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Irani IRGC colonel assassinated

He is a troll. Who cares what he says. Iran is a Supa powa in his mind so let him pretend. It's not our military leaders getting mirked in broad daylight. :lol:
if i'm a troll why do i know about Iran than you do? only a troll on PDF thinks that's a lie. cheers. I support and love your country, UNTIL YOU START PROPAGANDA BS against Iran, then i gotta come for you. cheers!
Most probably Pakistani intelligence already operates in Iran, those BLA people aren't assassinating themselves. And there's no Iranian front. Pakistan makes it a point to stay neutral between US/Saudis and Iran. I think you are under the wrong impression, Pakistan and Iran have no reason to fight each other.

But you have violated Iraq's sovereignty many times and have thus set a precedent. Iran has also claimed to have operated inside Pakistani territory at least once, so why the double standards. We getting rid of these separatists also help you too. Most likely there's already an arrangement between Pakistan and Iran on them.
as i said , first you must prove the existence of the terrorists base there

This has not always been true- why did your ISI let CIA, MOssad and Saudi Intelligence use your border areas to prop up Jundollah and Jaish Ul adl some years ago???? Lets be consistent with the reality, we're not writing a story book here.

LOL - you think your country hasnt already "changed the borders" in Iraq already? Iran can change your "borders" and everythign will look the same. Same thing with LEbanon - you think Iranian Hezbollah being dominant in Lebanon didnt "change the borders"for Lebanon?

Changing borders can mean anything, thats my point, it doesnt only mean geographically or militarily.
no we didn't change any border, that's our red line.
You cant hit Balochis in Iran because your govt is afraid of what Iran might do in retaliation. Its Pakistan's choice if it wants Iran to be an ally, or enemy, Islam makes Iran prefer the former, but Iran isnt too angry about the latter either, only your refugees is the issue. Iran knows your govt doesnt have the resources to fight Iran, and the population wont support it, since your population seems to probably see Iran as a regional leader vs Pakistan.

its law of reality. your govt will leave Iranian balochistan alone because it cant actively manage 2 states militaries on its borders. If you open up an Iranian front, Iran might end up using India to divide your country, then annex the SHia-leaning parts to it, and the rest can be like West Ukraine- those Pakistanis and US can enjoy that leftover state together.

Pakistan and ISrael show us that nukes alone cant deter most entities hell bent on attacking you.

death of Soleimani proves this wrong, because ever since Soleimani was killed, the middle east has gotten more dangerous for Americans and ISraelis- is that a lie?

LOL, US better get ready for war in Middle east, because thats its only maybe option against a nuclear Iran. and US doesnt have much ammunition now to fight too...why? It foolishly gave too much to Ukraine. this is my strong opinion.
Sir, Iran doesnt have the capability to fight a war with Pakistan. No matter how much you say it does, it doesnt. It really doesnt.
Sir, Iran doesnt have the capability to fight a war with Pakistan. No matter how much you say it does, it doesnt. It really doesnt.
why we want to fight with pakistan , for us taking away sweet night sleep from Israel is enough

Wtf, why is a Nigerian defending Iran so much? Maybe he is Shia
maybe he is not sectarian , unlike some people.
Sir, Iran doesnt have the capability to fight a war with Pakistan. No matter how much you say it does, it doesnt. It really doesnt.
Ok, but what's the basis of you making this assertion? Lets hear your reasoning first.

A war between Pakistan and Iran serves no ones interest
but that's not the discussion at hand.

Wtf, why is a Nigerian defending Iran so much? Maybe he is Shia
why is your pathetic UK govt defending Ukraine so much? I dont believe i defend Iran, i believe i EXPLAIN Iran to people, and its amazing that me being 1500 miles away understanding IRan much better than Pakistanis who are no more than 200miles away from Iran. smh.

