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Jaish ul Adl COMEBACK

Yeah bruv,,, they really aren't

As soon as IR falls they declare independence and separate

You would be lucky if the Kurds, maybe Azeri and Arabs don't do the same thing

You guys are in a real pickle because the so called opposition isn't after one thing it's a Hodge podge of ideological and ethnic fault lines with only the Murtad section being focused on by the west and expat monarchists

Well, you're right that Iran will be torn apart into so-called "ethnic" entities at the slightest hiatus in the exercise of power by the central government. Ira's existential enemies - zionist regime, USA and EU will absolutely make sure of that. They will not miss the historic opportunity offered to them this time around.

However, please do not assume for a second that the majority of Kurdish Iranians, Azari Iranians and even Baluch Iranians have separatist tendencies. They don't. The thing is though, that when the central state collapses, those groups which enjoy foreign backing from major powers, which are well organized and armed, are the ones which will call the shots and impose their agenda on the majority.

Hence why a fall of the Islamic Republic will be fatal to Iran as a unified nation-state and as a historic civilization.

Btw take a look at the IR's own statistics on this - most of the people they have arrested are monarchists. So much for murtad exile western LA blah blah blah crap you Londonestanis love to talk about lmao. Here they are in Baluchistan.

The audio here sounds dubbed. Those individuals in Zahedan, a minority like the rest of the rioters, are extremely unlikely to have chanted pro-monarchy slogans.

You repeating it ad infinitum won't make it happen, just like it didn't happen in 1906, 1921, 1953, or 1979. And the day I take Iran lessons from an exiled Londonestani is the day pigs fly. We are not a country that arose out of colonialism you know

Key difference being, at those dates you mention major imperialist powers did not have the territorial disintegration of Iran high on their agenda. Today they do.

Here's an insight among many into said agenda:


After WW2, Iran got lucky not to lose Azarbaijan and Kordestan. Hadn't it been for Truman's ultimatum to Stalin in 1946, Iran would have lost these two provinces. Again, this wasn't the result of non-existing sympathies for separatism among the majority of Kurdish or Azari Iranians, but of foreign intervention, back then by the USSR. Today, NATO and the zionists are hell bent on intervening to break Iran into pieces.

What is more, this goal of balkanizing Iran is part of a broader agenda pursued by the zio-American empire since 9-11, 2001. They have methodically been orchestrating the destruction of nation-states in the broader region: Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen. Not only will Iran not be an exception, in their eyes Iran in fact represent the big prize.

This is what early 21st century zio-American policy in West Asia is about:

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First zahedan are not balooch but sistani .

Zahedan is majority Baluch.

Baloch Sunni scholars getting killed by undercover Iranian officials. Baloch actually becoming missing persons at the hands of Iranian regime.


Baloch being massacred in broad daylight like the recent massacre in Zahedan.

Those weren't random Baluch Iranians, but a bunch of outlaws who attacked a police station with weapons. Try something like that anywhere outside Iran and security forces will be guaranteed to fire back and wreck havoc in the attackers' ranks.

Baloch in Iran are oppressed for the religion and their ethnicity.

No, Baluch Iranians are free to practice and teach their Sunni version of Islam.

Iranian citizens of Sunni denomination operate countless mosques across Sistan-Baluchestan province, including grand mosques like this:


Actually, compared to respective populations, there are more Sunni-operated than Shia-operated mosques in Iran.

Major Sunni Islamic schools of learning are to be found in Zahedan.

Even representatives of the Deobandi aqida are allowed to act freely in Sistan-Baluchestan province of Iran. One of the largest buildings Zahedan is housing a branch of Jamaat Tabliq. The same organization is running centers in others towns as well. Example:


This is not what's referred to as "religious oppression" by any rational measure. It's pretty much the opposite.

Baloch is Iran are proper religious conservative and on Ahle Sunnah unlike many Pakistani ones who are communists secularists.

Except that (armed) separatist grouplets in Iran's Sistan and Baluchestan province have traditionally been of secularist and communist obedience, from the 1950's all the way to the post-Revolutionary era. Initially they were working under the umbrella of the main pro-Soviet communist party, the famous Tudeh.

Takfiri and/or sectarianist outfit only surfaced relatively recently in the area. They were engineered and empowered by Iran's existential foreign enemies, in particular the USA regime. Iranian intelligence displayed a picture of Abdolmalek Rigi, leader of the crushed terrorist "Jundollah" grouplet, standing at a USA military base in Central Asia. In addition to many other indications for the western backing these gangs enjoy.

This is how their clerics and their slave worshippers in Pakistan refer to Sunni Iranian Baloch:

There's nothing wrong in what the Iranian cleric is supposed to have said. He simply cited a demographic fact.

As for the response of the Pakistani person, it stands in stark contrast to the thinking and discourse of Iranian officials. The Islamic Republic of Iran cannot be faulted for the statements of a random Pakistani individual, who's background hasn't been properly presented here.

The position of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its Leadership regarding our Sunni brothers in Islam is as follows:



It boils my blood watching it. These hypocrites say such about us Sunni Muslims but then are the first one to play sectarian card when we reply.

It has nothing to do with Iran. Also don't blow out of proportion the statement of a single person of whom nothing much is known. A Shia Moslem following the line of hazrate aqa Khamenei and Imam Khomeini, will never indulge in any such sectarianist rhetoric, for such venomous drivel has explicitly been condemned and banned by the Iranian Leadership.

That video is disturbing.

Definitely, however it's not reflective at all of the Islamic Republic of Iran's ideology. Iran has been stressing Shia-Sunni unity ever since the Victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, more recently Supreme Leader Khamenei issued a fatwa that bans the cursing of figures revered by Sunni Moslems.



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Balochis are one the coolest people that I have ever spoken

They visit Shrines of Ahlulbayt even though they're Sunni

Kurds in Kermanshah are Shia and Kurds in Sanadaj are Sunni

Kurds in Iran are about 65% Shia and 35% Sunni

They're very cool people

Their Shia are very religious and their Sunni are also very religious people

Wherever there is Kurd there is Iran

One of Kurdish scholars said this hundreds years ago
Zahedan is majority Baluch.
no its not Majority balooch , its Majority sistani .
the rest of the people may not differenciate them but Balooch and sistani people are very sensitive about it
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