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Why the U.S.-Saudi Crisis is So Bad and So Unnecessary

Why would he do that? Saudi have trillion invested in US. What Yuan has to offer?
Pressure on the current US presidency. Xi Jinping was supposed to visit on the end of ramadan this year but he never showed up https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...nt-xi-jinping-to-visit-saudi-arabia-next-week
Dont know what the saudi goverment is thinking but lets see if this ends up badly or greatly for them
I don't know why you typing stuff you have zero understanding about. We are not living in a cartoon world this is not action movie manuscript or fantasy land.

You must understand what it actully means for some that someone else just rolls an army into their sacred lands and their holy places. They will not accept that because their civilization will be threatened and the civilization of their forefathers. It would be something of gigantic magnitude they could field 100m men in such scenario.. Civilizations come and go but they will make a stand if it even turns into their final stand but they will with everything in their power... When you think about KSA you forget it's significiance forget the KSA they are irrelevant nobody would allow someone to just roll into the sacred lands whether it is Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt etc etc upto 30-40 nations surrounding it and it would turn quickly into a civilizational stand-off and existential for their culture and traditonal values...

There is the real world and then there is the PDF delulu world which is basically a parallel universe separated from the real one and basically alternative world and reality that only exists with some of the lesser laymen on this boards

I will not get into important details; however, in a Total War scenario, the Muslim world collectively will not be able to stand in front of the U.S., let alone the entire West combined.

Let's say KSA is attacked tomorrow by the combined forces of the West; how will you fly there? Even the Russian aviation department is telling the pilots to fix it on their own and fly. Let's go further; 90% of your hardware is from the West. How will you replenish lost hardware like fighter jets, missiles, and ships? You do realize to fight the Houthi; the KSA regime is paying the Americans for satellite information and collecting a handsome amount?

The critical raw material is controlled by the West globally. Even Japan, during WWII, first occupied Asian territories and solidified its stronghold because they knew back then they could not war without access to raw materials and logistics to move it. But, unfortunately, the Islamic World failed in strategizing even in this basic concept; even the Pakistan Army held so dear would be useless to have a three-week conflict.

The Islamic World doesn't even have access to high-grade machines and equipment to build complex semiconductors for military hardware, let alone civilian use. Even the Russians were forced to import stolen washing machines to scrap what they could for their tanks. Moreover, unlike the West during the COVID crisis, you cannot make medicines to save your life.

The list is endless, and I suggest you come out of your Islami Jazba phase and understand the ground facts. This is just a tiny sample; going even further in-depth, you would die of shame being a Muslim in our current time.

P.S.: Your nuclear-armed army put up their hands and surrendered in one call from Secretary of State Collin Powell, a house negro. After the end of this call, you should have just nuked yourselves.
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Iran is not stupid, invade saudi and wake up the arabs? Invading saudi is something even america wont do, the majority of muslims will rise up due to the holy places.
Iran and the Saudi are arch enemies. A war is just a matter of time. If the US withdraws the troops and refuses sending new weapons to the saudi sheiks then…well, good night. Good question if the poorer Arabs in North Africa would come to help the rich Arabs. You think they will?
You need mental asistance why not just go ahead and say CIA will kill Allah (God himself) You have gone full retarded.... You are worshipping the CIA.. What will you say next they will re-direct the sun away from the earth as they are in control of the milke way galaxy.. Get the F' outta they couldn't even eliminate Mullah Omar whom he and his party have defeated them..

your posts have been extremely farce and delulu

Your nuts it was Americans and brits that put sauds in power
Because he had to prepare for this first: The Chinese president, Xi Jinping, opened a key Communist party summit with a speech warning Taiwan that the 'wheels of history' are turning towards Beijing taking control of the island.

Typical BS excuse from slayers. You can use Yuan to exchange made in China. USD is only exist in paper form. Its not back by any precious item. China has made in China to offer. Dont talk trash about nobody want made in China. The whole depends on made in China products to survive.

Yuan back by world second largest economy. World largest export country in world. Yuan is used to exchange for products made in China. Saudi can used Yuan to secure crucial products from China without need to use USD which results in loss in exchange rate.

If I have $500 billion equivalent in Yuan what can I buy in China ?
I will not get into important details; however, in a Total War scenario, the Muslim world collectively will not be able to stand in front of the U.S., let alone the entire West combined.

Let's say KSA is attacked tomorrow by the combined forces of the West; how will you fly there? Even the Russian aviation department is telling the pilots to fix it on their own and fly. Let's go further; 90% of your hardware is from the West. How will you replenish lost hardware like fighter jets, missiles, and ships? You do realize to fight the Houthi; the KSA regime is paying the Americans for satellite information and collecting a handsome amount?