Why do you look at the world through your warped view of hating neighbours and attacking them?
No one is taking about how Pakistan views Afghanistan. This is what your comments projects IMO. Pakistan doesnt "hate" India does it? lol- you always do the same crap that your neighbors do, but blame them for doing it, its a common American habit.

Wtf, why is a Nigerian defending Iran so much? Maybe he is Shia
can u explain the link between my ethnic Identity (being NIgerian) with the points i'm making??? I feel its emotionally biased people who connect both when they are not connected at all.
Ok, but what's the basis of you making this assertion? Lets hear your reasoning first.
You telling me that Iran can win a war against Pakistan? The same Pakistan that faced off God knows how many times against India, a nation 7x larger than itself, and held its own/won against them?

I mean come on. Look at the sorry state your air force is in. You have lack luster air power. Your navy isnt any better. Your main power is your army/strategic forces, which can only do so much before being bombed out by the PAF.

And before you talk about Ballistic missiles, remember that Pakistan also possesses ballistic missiles. I mean, your air force used to be very strong, but now its been degraded and neglected to the point where it will ultimately act like the UAF in the current rus-ukr war. You are outgunned and outnumbered. The odds are against you. So stop with this childish crap of, muh iranian stronger than Pakistan. Muh iran can beat pakistan in a war.
No one understands Iran, don't get ahead of yourself. IRI is a unique phenomenon in history.
true, so that means we are all "confused" to different degrees, and i know i am on the less confused side, period.
You telling me that Iran can win a war against Pakistan? The same Pakistan that faced off God knows how many times against India, a nation 7x larger than itself, and held its own/won against them?
LOL- and how did your forces fair against India "god knows how many times"???
I mean come on. Look at the sorry state your air force is in.
If its so sorry then why didnt US or shupapawa Israel attack with THEIR might air force? bottom line, iran apparently doesnt need a strong airforce to deter and tackle adversaries. its different, but it works, so far.
You have lack luster air power.
LOOOL...but those with strong airforces lose wars - US, Israel, Saudis.
Your navy isnt any better.
Then stop talking tough and go test it, but you never will. ONCE AGAIN, if its so weak, why havent other powers taken advantage of the supposed weakness in the navy? and then combine that with an apparently weak airforce you said Iran has?? OMG, how bad are these other militaries if they cant attack an Iran with a bad airforce and Navy? lool.
Your main power is your army/strategic forces, which can only do so much before being bombed out by the PAF.
How will your PAF fly when those ground forces would've already destroyed the PAF runways the jets would use to fly to Iran?
And before you talk about Ballistic missiles, remember that Pakistan also possesses ballistic missiles.
So why does this stop me from talking ballistic missiles? you said this rubbish about before you talk because you are insecure Pakistan's missiles arent as good, and i 'll let those your insecurities speak for me here.
I mean, your air force used to be very strong, but now its been degraded and neglected to the point where it will ultimately act like the UAF in the current rus-ukr war.
you love airforces and are a fanboy of military planes, and that is cool on its own, but regarding Iran, focusing on Iran's airforce already proves you dont understannd Iran's type of warfare...ANNNNNND, Iran's airforce isnt even that weak- seriously- it seems you call "weak airforce" any airforce that doesnt possess modern western military aircraft? You just have no idea at all of Iran's air capabilities, seriously, even those of us who are aware have gaps in our knowledge, to different degrees, but i can tell you actually know nothing, and thats why you try to make it look like you actually do, because once that fades, you cant prove you know crap about Iran's airforce - its programs, technology, numbers, locations, status, you dunno crap, and thats ok, stick around the right threads and learn when it comes up.
You are outgunned and outnumbered.
THEN why cant the adversary like Pakistan or US attack already???? you make your forces look weak, because you give every reason to prove the adversary here, Iran, is weak, so if Iran is weak and you will never attack, that either proves your military is WAY weaker than Iran's "weak army", or having large numbers and not being outgunned aint worth much on the real world battlefield.
The odds are against you.
and Iran still turned them upside down...do you see how amazing and insane Iran's story and trajectory is? Meanwhile, US just changed your govt for itself, because it didnt like Imran's mouth running off, so worry about that more ok?
So stop with this childish crap of, muh iranian stronger than Pakistan.
How is it childish when reality proves it right? your country needed nukes to feel secure militarily, Iran feels militarily secure already without apparently a good airforce or navy, but Pakistan has a strong military in general, so a realistic war could be a stalemate probably, but Iran is ahead of Pakistan militarily, you need China free gifts and toys and US money and equipment to keep your army strong, Iran kept its army strong ON ITS OWN, while other Muslims like Pakistan said "yes sir" to Us sanctions.

