

Erdogan and his AKP are currently the biggest threat to the Petrodollar ponzi scheme. Assassinating Erdogan will NOT solve the problem. It may even make it worse as a more hard-line Islamist may come to power. One that is less risk averse than Erdogan.

Let's see what happens when GNA's Libya military has been completely rebuilt by Turkiye. Operation IRINI has reported that Turkiye refused inspection of its Libya-bound ships 10 times in just one month (May 2023). This signifies a rapid arming of the Libyan military. I want to see what Sisi or the U.S.A. will do when Dbeibah or his successor decides to militarily take back every inch of Libyan soil and build a true democracy.
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Turkiye has the opportunity to end dollar's supremacy. America's fate depends on these four regimes: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E. and Bahrain. China or Russia can do nothing to America as long as these Arab despots are in power. If you haven't understood this, then you should never comment on Muslim world events.

Stop bullshit

Turkiye doesnt care about dollar's supremacy
and now Turkiye has good relationship with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E

5 days ago MBZ was in Turkiye

ISTANBUL Champions league final Manchester City vs Inter

ERDOGAN and SISI will meet in coming months
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Stop bullshit

Turkiye doesnt care about dollar's supremacy
and now Turkiye has good relationship with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E

5 days ago MBZ was in Turkiye
View attachment 934588
ISTANBUL Champions league final Manchester City vs Inter
I should stop bullshit? Okay, I will. But only if you explain the following situations:
Tell me what's happening in these countries and Turkiye's policy is towards them.
The U.A.E. supports RSF in Sudan. The RSF fired on Turkiye's evaction plane. It attacked the Qatari embassy and forced the relocation of the Turkish embassy. The U.N. imposed arms embargo on Sudan in March 2023, just one month before the war starts. Burhan is among he first leaders to congratulate Erdogan. Sudan very recently signed a military cooperation pact with Qatar. General Wesley Clark revealed in 2007 or so that the U.S. planned to topple 7 Muslim countries after 9/11: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Sudan, and Iran. All the bolded are destabilized. Iran is the last remaining target after Sudan.

U.S.A is silent to Arab normalization with Assad but opposes Turkiye's normalization with Assad. Saudi Arabia demands curbing Iran (and Turkiye's) interest as a condition for Arab League normalization with Assad. No Arab League support for 1 million relocation of Syrians (Only Qatar will fund it). Egypts wants unconditional withdraw of Turkiye from Syria and Libya despite PKK threat. Jordan hosts U.S. airbase relocating from Qatar.

Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. supports the extension of arms embargo on Somalia's elected frederal government. Al-Shabaab revecieves funding from the gulf Arab states. Arms embargo prevents Somalia's government purchasing TB2 drones for use against Al-Shabaab. The U.S. insists on negotiations between Al-Shabaab and Somalia. Puntland president refused Turkiyes mediation in Somalia. Britain trains and equips separatists forces in Somaliland. U.A.E. was expelled from Somalia. Saudi hates the Somali government and military but Turkiye rebuilding it.

Egypt, U.A.E. Saudi Arabia among 30 country alliance dedicated to protecting shipping along the red sea and Mediterranian (source). Turkiye isn't among despite being involved from Somalia down to Morocco. China and Russia abstain from U.N. votes on embargo extension on Sudan and Somalia, citing that the embargoes weaken the militaries of these countries unjustifiably.

The Arab puppets (Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E. and Egypt) want a U.S. puppet dictatorship in Libya (Haftar). Turkiye still insists on democracy and letting the Libyans choose their leaders. U.N maintains arms embargo on Libya. Operation IRINI fails to prevent Turkiye's military build up in Libya. Dbeibah among first leaders to congratulate Erdogan. Libyan Mufti condemns the U.A.E. as an enemy state. Negotiations between The 5+5 committee, formally named the 5+5 Libyan Joint Military Commission, failed many times and still fails. Egypt's economy is imploding. Muslim Brotherhood figures still live in Turkiye (many have citizenship).

