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Why the U.S.-Saudi Crisis is So Bad and So Unnecessary

Saddam's army had the armor and mobility to attempt a takeover. I doubt how successful they would have been. fortunately the world is too dependent on Saudi oil to allow that to happen

that is the gamble MBS is playing to some how assert his foot down.
He may win this battle, he will not win the war.

This is extreme delulu that is all I have to say.. Try to come into the two holy lands and create something fun and see yourself the outcome.. You could bring the whole world with you.. You won't do shxt there and won't achieve a meter..

NATO or the US ain't going to Russia because they can be destroyed entirely besides stop overrating they lost in Afghanistan and simply outlasted..

You can't do jackshxt in Hejaz (KSA) that is a fact unless someone was seeking nuclear war which is what the response will be if anyone was to attempt on the holy territory and trigger a volcano of wars to the likeness of these the world has never witnessed before..

Triggering a war against 2 billion also giving them the ultimatum of no other choice then to fight and motivating them to the gills... It would be like putting two billion against the wall giving them no other opportunities but to fight.. Nothing sustainable will be achieved from that except a destroyed world and matching them conventionally as the offensive party is difficult recruiting so many volunteers is impossible for an offensive hence the defenders would outnumber as the defenders would be out of choice by default

it is very very easy to bring down Saudi Arabia,
it will take less than 30 minutes.
and the reason is it's geography.
We can agree that Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are the three most important countries to the USA.
Saudi Arabia, Israel yes
Qatar - nope (Kuwait, UAE are equally important)
We can agree that Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are the three most important countries to the USA.

First of all, Saudi Arabia is a special country, which is unlikely to undergo regime change planned by the CIA. If the CIA did this, it would probably completely infuriate the Islamic world. The control of the USA over Saudi Arabia comes from two aspects. One is to use Israel to threaten the entire Arab world. The second is to provide arms to Arab countries to deal with the threat of Israel. Therefore, MBS really has the capital to test the bottom line of the USA when the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel is gradually normalized and Israel is gradually inclined to regional interests.

Second, Americans did not force Europeans to stop buying Russian gas. However, the American controlled European media, European political parties and other forces will force Europeans to do so. After the Marshall Plan, Europeans no longer had complete sovereignty. Leaders committed to European independence, such as Merkel and Sarkozy, will be stigmatized. There is no free lunch in this world, and the Marshall Plan also has a price.

Third, for Russia, rapid occupation of Ukraine cannot solve its security problems. Let the European economy collapse will not solve the problem. Only let the USA fall into the quagmire of war, consume the national strength of the USA, and change the situation of the whole world. This can solve Russia's security problems. Russia has the largest resources in the world, and its economic situation has a lower limit. Russia has a large number of nuclear bombs, and the scale of the Ukrainian war is limited. Russia is not afraid of a protracted war.

First of all, Saddam was originally a war monster cultivated by Americans.

Secondly, after Saddam invaded Kuwait, he did deploy 100000 troops on the Saudi border. But at that time, it was not the Americans who prevented Saddam Hussein from invading, but the ICBM displayed on TV by the Saudi Royal Strategic Missile Force and the nuclear warhead rumored.
sorry you are entirely and unequivocally without a clue. Saddam was stopped by Saudi Nuclear ICBM's. MBS's death will infuriate the islamic world..lol. you must live in your own la-la land.
The Saudis better hedge their bets. Parking all their money, mansions and yachts in the West they are just one incident away from getting Russia-ized.
Spread out your investments elsewhere, start mixing up weapons systems from other parties, deal in other currencies.
The West have nothing but contempt for Arabs can't they 👀see?
that is the gamble MBS is playing to some how assert his foot down.
He may win this battle, he will not win the war.

it is very very easy to bring down Saudi Arabia,
it will take less than 30 minutes.
and the reason is it's geography.

I don't know why you typing stuff you have zero understanding about. We are not living in a cartoon world this is not action movie manuscript or fantasy land.

