Come on,did you see what he said? It's like a teenager talking. "It will be the best in Europe". If I say "F-35 will be the best in Europe",he will laugh and mock the F-35. Which by the way,if they had gotten it,he would have been bragging about it being the best in the world
Well its Kotil's quote not his I'm assuming(although I didn't see the original quote in the statements I've read), It was probably "one of the best", maybe he paraphrased it. It will likely go into production before the FCAS or the Tempest program if the prototype is set to fly this year, and we dont know the specifics of those other programs as they will come much later, and if we consider the F-35 North American, I guess I can see the case of the KAAN as one of the best. It will certainly be better than and 4th Gen or 4.5 Gen aircraft currently made in Europe.