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Irani IRGC colonel assassinated

Our land is also used against Iran. Lets not try to act so innocent buddy.
On whose tip doing you think Iran landed a place and got the head of Jundullah. Yes Jundullah used to operate from Pakistan but we took them out. Very few of them left. On the other hand RAW full network is operating from Iran.
I wish Pakistan land was also used more against Israel too. Given that Gaza is Sunni, it should be full of Pakistani rockets and missiles rather than Iranian. But congratulations to Iran for taking the lead.
not our fight!
The kind of assassination's Israel carries out in Iran and pretty much now even blatantly accepts it that it was them is making Iran look like a joke. It may sound offensive but it's the case now. Iran hasn't responded until now. And please what was done in Iraq was a joke. It's pretty clear US was already informed of strikes. And finally Iran needs to respond with taking out at least 3 to 4 high profile targets in Israel. Other wise morale will be destroyed of Iranian forces.
Guten fucking morgen, mongrelstein. Here's the bulletin kikeroach news won't give you ("OY VEY, MUH MILITARY CENSOR, ELOHEINU)!

An israeli intelligence officer is found dead after falling from (jumping off) a building. In the last month, four terrorist soldiers committed suicide in the #IDF • IDF Spokesman: "The cases are being thoroughly investigated" [ https://(t dot me)/israel_wc2]

There's your cue to dry hump "le wailing wall" (the remnant of the Roman Antonia Fortress) in his memory. Scram on, now - don't want his soul getting delayed to the fire pit where your sand demon yhwh awaits.
Yeah, sometimes people suicide. Nothing to do with Iran though. However Iranian nuclear scientists and facilities tend to blow up too often.
Yeah, sometimes people suicide. Nothing to do with Iran though. However Iranian nuclear scientists and facilities tend to blow up too often.
And there it is - the faggoty sandmutt swiftly denies like the snivelling pussy he is. Kek, the championship for lying and cheating goes to kikeroaches and always will.

Four sandmutts on active duty and one of them in intelligence biting it in a month isn't "sometimes people suicide", you ignorant dune coon of a Muttstein. The dead cunt of your fellow shitskin shmuel took a high dive courtesy of the IRGC and you know and AMAN knows it too. Colonel Khodayari is avenged and the Iranians wished you a "shabbot shalom" signed with the dead kikeroach's corpse.

Although personally, I wish they'd just beaten him till he was a drooling vegetable. Let all the greedy kikes' taxes go into paying for his care...a lifetime of gibs out of your pockets for his paralyzed arse. Heck, maybe they could have even hired a crocodile-faced kike sow with bloated udders to breastfeed him till he croaked, eh? Bastard would have loved it since kikeroaches are massive perverts, despite their tiny dicklets.

Oh, speaking of nuclear scientists, what did they do with Aby Har Even? I heard there was only grilled kosher meat left to dispose of once they found him.
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And there it is - the faggoty sandmutt swiftly denies like the snivelling pussy he is. Kek, the championship for lying and cheating goes to kikeroaches and always will.

Four sandmutts on active duty and one of them in intelligence biting it in a month isn't "sometimes people suicide", you ignorant dune coon of a Muttstein. The dead cunt of your fellow shitskin shmuel took a high dive courtesy of the IRGC and you know and AMAN knows it too. Colonel Khodayari is avenged and the Iranians wished you a "shabbot shalom" signed with the dead kikeroach's corpse.

Although personally, I wish they'd just beaten him till he was a drooling vegetable. Let all the greedy kikes' taxes go into paying for his care...a lifetime of gibs out of your pockets for his paralyzed arse. Heck, maybe they could have even hired a crocodile-faced kike sow with bloated udders to breastfeed him till he croaked, eh? Bastard would have loved it since kikeroaches are massive perverts, despite their tiny dicklets.

Oh, speaking of nuclear scientists, what did they do with Aby Har Even? I heard there was only grilled kosher meat left to dispose of once they found him.
It feels like I'm talking to an AI designed to speak like a Jew hating /pol/ack
I celebrate THE RAPE OF JERUSALEM (and the destruction of the shithole kikeroach temple) by Titus and his Legions every year with cake and a grill.

Off topic, but I respect your Profile Picture. Been a longtime fan of Berserk myself, always appreciate seeing others also enjoying such a seminal manga series!
Yea whatever schlomo.. just stay out of Pakistan.
Israel sworn to destroy Pakistan the moment Jinnah (R.A) presided Arab interests over Israel.

Israel to stay out of Pakistan is not impossible when you have crazy Genocidal Modi on charge wasn’t coincident. India is puppet of Israel willingly able as medium hence india gets away buying cheap oils from Russia because Israel is father of usa. 🤦‍♂️
A war between Pakistan and Iran serves no ones interest
Not entirely true.

Israel and USA may beg to differ.

They are already loving rivalry between KSA and Iran destroying Middle East while Israel maintains the chaos to ensure it stays that way.
Commander of Mossad terror squad was killed in a drone attack last night.

His convoy was targeted by Iranian suicide drone near Erbil airport



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