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Indian intelligence involvement in Bangladesh land mass from 1947-today

BNP admins may have made their mistakes and they have paid dearly for it. Hopefully they have learned their lessons. But I am not confident that you guys will drop your support for AL, ever. Once Bangladeshi's get sufficiently mad with AL misrule, they will be removed from power. It may happen in 1 year or 6 years or 11 years, but it will happen eventually. And all this time anti-India feeling will grow in Bangladesh. So supporting AL is bad for India's long term interest. I hope you guys choose wisely looking after your own long term interest.
Depends on who comes to power in 2014. India won't want Islamic extremist to grow in power. That's all we care, along with transit and illegal immigration.

India and BD has to talk with each other, with all parties so that our interest remains safe. If BNP agrees to co-operate with India over these few issues, then I think India might leave AL and we might have good relations and a greater economic ties. Whichever party will accept this will get India's support.

Ball is in BD's court actually.
BNP admins may have made their mistakes and they have paid dearly for it. Hopefully they have learned their lessons. But I am not confident that you guys will drop your support for AL, ever. Once Bangladeshi's get sufficiently mad with AL misrule, they will be removed from power. It may happen in 1 year or 6 years or 11 years, but it will happen eventually. And all this time anti-India feeling will grow in Bangladesh. So supporting AL is bad for India's long term interest. I hope you guys choose wisely looking after your own long term interest.

How much influence did Arab revolution have or how this arab revolution is seen by Bangladeshis?
I am saying whether yesterday or today.. the mass movement in Bangladesh is by Bangladeshis. If all those students are coming on street are all of them RAW agents?

mate I will give you some example of student protest in BD-
1952 - Language movement
1969- tyrannical rule of Ayub Khan
1971- Independence war, (combined participation of all Bangladeshi )
1990- Against Dictatorship
2013 -Shahbag uprising

some people always been against it. Don't understand whether they feel this undermines their self-importance/ego , or they are just plain Mr Jaffar (gaddar)...not a Bangladeshi.
Looks like either bangladeshis are not secured about their country as they easily fall prey to RAW . if RAW is really behind whatever is happening in BD then why dont they catch them ? Height of conspiracy theories
RAW is best intelligent agency in world

1. Sucessful 71 mission
2. Sucessful Balouchistan
3. Supporting TTP
4. Involvement in Bangladesh
5. Sindudesh movement
It s an external intelligence agencies job to conduct operations in other xountries!!!

Or are you trying to say RAW is wasting its money on worthless place.. :lol:
RawBangladesh coming to you in the night in your dreams :rofl::omghaha:
All hail RAW- The best espionage agency in the world :smokin:

Courtesy - PDF Bangladeshis. Thank you fellas!
Kalu_miah was all fresh this morning ,singing Kalu_miah songs doing Kalu_miah things, Scrambling eggs , making coffee , cutting fresh fruits and veggies to go with , when he suddenly cut his finger . A small tear formed in his eye . He reminisced about past and all the moments when RAW made his life difficult. And the pain started growing . It was RAW who made his first love leave him . It was RAW sponsored kids who bullied him all the way in school , It was RAW who stole his most favorite goat:astagh: , it was RAW who unleashed chemical weapons on his favorite donkey:astagh: , due to which it became sick and old and it died and it was RAW sponsored kids who were playing outside his house causing him to lose attention and cut his finger . damn you RAW :cry::cry::cry:
There is a broad pattern. Ever since the Radcliffe borders were drawn, our landmass became subject to intelligence operations of India. I have covered some details of the earlier era from 1960's to 1971 25th March here:

Now we want to cover the period from 1971 26 March till today. The Bangladesh period.

During 1971 war of liberation, RAW played a positive role, in most Bangladeshi eye, except for a very small percentage. But after the war was won, the public mood soured of Indian hand of interference in Bangladesh.

RAW failed to save Mujib and most of his family in 1975, when they were killed by mostly a group of former freedom fighter Army officers in a coup.

The period between 1975 to 1981 was a period of RAW failure. But RAW made a come back with Ershad and using Ershad to manage the killing of Zia by remote control (my own impression, I could be wrong). Ershad is one of those stealth RAW assets in my opinion.

So Ershad era from 1981 to 1991 was an era of RAW success.

1991-1996 KZ rule was a RAW failure.

