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Irani IRGC colonel assassinated

helping , a merchant being secretly an agent is iran helping ? why you didn't informed us of his action ?

"Merchant" lmao

what about Jaish-al-Adl what you did about them by the way its 2022 ,its 6 year that Kulbushan is not active and BLA/BRA & SRA are all your problem have nothing to do with iran

What have you done about BLA/BRA, SRA & Indian agents? We took down jundullah for you. What did you give us? Jaish ul adl is based in Iran not Pakistan. We're the ones building a fence to stop infiltration, not you.

some Pakistani problem , run into a thread had nothing to do with them act as a certain country unpaid trolls to divert the thread and attack anybody if he try to point the hypocrisy

Exposing Iranians for their unprovoked vendetta against Pakistan is hypocrisy?
Your Iranian overlords have a sizable Jewish population which they allow to go back and forth from Iran to Israel. This is what is allowing such high profile targeted attacks to take place. The Iranians thinks they have assets in Israel but they just end up being double agents. :lol:

That's why I'm so happy Pakistan never recognized Israel and doesn't let any Israelis enter otherwise they'd be creating absolute chaos in Pakistan.
The reason we don't create chaos in Pakistan is because we don't care about Pakistan
Who knows. This blessed operation could have been carried out by internal Irani actors. The regime is hated, there is widespread corruption. Maybe it was just two hoodlums on a motorbike who decided to act out.

We can't credit the brave and righteous Mossad with every operation...

Israeli defense minister was in Washington days ago to take orders from the USA master.

It's so obvious.

Israeli corrupt leaders risk the lives of Israeli people in exchange for American money.

And USA is the main instigator of unstabilization in the zone.

Likely we'll see a provocation in Lebanon/Syria in the coming weeks, and Hezbollah will respond more than other times, because this time Tehran was touched. That's the USA plot, they know that hezbolllah dont give a fck about Lebanon/Syria bombings, unless something happens in Tehran.

The same happened in 2017 summer, first Terrorist attacks in Tehran assisted by Israel June 2017, then a USA aircraft carrier visited Haifa port July 2017 (first time in more than one decade) and Hezbollah announced a missile factory that almost start a Israeli attack.
Mossad hunters will not be put off with a couple of body guards lol. The nuke scientist was surrounded by them and he still got popped.

Maybe they should live in remote locations surrounded by military facilities like North-Korean scientists do.
Mossad? or inside job?
Israeli main press take take the news as a Israeli job.

If it had been a inside job, they wouldnt publish as the main news.

It's still assassination and murder

Kill civilians is terrorism and never can be justified.

Kill combatients is a war action. Selfdefense.

Anyway, I think this particularly is useless except as a provocation to instigate a escalate the coming weeks.
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Who knows. This blessed operation could have been carried out by internal Irani actors. The regime is hated, there is widespread corruption. Maybe it was just two hoodlums on a motorbike who decided to act out.

We can't credit the brave and righteous Mossad with every operation...
As I said if proven it ordered by Zionist Regime then answer would be den by den.
Just pray this time we choose an execution mean less painful than trial by fire
Sadly for you it seems your media is giving the credit to mossad but what I can say we can't rely on your media claims as it is as trustworthy as isis media

"Merchant" lmao

What have you done about BLA/BRA, SRA & Indian agents? We took down jundullah for you. What did you give us? Jaish ul adl is based in Iran not Pakistan. We're the ones building a fence to stop infiltration, not you.

Exposing Iranians for their unprovoked vendetta against Pakistan is hypocrisy?
As I said a troll always be a troll
As I said if proven it ordered by Zionist Regime then answer would be den by den.
Just pray this time we choose an execution mean less painful than trial by fire
Sadly for you it seems your media is giving the credit to mossad but what I can say we can't rely on your media claims as it is as trustworthy as isis media

As I said a troll always be a troll
The blessed operation could have been carried out by at least a dozen actors.

Don't forget that your terror regime has hit Kurds. It has hit Iraq. It's stealing Iraqi water. Many Iranians hate the regime...so they will be happy to cooperate

So many enemies for the Mullah entity. It's true that Mossad owns Iran hard and humiliated them over and over again. Hitting them right in the belly of the beast (Tehran).

It's so humiliating that I feel embarrassed for Iranis :angry:

My favourite one was when Israel got all your nuke documents from a warehouse in Tehran. Sooooo embarrassing. Such a calamitous clown show regime :jester:

I suspect the people behind this latest heroic and holy operation have already made their escape. :ph34r:
We literally don't care about Pakistan
Does "we" include Mossad? Mossad loves Kurdish Iraq as an area to operate, and it has probably used Pakistani border areas too, especially when Saudis were using it to hit, sorry, try to hit Iran back when they were struggling for regional supremacy more visibly years ago. you will lie on PDF, then your IDF and Mossad will go do exactly what you tell us they will never care about, on PDF. smh.

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