YOu guys fire your missiles once every 5 years, Iran fires once every 6 months. Without China your military wont feel so good - true or not?
LOL- and how did your forces fair against India "god knows how many times"???

If its so sorry then why didnt US or shupapawa Israel attack with THEIR might air force? bottom line, iran apparently doesnt need a strong airforce to deter and tackle adversaries. its different, but it works, so far.

LOOOL...but those with strong airforces lose wars - US, Israel, Saudis.

Then stop talking tough and go test it, but you never will. ONCE AGAIN, if its so weak, why havent other powers taken advantage of the supposed weakness in the navy? and then combine that with an apparently weak airforce you said Iran has?? OMG, how bad are these other militaries if they cant attack an Iran with a bad airforce and Navy? lool.

How will your PAF fly when those ground forces would've already destroyed the PAF runways the jets would use to fly to Iran?

So why does this stop me from talking ballistic missiles? you said this rubbish about before you talk because you are insecure Pakistan's missiles arent as good, and i 'll let those your insecurities speak for me here.

you love airforces and are a fanboy of military planes, and that is cool on its own, but regarding Iran, focusing on Iran's airforce already proves you dont understannd Iran's type of warfare...ANNNNNND, Iran's airforce isnt even that weak- seriously- it seems you call "weak airforce" any airforce that doesnt possess modern western military aircraft? You just have no idea at all of Iran's air capabilities, seriously, even those of us who are aware have gaps in our knowledge, to different degrees, but i can tell you actually know nothing, and thats why you try to make it look like you actually do, because once that fades, you cant prove you know crap about Iran's airforce - its programs, technology, numbers, locations, status, you dunno crap, and thats ok, stick around the right threads and learn when it comes up.

THEN why cant the adversary like Pakistan or US attack already???? you make your forces look weak, because you give every reason to prove the adversary here, Iran, is weak, so if Iran is weak and you will never attack, that either proves your military is WAY weaker than Iran's "weak army", or having large numbers and not being outgunned aint worth much on the real world battlefield.

and Iran still turned them upside down...do you see how amazing and insane Iran's story and trajectory is? Meanwhile, US just changed your govt for itself, because it didnt like Imran's mouth running off, so worry about that more ok?

How is it childish when reality proves it right? your country needed nukes to feel secure militarily, Iran feels militarily secure already without apparently a good airforce or navy, but Pakistan has a strong military in general, so a realistic war could be a stalemate probably, but Iran is ahead of Pakistan militarily, you need China free gifts and toys and US money and equipment to keep your army strong, Iran kept its army strong ON ITS OWN, while other Muslims like Pakistan said "yes sir" to Us sanctions.

YOu guys fire your missiles once every 5 years, Iran fires once every 6 months. Without China your military wont feel so good - true or not?
Even your own military leaders are probably not as confident as you are right now 🤣

Iran would get bullied so bad it's not even funny


What they expected? USA is using Israel as trigger to start a Israel/Iran war since years ago, it's nothing new.

Israel should ask themselves what is the purpose of kill that person, it's only useful to make a escalation in the coming weeks, it's no useful for nothing more.

I understand that kill a nuclear scientific can be useful to slow down nuclear program, but kill a IRGC member in Tehran is only useful to provocate a Iranian response against Israel, it stops nothing, and it's no make more secure Israel.

