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Jaish ul Adl COMEBACK

Does Pakistan have the capacity to ensure blowback? We have to see. Because the fire will start in Nimroz or Kandahar then carry itself to Quetta and find itself in Karachi.

Pakistan domestic politics isn't strong rn.
There was a time when Iranian Baloch were super pro Pakistan. Many Iranian Baloch can speak Urdu and have been to Pakistan at some point and hold a positive view about the people. Unfortunately our state’s bipolar policies makes pro pak into anti pak. We love creating new enemies while strengthening our previous enemies. We can ensure the blowback and profit off it if we don’t act like we normally do.
I care about my fellow East Iranics, our baloch brothers.

I care about Pakistani citizens, the rest are our enemies

You have the comprehension skills of a 12 year old. Nowhere did I say they all want the same thing - I am just denying Arabs, Kurds, Azeris, Baloch are separatists and that's their goal in this, which is what you have been saying. That, my friend, is a baseless claim taken straight out of your Londonestani behind.

Btw take a look at the IR's own statistics on this - most of the people they have arrested are monarchists. So much for murtad exile western LA blah blah blah crap you Londonestanis love to talk about lmao. Here they are in Baluchistan.

Now take your murtad kaffir blah blah blah talk that literally no Iranian adheres to and worry about your own country.

Nope,, as soon as IR falls, Iran will be torn apart

If you can't see the separatism then you haven't being paying attention

Murtad is just a descriptive word, it describes a certain type of people it's important for 2 billion Muslims around the world to identify these people
Jaish ul Adl is an offshoot of Baloch Jundullah that was formed by ISI upon the directions of CIA during Mush period. Largely operated on our side of Balochistan.

Later, CIA told ISI to shut Jundullah after which ISI handed over Abdul Malik Rigi to Quds Force.

In result, Jundullah turned against Pakistan Army and it's fighters travelled to Waziristan to fight.

Now I wonder if CIA asked Bajwa to reactivate Jaish.
Pakistanis always supports terrorism and they think terrorism won’t bite them🤣
Debatable I think Baloch are marginalized in Pakistan too.
They are but nowhere near the extent in Iran. Let’s be honest, everyone in Pakistan is marginalized. Even in Punjab. South Punjab is a great example. Or look at sindh. Literally anywhere in interior Sindh except northern sindh is same or worse off than Balochistan. I don’t think any place in Pakistan is worse than Thar. Point is Baloch in Pakistan aren’t in the condition they are in due to them being Baloch. In Pakistan they are in the condition they are because of corruption and corrupts from every ethnicity in Pakistan who oppress their people for money not ethnicity. An independent Balochistan wouldn’t fare any better because the same Baloch corrupt sardars keeping the province from progressing rn, will be in charge. It like Pakistan where feudal elites like Bhuttos ruled Pakistan before independence and after independence. Nothing changed.
Baloch follow Zikri sect and are most on Hanafi sect? Idk about Baloch youth in Iran but Baloch youth in Pakistan are largely leftist and secular.
Zikri are mostly only in Pakistani Balochistan and are a minority amongst Pakistani Baloch as well. Baloch people are mostly hanafi Sunni Muslims. Pakistani Baloch as far as I’ve seen are mostly secular and leftist like you said. But Iranian Baloch are mostly proper religious Hanafi Sunni Muslims. You can even see they produce lots of Islamic scholars and their resistance groups are religious not communist. The faith and imaan of Ahle Sunnah is very strong in Iranian Balochistan despite Iranian regime tryna crush it and assassinating Muslim scholars in Iranian Balochistan.
Shazia Khalid and Akbar Bugti and Ataullah Mengal would disagree.
Compare the gov perks Pakistani Baloch get vs the treatment Baloch get in Iran. It’s like when people from Azad Kashmir cry occupation while Indian occupied Kashmir actually suffers occupation. I’m pretty sure any Iranian Baloch would want to switch positions with a Pakistani Baloch. In Pakistan they cry it’s cause of ethnicity. In Iran they have ethnic and religious differences. No doubt Pakistan has neglected Balochistan and the people but again I see it if more as a corruption issue then ethnic issue because it Pakistani Balochistan it’s the feudal sardars still controlling their people and are one of the biggest hindrances to Balochistan’s development coupled with our corrupt politicians. In Iran it’s different as Baloch don’t have power there. In Iran you’d never see ptm type or those anti pak baloch groups running around free and part of gov and getting payed by the gov. You would see they have 0 tolerance for rebellious sardars whereas here they get positions in gov. You’d see there rebels arrested would be punished accordingly and not released in a few months like they do in Pakistan. Look at Irans approach to Baloch separatism vs Pakistan’s approach. We can confidently say that Pakistan’s Baloch don’t suffer even near what Iranian Baloch suffer. Accountability starts at home. The Baloch in Pakistan should start by lynching the feudal sardars ruling over them first. It’s like In Sindh a Sindhi can blame and fight Pakistan but what’s the point when your silent against the wadera who’s the bigger criminal? Again I’m not denying Pakistan’s mistreatment of Balochistan. But it’s unfair to ignore the bigger criminals in this. As someone from interior sindh (I’m a Punjabi from Sanghar interior sindh) I’ve seen the curse of waderas and how they keep development away from their areas. Balochistan’s feudal sardars are the same as Sindh’s feudal waderas.
That video is disturbing.
It boils my blood watching it. These hypocrites say such about us Sunni Muslims but then are the first one to play sectarian card when we reply. For me islam is first so I’d side with a Sunni Baloch over these slave Iranian worshipping Pakistanis any day.
I care about Pakistani citizens, the rest are our enemies

