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Libya busts human traffic network

Israel is not the only country West does not hold accountable. Refugees from countries in which UAE has exacerbated conflicts, such as Yemen, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Mali, and more, are easily over 30 million, and millions head to the West. They must be held accountable, but the West does not have the leadership for that.
Eritrea accuses UAE of stoking war with Ethiopia. Which African/Middle Eastern war does UAE not have a role in?
UAE invested billions here. Watch out, Congo, it is going to get worse.

Oh oh already did. How many refugees?
More refugees from Congo. The situation demands another high dose of Islamophobia in the West and the world, gladly sponsored by the UAE.
News agencies are reporting about UAE involvement in wars and the mass production of refugees, but few will care or notice until US does.
UAE is involved in the ethnic cleansing and genocide of non-Arab Darfurians. Many surely try to flee to the West. South Sudan got tired of Arab racism and declared independence. Darfurians deserve their sovereign homeland.
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