1996-2001 RAW made a come back with Hasina led AL.

2001-2006 KZ rule was another RAW failure.

2007-2009 was a RAW success using their asset Gen. Moeen, who helped bring Hasina led AL back in a rigged election.

2009-present AL misrule, people are tired as before. Now RAW is trying some new methods to destroy both Jamat and BNP cadre forces and make AL rule permanent in Bangladesh. Shahbag movement is the major deceptive public face of this new project.

this is all cooked up in your head. RAW was instrumental in 1971 liberation but did not have any significant role in subsequent happening in your country. It was sad the way Mujib was murdered along with his family. If RAW was involved post 1971 then they would have averted it. We had good relations with Mujib govt. but it went downhill after his murder. Then a number of coup attempts brought our relations to their lowest level and led many BD to fear Indian intervention. Then RAW and our military reportedly gave covert help to pro-Mujib forces to topple the military dictators. After that we had periods of good and not so good relationship depending on who was in power in Dhaka. Regarding the elections in 2008, they were monitored by independent observers and they it a clean chit. So, you are fishing for RAW involvement without any basis or thorough research.
Intelligence operations by definition are covert, so its not possible to find evidence for them except for circumstantial evidence. But its interesting that Indians and their agents would not even consider the possibility of RAW activity in Bangladesh.
nEWS BD71: A fiasco of RAW psy-war to frame Bangladesh

A fiasco of RAW psy-war to frame Bangladesh


Bangladesh has been subjected to relentless barrages of psychological warfare, astutely even if vilely, conducted by the Indian external intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). Sometimes the targets are individuals, sometimes political parties, sometimes business houses, and finally the target is the nation-state itself. The hidden purpose is always to create confusion and to implant seeds of doubt and diffidence in the public mind in Bangladesh.

The suggestion sought to be conveyed to both people in this country and to the world at-large is that Bangladesh lacks both merit and resources, as well as honourable leaders to be able to survive as an independent nation-state. Right after independence, RAW recruits of the Indian intelligentsia never tired of whispering to the ears of gullible Bangladeshi economists and politicians that Bangladesh is not a viable country economically, and can only exist by jumping on the Indian bandwagon as a client state or be Sikkimised.

The-then US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s faux pas that Bangladesh was a “bottomless basket” case for international charity continued to be rubbed in year after year, claiming invasion by crores of Bangladeshi illegal immigrants burdening Indian economy, by the RAW-inspired media circles in India. Bangladesh not only survived well over the turn of the new millennium, but also showed signs of steady growth under the socio-economic dynamics and productive enterprise of its human resource. RAW strategists may have therefore become keenly aware that relative success and prosperity of Bangladesh, geographically in its pot-belly protruding eastward, are likely to fuel further simply by its “small is beautiful” example, the simmering separatism in the Northeast Indian states. It is thus no wonder that RAW strategists have now not only stepped up its machinery of psychological warfare, but also putting into effect a carrot-and stick policy of physical denial and destabilisation on its “friendly” government now incumbent in Bangladesh.

Its insistence on continuing shoot-to-kill policy of Indian BSF at our borders turned ‘killing fields’, its dilly-dallying over the agreed Teesta water-sharing treaty, its unilateral undertaking of Tipaimukh dam to the detriment of Surma-Kushiyara-Meghna basin ecology and economy of Bangladesh, its revival of the Indian river-linking master plan to divert Brahmaputra waters to South India, and “political” warming-up for adverse revision of even the unequal 30 year Ganges Water-sharing Treaty on presumed “seepage” favouring Bangladesh at Farakka, appear designed to serve that RAW strategy of keeping Bangladesh hard-pressed under the thumb of Indian power. That strategy is embarrassing the India-friendly government in Bangladesh to no mean proportions.

Latest fiasco
In psy-war, a latest fiasco for embarrassment of the incumbent government has been caused by a scoop news almost simultaneously orchestrated in foreign as well as local media by one misinformation agent alone. The real information relates to Pakistan Supreme Court’s summons served on former ISI Chief, Lieutenant General (retired) Asad Durrani over alleged abuse of ISI funds for perversion of free and fair elections in 1991 by surreptitious financing of some chosen election candidates and political parties. In his testimony before the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Durrani disclosed the list of political leaders and parties who were beneficiaries of such illicit funding. Reportedly one such political party was Baluch National Party, others were mostly prominent leaders of Pakistan Muslim League of Nawaz Sharif and some Islamist parties. It was an internal matter of Pakistan over which its supreme court was adjudicating. RAW brainwave picked up the matter of Asad Durrani’s testimony to plant a fake story on Khaleej Times of Dubai that the Bangladesh Nationalist Party received funds from Pakistan’s ISI for electioneering in Bangladesh in 1991.