You must understand what it actully means for some that someone else just rolls an army into their sacred lands and their holy places. They will not accept that because their civilization will be threatened and the civilization of their forefathers. It would be something of gigantic magnitude they could field 100m men in such scenario.. Civilizations come and go but they will make a stand if it even turns into their final stand but they will with everything in their power... When you think about KSA you forget it's significiance forget the KSA they are irrelevant nobody would allow someone to just roll into the sacred lands whether it is Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt etc etc upto 30-40 nations surrounding it and it would turn quickly into a civilizational stand-off and existential for their culture and traditonal values...

There is the real world and then there is the PDF delulu world which is basically a parallel universe separated from the real one and basically alternative world and reality that only exists with some of the lesser laymen on this boards
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Let see if MBS will replace USD to Yuan for his oil sales. That will be the real trigger point.
Why would he do that? Saudi have trillion invested in US. What Yuan has to offer?
yeah weird a Pakistani praying for higher oil prices. Another anxious for his adopted home in Europe to suffer energy shortages and a bleak winter.
Bizarre. Reminds me of the phrase, cutting off one's nose to spite one's face. And it's not just one or two.
I don't know why you typing stuff you have zero understanding about. We are not living in a cartoon world this is not action movie manuscript or fantasy land.

You must understand what it actully means for some that someone else just rolls an army into their sacred lands and their holy places. They will not accept that because their civilization will be threatened and the civilization of their forefathers. It would be something of gigantic magnitude they could field 100m men in such scenario.. Civilizations come and go but they will make a stand if it even turns into their final stand but they will with everything in their power... When you think about KSA you forget it's significiance forget the KSA they are irrelevant nobody would allow someone to just roll into the sacred lands whether it is Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt etc etc upto 30-40 nations surrounding it and it would turn quickly into a civilizational stand-off and existential for their culture and traditonal values...

There is the real world and then there is the PDF delulu world which is basically a parallel universe separated from the real one and basically alternative world and reality that only exists with some of the lesser laymen on this boards

Ive spent 13 years of my professional life there, and worked closely with things you are only guessing about.

Do you want to post more ?
Why would he do that? Saudi have trillion invested in US. What Yuan has to offer?
Typical BS excuse from slayers. You can use Yuan to exchange made in China. USD is only exist in paper form. Its not back by any precious item. China has made in China to offer. Dont talk trash about nobody want made in China. The whole depends on made in China products to survive.

Yuan back by world second largest economy. World largest export country in world. Yuan is used to exchange for products made in China. Saudi can used Yuan to secure crucial products from China without need to use USD which results in loss in exchange rate.
I feel this is more a battle between KSA and the Dems. MBS knows the republicans have his back - always have. Making biden look like a cuck does not damage KSA /US relations long term - Dems have always treated middle Eastern countries with disdain and this won't change that.
Saudis have shown they are independent when it comes to national interest and economy. Others are loyal servants and will wreck their own country for white master.
Yes independent and helpless. Iran is waiting for the perfect moment to invade. A new war on the horizon.
Yes independent and helpless. Iran is waiting for the perfect moment to invade. A new war on the horizon.

You don't know about the area.. It would be like jumping from a cliff and persia will get invaded from all fronts itself if it was ever to go down that road Iran will simply be no more... A jumping to owns dead type of situation..
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Typical BS excuse from slayers. You can use Yuan to exchange made in China. USD is only exist in paper form. Its not back by any precious item. China has made in China to offer. Dont talk trash about nobody want made in China. The whole depends on made in China products to survive.

Yuan back by world second largest economy. World largest export country in world. Yuan is used to exchange for products made in China. Saudi can used Yuan to secure crucial products from China without need to use USD which results in loss in exchange rate.
That’s all kool, but you didn’t address the question. What yuan has to offer over Dollar. Yuan is pegged against Dollar. How about China start with first accepting Yuan for it’s trade and investment.

Defense Minister Prince Khalid bin Salman:

Although the OPEC decision, which was taken unanimously, was purely for economic motives, some accused the Kingdom of siding with Russia,

Iran is also a member of OPEC, so does this mean that the Kingdom sided with Iran as well?

Yes independent and helpless. Iran is waiting for the perfect moment to invade. A new war on the horizon.

Iran is not stupid, invade saudi and wake up the arabs? Invading saudi is something even america wont do, the majority of muslims will rise up due to the holy places.
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