Muslim World scholars supported Erdogan. The Taliban leader endorsed Erdogan. Palestinians celebrate Erdogan victory. Pakistanis, Ghanian, and Muslims in other countries celebrated Erdogan's victory. Turkiye's economy attacked by West and their puppets (U.A.E., Saudi, etc). U.A.E. media outlest always demonizing Erdogan. Erdogan still refuses to sell sufficient weaponry for Saudis and Emiratis to fight Yemen's Houthi terrorists. Turkiye still refuses to help them in Yemen.

Elections not held in two counties despite dissolution of assemblies. Imran Khan battles more than 100 court cases. Shabaz Sharif defies the Pakistani supreme court. Asim Munir never visited Turkiye even once but visited China, America, and Saudi Arabia among others. Attempts to disband the PTI. U.A.E. and Saudi openly support Shabaz Sharif over Imran Khan despite the later's popularity in Pakistan. They will provide bailout for Pakistan provided Islamists (PTI) do not come back to power.

So, my friend @MMM-E, can you explain Turkiye's policies in these countries and how they compare to those of the U.A.E, Egypt, and S.A? I'm very interested to hear your opinion. You seem to know a lot about Turkiye's weapons programs. But I'm afraid you appear to know little on its politics.

Relations between Turkiye and the U.A.E., Egypt, and S.A. are worse than relations between the U.S. and China. The normalization is fake, and Erdogan knows it. These countries even normalized with Iran. Do you know why? Because they don't want Iran or Turkiye to retaliate against them should the U.S. instigate a Grecco-Turkish war or attack Iran militarily. They just want to stay out of any such future fight, but this is IMPOSSIBLE. They are America's soft underbelly. This is why the U.S. supports these fake normalizations.

TB-2 UCAV is more lethal with 250 km KEMANKES

Good luck to PANTSIR , TOR , BUK and many more even S300 , PATRIOT

TB-2 can not carry long range munition , only 15 km laser guided MAM-L
but TB-2 to carry 4 x KEMANKES to attack on enemy targets from safe distance ( from 50 km to 250 km )

Imagine , 25 TB-2s to carry 100 KEMANKES for swarm attack on AD Systems
PATRIOT should fire $2 million missile to intercept $20.000 KEMANKES

man-in-the-loop capability
KEMANKES can perform target detection autonomously through the electro-optical camera head and to hit targets with point accuracy

6 kg warhead is enough to harm Radar Systems
and difficult to detect KEMANKES by radars


I don't know what your mission is. I don't understand your obsession with Muslim world despite being vehemently anti-Muslim. But remember that you'll fail if your aim is to defeat Islam. Many empires have tried it over the centuries. It always ended in defeat for them.
How am I "vehemently anti-Muslim"? Can you explain. What exactly makes you say that?

Turkiye has the opportunity to end dollar's supremacy. America's fate depends on these four regimes: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E. and Bahrain. China or Russia can do nothing to America as long as these Arab despots are in power. If you haven't understood this, then you should never comment on Muslim world events.
I happen to be ok with the regime in Egypt and the UAE. Why would I want it to change? Look at Emirates and Saudi Arabia,they are happy with their leaders. Bahrain has some problems,but that's because the population is majority Shia ruled by a minority Sunni. But still,they are a rich and prosperous country.

You seem desperate to divert attention away from the petrodollar scam. It is the lense through which I view America's actions in the MENA region. Sometimes I even CORRECTLY predict America's future actions. If you understand the petrodollar system, you'll understand Middle Eastern politics.
Here we go again with the petrodollar...

Erdogan and his AKP are currently the biggest threat to the Petrodollar ponzi scheme. Assassinating Erdogan will NOT solve the problem. It may even make it worse as a more hard-line Islamist may come to power. One that is less risk averse than Erdogan.
Erdogan wants the petrodollar.

Good luck to PANTSIR , TOR , BUK and many more even S300 , PATRIOT
Where are the TB2 in Ukraine? Oh yeah,they were downed by Pantsir,Tor and Buk. After the Russians re-organized and deployed their air defence better.
I love how this thread has derailed so hard, i would love to be a fly on the wall in MMM-E's room watching him loose his mind over his beloved thread getting derailed. As much as i congratulate Turkey on their successes, MMM-E takes his pride a little too far. Funny thread.

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