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Irani IRGC colonel assassinated

The blessed operation could have been carried out by at least a dozen actors.

Don't forget that your terror regime has hit Kurds. It has hit Iraq. It's stealing Iraqi water. Many Iranians hate the regime...so they will be happy to cooperate

So many enemies for the Mullah entity. It's true that Mossad owns Iran hard and humiliated them over and over again. Hitting them right in the belly of the beast (Tehran).

It's so humiliating that I feel embarrassed for Iranis :angry:

My favourite one was when Israel got all your nuke documents from a warehouse in Tehran. Sooooo embarrassing. Such a calamitous clown show regime :jester:

I suspect the people behind this latest heroic and holy operation have already made their escape. :ph34r:
The. Destruction of espionage dens can happen by many actors . You stole all your neighbor land , and you steal their water .have an apartheid regime that is hated by half of your population , violate your neighbours land and airspace and bomb them.

And no it wasn't Kurds we hit ,it that blessed operation we hit your espionage den

And by our nuclear document you mean the outdated ones from 25 years ago which were in an abandoned shack and when get published IAEA said meh , we are already aware of them.
Does "we" include Mossad? Mossad loves Kurdish Iraq as an area to operate, and it has probably used Pakistani border areas too, especially when Saudis were using it to hit, sorry, try to hit Iran back when they were struggling for regional supremacy more visibly years ago. you will lie on PDF, then your IDF and Mossad will go do exactly what you tell us they will never care about, on PDF. smh.

Remember, Israelis are not allowed to enter Iran.

So Israel has recruited plenty of Iranian spies otherwise she would not have been able to locate and kill many Iranian scientist regularly? Right ..

So kindly Look inside of Iran and not outside your remark on Pakistan is just crass.

Shows how delusional you have become the evidence is in front of you it’s clear Mossad has lots of Iranian inside traitors working for them and USA .

Nothing to do with us neighbours.
no hard feeling
its not kashmir or anything else we always were, are and will be against of what you tried to do in oic, no matter its India, Armenia, Syria, Russia or ........
PDF is infested with Hindjews in disguise who promote Iran-Pakistan disunity. True Pakistanis love Iran and the Iranian people, love your culture, language and food.

Israel corrupt state should ask themselves.

That action has improved Israel security?

Is it useful for something moreover than trigger a Iran response?

Why this happen few days later than Israeli Defense Minister visited USA? Is USA the interested in use Israel in a first strike against Iran?

Are Israeli politicians selling the blood of Israeli people to USA due to a future war against to Iran under American interests?

And what is the American interests in a Iran war moreover than burn all the zone and make Middle East a hell?

GCC countries have nothing to say about this? They think that they wont be affected if Israel strikes Iran?
Yes. The more dead high-value Iranian terrorists, the safer the entire region is from that monstrous terrorist state.

If Israel had killed all of them you will be right.

But if you kill only one, it's just a provocation for a future escalation, Israel is not more secure after the assasination, it's more unsecure.
No offense but if you can hit Kurds in Iraq then why can't we hit Balochis in Iran?
You cant hit Balochis in Iran because your govt is afraid of what Iran might do in retaliation. Its Pakistan's choice if it wants Iran to be an ally, or enemy, Islam makes Iran prefer the former, but Iran isnt too angry about the latter either, only your refugees is the issue. Iran knows your govt doesnt have the resources to fight Iran, and the population wont support it, since your population seems to probably see Iran as a regional leader vs Pakistan.

Is this psychic law one sided?
its law of reality. your govt will leave Iranian balochistan alone because it cant actively manage 2 states militaries on its borders. If you open up an Iranian front, Iran might end up using India to divide your country, then annex the SHia-leaning parts to it, and the rest can be like West Ukraine- those Pakistanis and US can enjoy that leftover state together.

Pakistan and ISrael show us that nukes alone cant deter most entities hell bent on attacking you.

Yes. The more dead high-value Iranian terrorists, the safer the entire region is from that monstrous terrorist state.
death of Soleimani proves this wrong, because ever since Soleimani was killed, the middle east has gotten more dangerous for Americans and ISraelis- is that a lie?

