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Irani IRGC colonel assassinated

The most important thing to assassinate the enemy is to detect the enemy's targets, and only by finding the exact location and route of action of the target can the assassination be carried out. In this regard, it is important to monitor, track, and eavesdrop. Obviously, Iran's network system, mobile phones and communication equipment are transparent to Israel.
Why did you bring Syria then? Your accusations don't mean anything to me, I don't have to prove my loyalty to you or anyone else. Argue in good faith if you have the capacity to do so otherwise you'll get replied in kind.
You were blaming Pakistan for being used against iran when you are supposed to defend your country.

Then i proposed you can better serve Iranian masters by taking part in jihad in Syria against kafir US and Israelis.

Iranis use your types in Syria
So may be you shall also get recruited in Zeinabiyoun brigade.
and it shows, Keep on hating but we are here to stay.
it's not showing though, this is the whole issue in the first place
your love for the land is missing, you don't feel the pain of your brother dying

which makes every nationalist angry and in return when we show the disgust and anger- you start BS-ing, bootlicking, crying
Israel is very active in Iran

We had Daniel pearle and after that they never came back
International media also highlights Israel does indeed carry airstrikes. So even without losses, just being targeted overtly is itself a huge deal.

Breaching airspace and dropping a bomb in a war zone is one thing, we also breach their airspace with our UCAVs, our proxy forces also fire our supplied rockets at their cities killing/injuring their civilians. It's a war. But claiming we destroy bases and kill 50 men every night for the last 4 years is nothing but Jew propaganda that comes from no source other than the Lie factory running inside Tel Aviv. Rationally speaking, if we go by cooked up stories of Haaretz, Jpost, and Debkafile, etc like Jew sources then Assad/Iran/Russia all should have been gone from Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq by now but the reality is that these entities are militarily stronger than ever in the Levant tells you otherwise. Israel has only fought ragtag Arab underperforming armies that they defeated with the help of the world literally. Their current generation grew up with this sense of empty superiority that everyone around them must be irrational and stupid. They should read the history to understand the character of ethnicities ... Discussion for another time.

As for the opening remarks, PDF has a very good balanced moderation and we always welcome constructive participation irrespective of nationality. Iran has many sympathizers itself too in Pakistan and even on PDF.

Not exactly, this forum has a huge anti Iranic/Turkic presence (I am Azeri). There have been threads in which terrorist supporters called for terrorist attacks inside my country and no mod took action. I mean it's ok, we are guests here, thanks to the admin for hosting us here, but you would not hear us give our opinions freely here which is why I am leaving this thread.
our mere existence is enough to boil a lot of blood. Keep on hating but we are here to stay. Although if it pisses you off that much Afghanistan is always an option for you.

No one said anything about anyones existence or beliefs just geopolitics and Iran.

Why are you pulling the victim card and getting emotional?

Your putting the blame solely on Iran will lead to more of my brothers dying,

There’s no proof of that lmaoo

and for you that will be acceptable collateral damage, which angers me.

He never said anything like that. Why are you assuming and why are you putting words into his mouth?!

Not exactly, this forum has a huge anti Iranic/Turkic presence (I am Azeri). There have been threads in which terrorist supporters called for terrorist attacks inside my country and no mod took action. I mean it's ok, we are guests here, thanks to the admin for hosting us here, but you would not hear us give our opinions freely here which is why I am leaving this thread.

Are you saying that you gave a different opinion and you actually got some of your posts deleted or banned?
Time to bomb Iraq again.

Iranians killing Iranians and you want Iraqis to pay for it? Is it not enough that Iran is diverting Iraq's water.

Why not just say Mexico will pay for it too?
One by one.
Stay tuned, a KIKEDF colonel will be shashliked for this in short order.

And then your operatives in Mossad and Aman, "one by one", you filthy shitskin hebrew.

One by one.
Stay tuned, a KIKEDF colonel will be shashliked for this in short order.

And then your operatives in Mossad and Aman, "one by one", you filthy shitskin hebrew.
Why won't you assassinate ours then? You're trying but the Mossad always foils it.
They did assassinate your sandmutt mongrel officers, you filthy shitskin hebrew. Here, this one although your fellow cuckold kikeroaches claimed "OY VEY MUH GOY VEY, IZ CUNTROLLED TEST!"

Not surprised because kikeroaches are a race of mongrelized shitskin liars.
That's the difference between people randomly deciding to kill civilians and intelligence agencies deciding to take out high value targets and never be caught.
Yes because Israel never kills civilians you clown🤡
Just remember how we burned your top missile scientist alive, lol
When did that happen

Stay tuned, a KIKEDF colonel will be shashliked for this in short order.

And then your operatives in Mossad and Aman, "one by one", you filthy shitskin hebrew.

Stay tuned, a KIKEDF colonel will be shashliked for this in short order.

And then your operatives in Mossad and Aman, "one by one", you filthy shitskin hebrew.

They did assassinate your sandmutt mongrel officers, you filthy shitskin hebrew. Here, this one although your fellow cuckold kikeroaches claimed "OY VEY MUH GOY VEY, IZ CUNTROLLED TEST!"

Not surprised because kikeroaches are a race of mongrelized shitskin liars.
lol, a lot of talk for someone one colonel less
I don't want them to bomb Iraq but this is what they did the last time.
Iran has always directed her internal chaos on neighbouring countries violating their sovereignty time and time again. Recently they expressed desire to attack Bahrain with missiles.
Stay tuned, a KIKEDF colonel will be shashliked for this in short order.

And then your operatives in Mossad and Aman, "one by one", you filthy shitskin hebrew.

Stay tuned, a KIKEDF colonel will be shashliked for this in short order.

And then your operatives in Mossad and Aman, "one by one", you filthy shitskin hebrew.

They did assassinate your sandmutt mongrel officers, you filthy shitskin hebrew. Here, this one although your fellow cuckold kikeroaches claimed "OY VEY MUH GOY VEY, IZ CUNTROLLED TEST!"

Not surprised because kikeroaches are a race of mongrelized shitskin liars.
I always find it funny when minorities get /pol/ized
That's the difference between people randomly deciding to kill civilians and intelligence agencies deciding to take out high value targets and never be caught.
The only reason he was assassinated is because some top ranking cuckold hebrew is in an early grave and your shitskin sandmutt "oy vey, muh yisroel" covered it up and you know it, you shitskin shmuel.

Personally, Iran should just start gangraping pregnant kike sows from it's "Iranian Jewish" population and tearing out their unborn kikelets from the womb and THEN we'll see if the cuckold
hebrews still have the appetite to **** around.

I always find it funny when minorities get /pol/ized
I'm a blonde man, you dumb dune coon.

When did that happen

lol, a lot of talk for someone one colonel less
There'll be one kikeroach colonel less in a month from now as well. His mongrel family will be screaming like a pack of arse-raped whores at his grave (something your military censor won't show).
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