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Irani IRGC colonel assassinated

desperate, terrorist zionists have been reduced to try and ambush random mid-level Iranian government workers...

This does nothing to hurt Iran, But it gives the government excellent propaganda to use. If there was any Iranian that had any doubts about the zionist entity, those doubts can be easily taken away.

A colonel driving a shitty car to work? whats next? zionist are going to attack some security guard standing at the gate? and declare a great victory against Iran?

This is desperation from an artificial entity, that is seeing Iran build up military strenghth on their tiny border by the day, Their western lackeys are in terminal decline, and the zionist no longer have 100% control over the propaganda narrative in the west.

This 70 year old artificial entity built by western colonialism and imposed on the islamic world is living on borrowed time. 70 years is a flash in history... They have no future, and they know it deep inside as well , just dont want to admit it
Democratic war machine is back in power.

Looks like Iran is next on Wesley Clark's infamous hit list.
In the context of realpolitik kidnapped Iranian soldiers mean much more than whatever Yadhav confessed to in our custody. Why are you so inclined to take Yadhav for his words, maybe he exaggerated the Iranian role to create distrust something, you would expect from a spy. A fallout between Iran and Pakistan is India's wet dream.

Iranian soldiers being kidnapped & brought to Pakistan by terrorist groups means much more than Iran helping india carry out acts of terrorism against Pakistan? Kulbushan isn't the only btw. Uzair baloch, BLA/BRA & SRA are other examples.

Also, it's 2022. Jundullah was dismantled by Pakistan. Their leaders were handed over to Iran. What have the Iranians done in return other than more terrorism?

If you're a Pakistani then act like it. Also, Iranians can defend themselves. Don't try & be more loyal to the king than the king himself.
One by one.
den by den

Has Israeli markings all over it.
Iran seriously need to improve the personal security of its top people.
RIP to the general.
to me it also look alike like MKO handiwork

The Iranians always claim to have caught the perpetrators straight after every incident. It's part of the clown regime's attempt to look competent. They'll round up a couple of innocent Sunnis or Baha'i in the next few days/weeks claiming they've found the 'cell' and execute them.
show me when they rounded up random innocent people?

Note to self when I get become wealthy:

Never hire Iranian security.

On a serious note, even rag tag taliban are better at ensuring safety of their commanders and leadership.
the problem no security was there at all
We also remember Shia Iran who stood against Pakistani presented Kashmir resolution in 1993 in OIC.
Whole Muslim world was with us but so called brave Shia Iran received a parchi from Indian minister and vetoed Kashmir resolution.
no hard feeling
its not kashmir or anything else we always were, are and will be against of what you tried to do in oic, no matter its India, Armenia, Syria, Russia or ........
We should 100% strike the enemies of Pakistan hiding in Iran, I promise you not a single Shia soldier will desert. But don't use sectarian proxies who will end up killing Pakistanis.
there is a physic law that say each action result in a reaction , similar power in opposing direction.
don't cry if you saw that reaction

Iranians killing Iranians and you want Iraqis to pay for it? Is it not enough that Iran is diverting Iraq's water.

Why not just say Mexico will pay for it too?
if you guys would have understood what drought mean . if you want to see who divert Iraq water look at a country between black sea and Mediterranean
In Syria he was armed, in Iran he was unarmed. Now he reached what he deserved, eternal glory. The highest order of martyrdom is being killed by hypocrites. His blood will turn into a light in the darkness of sedition and even after death he will guide us to the right path.

The network of paid elements will be exposed and foreign hands will be cut off. One for all, all for one. We lost one for safety of all.
Iranian soldiers being kidnapped & brought to Pakistan by terrorist groups means much more than Iran helping india carry out acts of terrorism against Pakistan? Kulbushan isn't the only btw. Uzair baloch, BLA/BRA & SRA are other examples.
helping , a merchant being secretly an agent is iran helping ? why you didn't informed us of his action ?
lso, it's 2022. Jundullah was dismantled by Pakistan. Their leaders were handed over to Iran. What have the Iranians done in return other than more terrorism?
what about Jaish-al-Adl what you did about them by the way its 2022 ,its 6 year that Kulbushan is not active and BLA/BRA & SRA are all your problem have nothing to do with iran
If you're a Pakistani then act like it. Also, Iranians can defend themselves. Don't try & be more loyal to the king than the king himself.
some Pakistani problem , run into a thread had nothing to do with them act as a certain country unpaid trolls to divert the thread and attack anybody if he try to point the hypocrisy
Your Iranian overlords have a sizable Jewish population which they allow to go back and forth from Iran to Israel. This is what is allowing such high profile targeted attacks to take place. The Iranians thinks they have assets in Israel but they just end up being double agents. :lol:

That's why I'm so happy Pakistan never recognized Israel and doesn't let any Israelis enter otherwise they'd be creating absolute chaos in Pakistan.
Instead we have ISI and GHQ under the direct command of CENTCOM which then has a low grade fourth tiered US State Dept. bureaucrat send threatening letters to make the whole military establishment cower in fear and do whatever is asked of them, sir yes sir....
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Israel is very active in Iran

We had Daniel pearle and after that they never came back
That's because the whole GHQ was handed over to CENTCOM, no need to send Daniel Pearl's of this world, when the whole military establishment will do your bidding.

Oh BTW, CIA did sent a certain Raymond Davis and after he killed a couple of ISI field agents, the sepoy Army went out of their way to ensure their master's ace agent was safely repatriated back to home base in US.
How would Pakistan's be if we were under brutal sanctions, targeted by the most powerful intel apparatus in the world, and all regional countries were conspiring with the Zionists?

We are barely keeping things together as it is.

Pakistan was under brutal sanctions when we started developing nukes. That, too, by our own "ally" the US. We're still under sanctions in regards to nuclear weapon activities.
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