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i shudder to think how many times the citizens were brainwashed into thinking that the Army was spotless
the brainwash on so many things the army wanted us to believe
are all our friends, friends?
are all our enemies, enemies (barring the obvious ones)?
think of the multi million dollar enterprises the army has set up - at the expense of so many budding entrepreneurs
Hard to get your head round what these army guys were doing with daft things like this The publics impression of the Pakistani Army is now at an all time low .... Generals in this country are an utter embarrassment. The army in Pakistan have lost the plot
Except dha plot.
Some of the comments here, lol.

I am politely boycotting the celebrations. Remaining neutral.
A Fauj working against the Awam of the country can never win.

It's a no brainer.

An Army loosing the support of the people, the civilians cannot sustain, cannot function, cannot fight wars, this is the worst case scenario for any Army and an ideal condition for the enemies, enemy country

Still couldn't believe why the Army cannot understand this and course correct and change.

Country is at the brink...

Some of the comments here, lol.

I am politely boycotting the celebrations. Remaining neutral.

This goes in favor of the anti people forces, like look IK supporters are anti country.

People need to celebrate the 14 August more, so as to point to the fact that pro PTI people are pro Pakistan.

And to debunk the propaganda.
Shabash Naujawan, Tu Ban Ja Pakistan" is more than just a documentary; it's a call to action, an invitation to recognize the potential within every young Pakistani, and a reminder that the future of the nation rests in their capable hands

When the nawjawaanaan e mumlekat recognize their potential, someone raid their house illegally and kidnap them and their family members. So nawjawaan e mumlekat should either remain asleep or get rid of this country to actually recognize his potential.


1 hour ago
اللہ ہمارے پاکستان کو ہمارے محافظین سے حفاظت فرما۔ آمین


14 hours ago
Majority Jawan watching this in jail or outside passport office



10 hours ago
Usually a country has an army.... Pakistan is the only place where an army has entire country



14 hours ago
May Allah grant patience, wisdom, strength and more power to Moshin e Pakistan and impose him back on our beloved army so he can make it great again. Ameen!

A nation that needs to be reminded that it is nation, is no nation.

The comments in this YouTube video tells the true story.

The dislike and hatred for the Fauj is telling.

Such songs doesn't mean anything, rather it shows the Fauji Gens. hypocrsiy and duplicity.

Nobody will buy it.
Songs cannot win wars.

Just as songs cannot win hearts and minds of the people.

It shows hypocrisy and duplicity, double talk of the Army as they are working against the Jawans/Youths of the country, putting them in jails, stopping 14th Aug. rallies, killings and torture...

And ironically coming up with songs to eyewash/hogwash the people.

They are only fooling themselves, and/or are devoid of any sense and sensibility.
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dushman kay aur generals kay bachon ko perhana hai..baqi awam kay bachon ko merwana hai.
A nation that needs to be reminded that it is nation, is no nation.

We were a nation once, the harami fouj killed it.
So a dear friend of mine (well connected, trustworthy) expressed to me that short of a miracle the experiment is over - that the country is on a pathway to implosion and degeneration of governance. He also stated that the lot at the top is lost completely. That their ideas are so "hair-brain" that he is scared when he listens to their ideas. He is also of the view that a cycle that began with Musharraf has accelerated. Some key takeaways:

1) After the political class, some within the armed forces (at high levels) are compromised (this is discussed in some circles) - counter intel is slowly being made toothless. ISI external wing is being clipped (very carefully), a process that began with Musharraf.
2) With Musharraf - came a centralization of control and power in the office of the COAS that essentially killed the army
3) JAG is dead
4) Their is a "loot-maar" of epic proportions
5) Army is not in a position to war fight with poor logistics, stores and maintenance (readiness reports are fudged) - however there are some units and war fighting formations that are still capable - but in general terms things are slowly falling apart
6) There are massive monetary scandals and corruption in the army led public outfits like FWO and a few others that are hemorrhaging and will need bail-outs (some have already been bailed out quietly). Basically some of these outfits are insolvent.
7) The plan is to build a single party system (akin to Chinese model) and there is no intention to turn back to an honest electoral democracy
8) There is a plan to sell government assets en-mass
9) The lot at the top is willing to deal with anyone to sell anything
10) There is likely a massive land grab - north of a million acres of land in Punjab
11) Insurgencies in Baluchistan and KP cannot be quelled and are likely to see an uptick
12) There are some quiet rumblings on SPD that I cannot discuss but very sad to see - this was historically a redline. Seems not so anymore
13) Interim government is likely to extend beyond 3 months - potentially longer with a likely extension
14) Chinese plundering raw materials at massive scale