The critical raw material is controlled by the West globally. Even Japan, during WWII, first occupied Asian territories and solidified its stronghold because they knew back then they could not war without access to raw materials and logistics to move it. But, unfortunately, the Islamic World failed in strategizing even in this basic concept; even the Pakistan Army held so hear would be useless to have a three-week conflict.

The Islamic World doesn't even have access to high-grade machines and equipment to build complex semiconductors for military hardware, let alone civilian use. Even the Russians were forced to import stolen washing machines to scrap what they could for their tanks. Moreover, unlike the West during the COVID crisis, you cannot make medicines to save your life.

The list is endless, and I suggest you come out of your Islami Jazba phase and understand the ground facts. This is just a tiny sample; going even further in-depth, you would die of shaming being a Muslim in our current time.

P.S.: Your nuclear-armed army put up their hands and surrendered in one call from Secretary of State Collin Powell, a house negro. After the end of this call, you should have just nuked yourselves.
The Muslim world collectively will not be able to stand in front of the U.S., let alone the entire West combined.!??

Taliban alone did it and just with Kalashnikovs and RPGs.. HaHaHa!
The Muslim world collectively will not be able to stand in front of the U.S., let alone the entire West combined.!??

Taliban alone did it and just with Kalashnikovs and RPGs.. HaHaHa!

This is the problem with Muslims, including my father, who believes the Taliban won. When the U.S. was there, the Taliban didn't control any major city worth mentioning and just ruled the mountains and villages that meant nothing. If the U.S. wanted to scourge earth in that land, not a single soul would be left. An Afghan proverb, "You have the watch; we have the time," their only strategy was to wait it out cause even they knew it was pointless fighting head-on. The U.S. evacuated due to the Pacific tilt, with China being the emerging power it needed to tackle. But it was the U.S. fault for supporting corrupt individuals, which the ANA didn't bother fighting for; but as long as the U.S. stayed, the ANA fought.

Overall, had the U.S. kept a limited presence and the few large bases around the country and worked with Afghan Forces, they would have still been there. Also, the U.S. maintains a 2,500 personal presence in Iraq and a subservient government.

Just be the grateful U.S. didn't go WWII on Iraq and Afghan.
This is the problem with Muslims, including my father, who believes the Taliban won. When the U.S. was there, the Taliban didn't control any major city worth mentioning and just ruled the mountains and villages that meant nothing. If the U.S. wanted to scourge earth in that land, not a single soul would be left. An Afghan proverb, "You have the watch; we have the time," their only strategy was to wait it out cause even they knew it was pointless fighting head-on. The U.S. evacuated due to the Pacific tilt, with China being the emerging power it needed to tackle. But it was the U.S. fault for supporting corrupt individuals, which the ANA didn't bother fighting for; but as long as the U.S. stayed, the ANA fought.

Overall, had the U.S. kept a limited presence and the few large bases around the country and worked with Afghan Forces, they would have still been there. Also, the U.S. maintains a 2,500 personal presence in Iraq and a subservient government.

Just be the grateful U.S. didn't go WWII on Iraq and Afghan.

You are Indian why not take your own flag...

You will Go to the ends of the world and make all sorts of excuses why this or why that.. Didn't the soviet union collapse there? The answer is yes and if they had stayed it would have happened to them as well.. To expensive to finance while it was cheap for the otherside it was that simple and no they controlled about 40 procent for the last 10 years or so. You watch to much cartoons thinking conventional engagements are based on filmsy narratives..

Or pokemon where one character blows thru everything in cinematic nature but this is not reality.. You need to come to the real world.

The US has a formidble armed forces nobody is denying that but they can't blow thru things like you are saying because what you are saying is something outside of the human realm all together..forget everyone else They can't rollover just one country without paying ultimate price and you are talking about a bunch.. Example lets say current day Vietnam? Do you think the US army will just walk thru Vietnam in one day? The answer is a fat no.. In this modern era the US will have to sacrifice an arm and leg and might come to a ceasefire as the ultimate end in a conventional collision.. There will not be a blowout like you are visualizing.

They have 100m population with potential to recruit endless amounts and vaste endless jungles and folks motivated to defend. running into approx 5-10m potential fighting force across all lines in a jungle terrain on top of that Is not what you imagine
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You are Indian why not take your own flag...