Government leaders in Bangladesh, including the Prime Minister, immediately started a campaign vilifying and taunting the Leader of the Opposition and her party claiming that she bought power in 1991 by money from “those who we defeated in 1971”, and that she should “go back to Pakistan.” BNP protested vehemently and challenged the scoop’s authenticity. But fake repeats of the story and chorus of condemnation of BNP and its chairperson continued inside Bangladesh parliament and in a section of national and foreign media. An end has been put to the episode by a personal interview of Lieutenant General (retd.) Asad Durrani published in a Dhaka daily stating in unequivocal terms that his testimony did not include the name of Bangladesh Nationalist Party or for that matter any foreign beneficiary at all for disbursal of ISI funds. It was entirely an internal matter of Pakistan. (Holiday’s Abdur Rahman Khan also interviewed Durrani Thursday and his report appears in today’s issue)

The manner in which the news fabrication took place has been serially described in an expose in weeklyblitz.net on March 20 as under (abridged):

“Dipanjan Roy Chowdhury, a RAW recruit who also happens to be the Delhi correspondent of a leading daily of Dhaka, was summoned by some top brasses of Research and Analytical Wing on March 2, 2012 and was escorted to New Delhi headquarters of the Indian spy agency, wherefrom he wrote the report for Khaleej Times and it was later sent to the Indian-born owners of the Dubai based newspaper with the special instruction of publishing it prominently. Subsequently, when the fabricated news appeared in Khaleej Times, some influential members of the Indian government phoned editors of two of the leading daily newspapers in Dhaka, suggesting them to give “best treatment” to the Khaleej Times news.

Of the two, the vernacular daily put further colour on the report by claiming that the news item has been published in Pakistani newspaper The News as well as a leading business daily The Business Recorder.

The same Dipanjan Roy Chowdhury in his bi-line story published in the Indian newspaper the Daily Mail [March 15, 2012] once again played his nasty news twisting game and turned the amount from Pakistan Rupees 50 million to 500 million, though in Khaleej Times he quoted the ISI boss giving Pakistan Rupees 50 million to Bangladesh Nationalist Party.

Again on March 16, 2012, the same writer wrote in India Today, ‘Recently a UAE-based daily had alleged that ISI paid Rs.50 crore to BNP chairperson and former PM Khaleda Zia ahead of the 1991 elections in which the BNP won and formed the government.’

Dipanjon Roy Chowdhury in his reports in India Today and some other newspapers in India never mentioned that the source of Khaleej Times reports was none but himself. Subsequently, the Bangladeshi state-owned news agency, Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha [BSS] simply copied the entire report of India Today, without verifying the authenticity of the report.

Delhi press club rumour has it that Dipanjon Roy Chowdhury was invited by the Bangladeshi high commissioner in New Delhi and was ‘compensated’ for such ‘excellent report’. Both met at a down-town pub in New Delhi discreetly, where the Bangladeshi envoy went incognito. One of the members of the Bangladeshi ‘special family’ flew to India to meet Dipanjon Roy Chowdhury for expressing ‘gratitude’ on the Khaleej Times report.” Bangladeshi foreign minister Dr. Dipu Moni, when asked by newsmen in Dhaka about the source of that the ruling party’s claim the main opposition received ISI money, frankly admitted: “What we know is from a report run by the Khaleej Times. We have asked for a transcript of the testimony of concerned ISI Chief in Pakistan Supreme Court. We can give further information only after getting the transcript in our hands.”

The weeklyblitz.net claimed that the copy of transcript already reached the Bangladesh High Commission in Islamabad on March 19, 2012 and the copy was subsequently sent to the foreign ministry. After seeing the real affidavit, the top brasses in Bangladesh Awami League have reportedly decided to “kill” the issue.

BY : Sadeq Khan.

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