The State has stopped functioning with all decisions centrally curated. Economic misery to increase, national assets disposed of at throwaway rates (with kickbacks). Inflation and food insecurity becoming staple for Pakistanis. Fuel shortages and power challenges getting worse. Businesses shuttering, people with means and education emigrating. Very bleak and sad outlook.
I don’t understand why people on this forum keep complaining about the army. I feel like you all are in denial. I mean for gods sake understand already, that Pakistan is a military state, it always has been. All the governments ever elected were selected with the backing of the army, including the PTI one. Every single one.Those who challenge them are either killed or destroyed, those who accept them are forgiven. Imran challenged them and is now facing the the music.
Sometimes the army chooses to come to the fore while sometimes it stays in the shadows. However they are the ones always running the show so get out of this denial and complaining and whining and accept it already. The sooner you do the sooner you ll be at peace. Countries around the world have their own unique power centers and governments, it just so happens that Pakistan is run by the military establishment and no one, not me, not you not Bhutto not Imran khan not Nawaz can ever do anything about it.
So get over it already and accept your country for what it is and hope for a better future. That’s all you people sitting at this forum can do, since none of you here are at sitting at the seat of Power.
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download return YouTube button and look at the ratio i am shocked
So a dear friend of mine (well connected, trustworthy) expressed to me that short of a miracle the experiment is over - that the country is on a pathway to implosion and degeneration of governance. He also stated that the lot at the top is lost completely. That their ideas are so "hair-brain" that he is scared when he listens to their ideas. He is also of the view that a cycle that began with Musharraf has accelerated. Some key takeaways:

1) After the political class, some within the armed forces (at high levels) are compromised (this is discussed in some circles) - counter intel is slowly being made toothless. ISI external wing is being clipped (very carefully), a process that began with Musharraf.
2) With Musharraf - came a centralization of control and power in the office of the COAS that essentially killed the army
3) JAG is dead
4) Their is a "loot-maar" of epic proportions
5) Army is not in a position to war fight with poor logistics, stores and maintenance (readiness reports are fudged) - however there are some units and war fighting formations that are still capable - but in general terms things are slowly falling apart
6) There are massive monetary scandals and corruption in the army led public outfits like FWO and a few others that are hemorrhaging and will need bail-outs (some have already been bailed out quietly). Basically some of these outfits are insolvent.
7) The plan is to build a single party system (akin to Chinese model) and there is no intention to turn back to an honest electoral democracy
8) There is a plan to sell government assets en-mass
9) The lot at the top is willing to deal with anyone to sell anything
10) There is likely a massive land grab - north of a million acres of land in Punjab
11) Insurgencies in Baluchistan and KP cannot be quelled and are likely to see an uptick
12) There are some quiet rumblings on SPD that I cannot discuss but very sad to see - this was historically a redline. Seems not so anymore
13) Interim government is likely to extend beyond 3 months - potentially longer with a likely extension
14) Chinese plundering raw materials at massive scale

The State has stopped functioning with all decisions centrally curated. Economic misery to increase, national assets disposed of at throwaway rates (with kickbacks). Inflation and food insecurity becoming staple for Pakistanis. Fuel shortages and power challenges getting worse. Businesses shuttering, people with means and education emigrating. Very bleak and sad outlook.
Glad to see there are some sensible individuals out there who recognize that Busharraf was a manturian candidate who initiated the destruction of the military and the country...
The generals on top are extremely greedy. They still dont care about people's reaction. People will have to take initiative. If they stop you to remove PTI flags, get physical with these dogs. The police is in front, but its the ISI which is on their back. People should not just stand by. There is no law under which current dispensation is operating. They are imposing fear, not law.

This madar chod Asim Munir is extremely insecure and is extremely unpopular. Every time there was martial law in the country, the army was well supported by the people. This time its totally different. And I tell you they are cowards too. Musharraf had one sedition case, he was such a phutoo, he never came back to the country. Imran Khan has over 200 cases.

There is no reason to lose hope. Inshallah, the nation will win. Its our country. We will make its decisions. We will decide who will rule us. Not the men in uniform who are local agents of imperialists.
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