LOL, US better get ready for war in Middle east, because thats its only maybe option against a nuclear Iran. and US doesnt have much ammunition now to fight too...why? It foolishly gave too much to Ukraine. this is my strong opinion.
You cant hit Balochis in Iran because your govt is afraid of what Iran might do in retaliation. Its Pakistan's choice if it wants Iran to be an ally, or enemy, Islam makes Iran prefer the former, but Iran isnt too angry about the latter either, only your refugees is the issue. Iran knows your govt doesnt have the resources to fight Iran, and the population wont support it, since your population seems to probably see Iran as a regional leader vs Pakistan.

its law of reality. your govt will leave Iranian balochistan alone because it cant actively manage 2 states militaries on its borders. If you open up an Iranian front, Iran might end up using India to divide your country, then annex the SHia-leaning parts to it, and the rest can be like West Ukraine- those Pakistanis and US can enjoy that leftover state together.

Pakistan and ISrael show us that nukes alone cant deter most entities hell bent on attacking you.

death of Soleimani proves this wrong, because ever since Soleimani was killed, the middle east has gotten more dangerous for Americans and ISraelis- is that a lie?

LOL, US better get ready for war in Middle east, because thats its only maybe option against a nuclear Iran. and US doesnt have much ammunition now to fight too...why? It foolishly gave too much to Ukraine. this is my strong opinion.
Why do you look at the world through your warped view of hating neighbours and attacking them?
You cant hit Balochis in Iran because your govt is afraid of what Iran might do in retaliation. Its Pakistan's choice if it wants Iran to be an ally, or enemy, Islam makes Iran prefer the former, but Iran isnt too angry about the latter either, only your refugees is the issue. Iran knows your govt doesnt have the resources to fight Iran, and the population wont support it, since your population seems to probably see Iran as a regional leader vs Pakistan.

its law of reality. your govt will leave Iranian balochistan alone because it cant actively manage 2 states militaries on its borders. If you open up an Iranian front, Iran might end up using India to divide your country, then annex the SHia-leaning parts to it, and the rest can be like West Ukraine- those Pakistanis and US can enjoy that leftover state together.

Pakistan and ISrael show us that nukes alone cant deter most entities hell bent on attacking you.

death of Soleimani proves this wrong, because ever since Soleimani was killed, the middle east has gotten more dangerous for Americans and ISraelis- is that a lie?

LOL, US better get ready for war in Middle east, because thats its only maybe option against a nuclear Iran. and US doesnt have much ammunition now to fight too...why? It foolishly gave too much to Ukraine. this is my strong opinion.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
You cant hit Balochis in Iran because your govt is afraid of what Iran might do in retaliation. Its Pakistan's choice if it wants Iran to be an ally, or enemy, Islam makes Iran prefer the former, but Iran isnt too angry about the latter either, only your refugees is the issue. Iran knows your govt doesnt have the resources to fight Iran, and the population wont support it, since your population seems to probably see Iran as a regional leader vs Pakistan.

its law of reality. your govt will leave Iranian balochistan alone because it cant actively manage 2 states militaries on its borders. If you open up an Iranian front, Iran might end up using India to divide your country, then annex the SHia-leaning parts to it, and the rest can be like West Ukraine- those Pakistanis and US can enjoy that leftover state together.

Pakistan and ISrael show us that nukes alone cant deter most entities hell bent on attacking you.

death of Soleimani proves this wrong, because ever since Soleimani was killed, the middle east has gotten more dangerous for Americans and ISraelis- is that a lie?

LOL, US better get ready for war in Middle east, because thats its only maybe option against a nuclear Iran. and US doesnt have much ammunition now to fight too...why? It foolishly gave too much to Ukraine. this is my strong opinion.
My Nigerian friend if you can find a Shia leaning, majority "part" in Pakistan, than by God you should get a million $ price bond and a trip to Bahamas

(to our Shia pakistanis here sorry brothers if it makes you feel a certain way- just testing this guy)

2- no one wants to be enemy or ally, don't give a crap about y'all just stop proxing with other country, letting your land be used against us- that's all

You bring India but forget every neighbor of yours is angry with you except for us and some other country
So you know
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My Nigerian friend if you can find a Shia leaning "part" in Pakistan, than by God you should get a million $ price bond