Nope,, as soon as IR falls, Iran will be torn apart

If you can't see the separatism then you haven't being paying attention

Murtad is just a descriptive word, it describes a certain type of people it's important for 2 billion Muslims around the world to identify these people

You repeating it ad infinitum won't make it happen, just like it didn't happen in 1906, 1921, 1953, or 1979. And the day I take Iran lessons from an exiled Londonestani is the day pigs fly. We are not a country that arose out of colonialism you know :)
Pakistanis always supports terrorism and they think terrorism won’t bite them🤣

No one on this forum is saying to support Jaish ul Adl, but to keep it "neutral" as Iran is "neutral" on Baloch groups in Pakistan.
No one on this forum is saying to support Jaish ul Adl, but to keep it "neutral" as Iran is "neutral" on Baloch groups in Pakistan.
Not jaish al adil but you support taliban, al qaeda laskhaer tyba, army of Muhammad abd many Kashmiri terrorists.
Pakistanis always supports terrorism and they think terrorism won’t bite them🤣
Its not Pakistan which supports terrorism. Its the pigs in our rotten Colonial system. We weren't always left with much choices.

Not jaish al adil but you support taliban, al qaeda laskhaer tyba, army of Muhammad abd many Kashmiri terrorists.

Iran also aids Taliban and even aided a faction of Al Qaeda that wasn't Anti Iran itself. Lashkar e Tayyaba and Kashmiri fighters literally had training camps in Iran when both the countries used to coordinate against India back in 90s. So you seem to be like an Iranian Atheist, relative of Mahsa. Stfu
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They’re our true brothers part of Ahle Sunnah like us. We Muslims always care about our brothers everywhere.
Pakistan heads are completely liberals and they can easily be bought by dollars from West or Pgcc sheikhdoms

Pakistan has never paid a single penny for Palestinians since its created

In addition it has limited range of its BMs to not anger those who have occupied the first Qibla of Islam
Pakistani friends should notice that these elements serve western interests indirectly.

Attack on Chinese workers, threatening of CPEC and other terrorist activities that harmed Pakistan's national interests/security can be a side effect of this phenomenon.

Someone wants Pakistan to be unstable and insecure hence being always abusable and it is not Iran.

Do you want to know who supports Baloch seperatists?

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