You will Go to the ends of the world and make all sorts of excuses why this or why that.. Didn't the soviet union collapse there? The answer is yes and if they had stayed it would have happened to them as well.. To expensive to finance while it was cheap for the otherside it was that simple and no they controlled about 40 procent for the last 10 years or so. You watch to much cartoons thinking conventional engagements are based on filmsy narratives..

Or pokemon where one character blows thru everything in cinematic nature but this is not reality.. You need to come to the real world.

The US has a formidble armed forces nobody is denying that but they can't blow thru things like you are saying because what you are saying is something outside of the human realm all together..forget everyone else They can't rollover just one country without paying ultimate price and you are talking about a bunch.. Example lets say current day Vietnam? Do you think the US army will just walk thru Vietnam in one day? The answer is a fat no.. In this modern era the US will have to sacrifice an arm and leg and might come to a ceasefire as the ultimate end in a conventional collision.. There will not be a blowout like you are visualizing.

They have 100m population with potential to recruit endless amounts and vaste endless jungles and folks motivated to defend. running into approx 5-10m potential fighting force across all lines in a jungle terrain on top of that Is not what you imagine

I'm Pakistani, and some on this forum know me personally.

The problem with the Islamic World is morons like you; you talk numbers but not the quality of people. The Soviet collapse started well before Mikhail Gorbachev and accelerated with his openness and restructuring reforms of the Soviet economy which was already in decline. Each Soviet state had its economic issues without proper integration into the overall Union, separate competing defense budgets that were a strain, no private enterprises that allowed innovation, and social-political issues which exuberated the problems that brought about its total collapse. The Afghan war was not a deciding factor itself but budgetary spending. However, in 10 years of conflict, they lost much less than what the Afghans had to suffer through a total wreck of a country with over a million dead and maimed, and till this day, it can't stand while Russia, the successor state, is standing.

About your jungles, I have relatives in Pakistan Army. They were stationed along the Pak-Afghan border when the US was showering iron day and night and saw the Taliban and Al-Qaeda running for their lives like rats from water. As for the Arab world, look closely at their geographic map. Once the bombs start dropping on them, they will have nowhere to run in God-gifted open desert land. They can come in straight lines in millions; the Americans have enough bullets to take them out, while you don't have enough to manufacture. Or they will nuke your worthless asses.

I like that you completely ignored the first retort on this page that talks about the "tiny issues" the Muslim World has and decided to argue on a non-issue. This is the stupidity of the Muslim world that keeps this imaginary "Ummah" down.
The Muslim world collectively will not be able to stand in front of the U.S., let alone the entire West combined.!??

Taliban alone did it and just with Kalashnikovs and RPGs.. HaHaHa!
Taliban lost against America. Taliban won against Afghan opponents.
I'm Pakistani, and some on this forum know me personally.

The problem with the Islamic World is morons like you; you talk numbers but not the quality of people. The Soviet collapse started well before Mikhail Gorbachev and accelerated with his openness and restructuring reforms of the Soviet economy which was already in decline. Each Soviet state had its economic issues without proper integration into the overall Union, separate competing defense budgets that were a strain, no private enterprises that allowed innovation, and social-political issues which exuberated the problems that brought about its total collapse. The Afghan war was not a deciding factor itself but budgetary spending. However, in 10 years of conflict, they lost much less than what the Afghans had to suffer through a total wreck of a country with over a million dead and maimed, and till this day, it can't stand while Russia, the successor state, is standing.

About your jungles, I have relatives in Pakistan Army. They were stationed along the Pak-Afghan border when the US was showering iron day and night and saw the Taliban and Al-Qaeda running for their lives like rats from water. As for the Arab world, look closely at their geographic map. Once the bombs start dropping on them, they will have nowhere to run in God-gifted open desert land. They can come in straight lines in millions; the Americans have enough bullets to take them out, while you don't have enough to manufacture. Or they will nuke your worthless asses.

I like that you completely ignored the first retort on this page that talks about the "tiny issues" the Muslim World has and decided to argue on a non-issue. This is the stupidity of the Muslim world that keeps this imaginary "Ummah" down.

No reason replying to this delulu.. This is far removed from reality for me to take more interest in it..

As we are apparently talking about Titans or angles not mere humans.. Keep rolling with that..

No need to qoute me any further as I have no interest in the subject any further you don't even understand basic technologies of today, their functions etc etc. Probability of what could occur if two large groups who are armed collided etc etc..

Lets agree to disagree... As what you are referring to is basically not humans but angles in your world view and I have no time to waste on talking some sense into this..

Whatever rocks your boat...

The pen is dry
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