First problem of Israel security is Israel corrupt leaders who take stupid American orders against their own people interests.
Something similar happens in Europe against Russia due to Ukraine, obbeying American orders that only damage own European people.
Interesting !
They leaked the hit and play the ultimate psyop . It shows how easily they were able to identify the deceased and infiltrate the regime's hierarchy.How rattled they must be thinking am I going to be next. Could it be diversion from the economic woes and he was just a pawn. Interesting how it happened right as there were videos of riots emerging about inflation and nosedive of standard of living further below poverty for the average man.

Israeli defense and intelligence officials have owned up to the brazen assassination of a senior Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) officer, which took place in Tehran on Sunday. A pair of unidentified gunmen drove up to IRGC Col. Hassan Sayyad Khodaei as he sat in his car outside his home. The Quds Force colonel was shot five times, and his death was quickly blamed on Israeli intelligence given prior similar killings.
The NY Times days later reported that "The Israelis told the Americans the killing was meant as a warning to Iran to halt the operations of a covert group within the Quds Force known as Unit 840, according to the intelligence official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss classified information."
Banner of the slain IRGC colonel in Tehran after his killing, via AP.
It described, "Unit 840 is tasked with abductions and assassinations of foreigners around the world, including Israeli civilians and officials, according to Israeli government, military and intelligence officials." Col. Khadaei was reportedly the deputy head of the covert unit.
The Israelis didn't comment for the story, however the Times stressed "But according to an intelligence official briefed on the communications, Israel has informed American officials that it was behind the killing."
The Israeli government is now said to be infuriated by the leak and are calling for an internal US intelligence investigation. Knesset member Ram Ben Barak, who heads the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said "It mainly harms trust."
"We have very many close relationships and a lot of cooperation between us, which all depend on trust, and when it is violated in some way then it damages future cooperation," he said in an Israeli radio interview Thursday. "I hope the Americans investigate the leak and figure out where it came from and why it occurred."
There's currently speculation that the assassination was intended to highlight Iranian covert efforts to kill Israeli officials and civilians, something which Tehran has rejected. The timing, some pundits have said, was meant to further disrupt the stalled nuclear talks between Tehran and world powers in Vienna. A separate follow-up Thursday report in The Wall Street Journal suggests the slain Quds Force colonel was part of Iranian efforts to take out an Israeli diplomat, however this cannot be confirmed.

"An Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officer shot and killed outside his Tehran home led the group’s efforts to assassinate opponents of Iran around the world, including recent failed plots to kill an Israeli diplomat, an American general and a French intellectual, according to people familiar with the matter," WSJ writes citing anonymous sources.
President Ibrahim Raisi had vowed in a Monday speech revenge on Israel, after semi-official ISNA news agency claimed that the Guards uncovered and arrested spies backed by Israeli intelligence. The reports were not commented on by Israel. "The thugs and terrorist groups affiliated with global oppression and Zionism will face consequences for their actions," Raisi had said.
The assassination is being widely viewed as the biggest foreign sponsored attack inside Iran since the killing of top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in 2020. Israel was widely acknowledged as behind that killing which also took place in a Tehran suburb.

You telling me that Iran can win a war against Pakistan? The same Pakistan that faced off God knows how many times against India, a nation 7x larger than itself, and held its own/won against them?

I mean come on. Look at the sorry state your air force is in. You have lack luster air power. Your navy isnt any better. Your main power is your army/strategic forces, which can only do so much before being bombed out by the PAF.

And before you talk about Ballistic missiles, remember that Pakistan also possesses ballistic missiles. I mean, your air force used to be very strong, but now its been degraded and neglected to the point where it will ultimately act like the UAF in the current rus-ukr war. You are outgunned and outnumbered. The odds are against you. So stop with this childish crap of, muh iranian stronger than Pakistan. Muh iran can beat pakistan in a war.
Bro he is not Iranian.

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