(to our Shia pakistanis here sorry brothers if it makes you feel a certain way in terms of loyalty etc, not questioning it just testing this guy)

2- no one wants to be enemy or ally, don't give a crap about y'all just stop proxing with other country, letting your land be used against us- that's all

You bring India but forget every neighbor of yours is angry with you except for us and some other country
So you know

He is a troll. Who cares what he says. Iran is a Supa powa in his mind so let him pretend. It's not our military leaders getting mirked in broad daylight. :lol:
The reason we don't create chaos in Pakistan is because we don't care about Pakistan
Didn't you try your hardest to prevent Pakistan from attaining nukes?

You cant hit Balochis in Iran because your govt is afraid of what Iran might do in retaliation. Its Pakistan's choice if it wants Iran to be an ally, or enemy, Islam makes Iran prefer the former, but Iran isnt too angry about the latter either, only your refugees is the issue. Iran knows your govt doesnt have the resources to fight Iran, and the population wont support it, since your population seems to probably see Iran as a regional leader vs Pakistan.
You are not that guy pal

It is us showing mercy on you, not the other way round 😈
No offense but if you can hit Kurds in Iraq then why can't we hit Balochis in Iran? Is this psychic law one sided?
very simple we don't hit random kurds , you first must prove your claim about their involvement in Pakistan otherwise they are as protected as a guy living in Tehran.

its law of reality. your govt will leave Iranian balochistan alone because it cant actively manage 2 states militaries on its borders. If you open up an Iranian front, Iran might end up using India to divide your country, then annex the SHia-leaning parts to it, and the rest can be like West Ukraine- those Pakistanis and US can enjoy that leftover state together.
iran is serriously against changing any border by military force so I doubt that .
Pakistan makes it a point to stay neutral between US/Saudis and Iran. I think you are under the wrong impression, Pakistan and Iran have no reason to fight each other.
This has not always been true- why did your ISI let CIA, MOssad and Saudi Intelligence use your border areas to prop up Jundollah and Jaish Ul adl some years ago???? Lets be consistent with the reality, we're not writing a story book here.

iran is serriously against changing any border by military force so I doubt that .
LOL - you think your country hasnt already "changed the borders" in Iraq already? Iran can change your "borders" and everythign will look the same. Same thing with LEbanon - you think Iranian Hezbollah being dominant in Lebanon didnt "change the borders"for Lebanon?

Changing borders can mean anything, thats my point, it doesnt only mean geographically or militarily.
My Nigerian friend if you can find a Shia leaning, majority "part" in Pakistan, than by God you should get a million $ price bond and a trip to Bahamas
oh shut up, you say basic crap and then want praise on PDF? TAKE CARE OF YOUR OVer 20M Shia! Iran can recruit and change your society IF IT WANTS, simple. but yes, majority of Pakistan might not like Iran, but Majority of Pakistan is ok with IRan, unlike in PDF.
(to our Shia pakistanis here sorry brothers if it makes you feel a certain way- just testing this guy)
go test the loyalty of your fake US GOVT PROXY govt. now u come on PDF to act tough when US has taken all your govt's dignity away.
2- no one wants to be enemy or ally, don't give a crap about y'all just stop proxing with other country, letting your land be used against us- that's all
but you're ok being "ally" with China and Saudis right? lol- what is even an ally in your definition? I didnt mean ally, i meant friendly, which Pakistan isnt to Iran- Pakistan of today cant think for itself sad! when US took away your govt and replaced it what it wanted, thats when it hurt me how weak your county is, EVEN WITH ITS NUKES
You bring India but forget every neighbor of yours is angry with you except for us and some other country
So you know
what did all those angry ghost countries do to Iran in the end? After Afghanistan beat Up US army next door, NOBODY in the region is ready for Iranian smoke, NOT EVEN Pakistan ,so once again, go and rest and farm new balls for your fake US-installed govt.

Yeah I don't support these terrorists either. If our agencies are supporting them then we deserve terrorism in our country same with Iran, if it will support BLA, BRA it will be responsible for the consequences.
fair enough! cheers.

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