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Indian Propaganda against Pakistan regarding Unrest in Bangladesh!

about this picture.....

it just shows why you shouldn't cross border fence using ladder infront of BSF.you'll get killed.its simple.but looks like few m0r0ns never learn.what if this girl was a suicide bomber??and do I see any different treatment of this crime from any part of the world???

The girl was crossing the border from India to BD, not the other way around. And that should be BGB's problem. Goes to show how trigger happy the Bharatiya Subhuman Force are!
Defence news blog? :lol:

These evil baniyas wont sit idle. Their propaganda against Pakistan is known to the world. It is well known that RAW funded the Mukti terrorists to disintegrate pakistan.

They wanna destroy Pakistan. Though they will not succeed as Allah will protect Pakistan.

Hence my theory toiletry which states "If you provide them a decent meal and a toilet, there will be a sea of change in their mentality"
Haha :lol: peaceful innocent nation.Do you want to know the proof of peace in this peaceful nation?
Searching google will give you so much example for peace in pakistan.
Also Gives Info About On going Unrest In India And Rape Cases & Poverty:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Meanwhile in Bangladesh .....



Pakistani Don't Give A Damn What Bengali Thinks We have Nothing To Give Or Take And that's The Truth.We Have So Much Of Our Own Problems To Think Of & Sort it Out Sooooo Chillll:pdf:
Also Gives Info About On going Unrest In India And Rape Cases & Poverty:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Pakistani Don't Give A Damn What Bengali Thinks We have Nothing To Give Or Take And that's The Truth.We Have So Much Of Our Own Problems To Think Of & Sort it Out Sooooo Chillll:pdf:

And that is an absolute social transformation.People with medeival mentality and Jihadis cant understand that.
Now more women are in the front line to use the laws against crminals.We dont need an international pressure like happened in Mukhtar Bibi case.
And within last 2 decades we uplifted 300 million people in to middle class means twice of the present Pak population.Middle class means middle class, then come common people is coming having average income.
So get a life moron.We dont need an advice from a failed state citizen.
Indian Propaganda against Pakistan regarding Unrest in Bangladesh

Underage girl killed by the bullet of Indian Soldiers in attempt to crossing border; Why our media remains silent over these killings???
Our political analysts and journalists have been boasting of policies of Haseena Wajid Bangladeshi Prime Minister, her exemplary good governance and peace, due to which Bangladeshi economy is developing by leaps and bounds that, will change the fate of Bangladeshi people. Despite of passage of 43 years the element of taunt is still prevalent in their analyses and talk-shows. Especially against Pakistan army that Pak-Army played vital role in the deprivation of East Pakistan. Some anchors, journalists and analysts earn appreciation, awards and heavy amounts of gifts for demanding trial of Pakistan army for the alleged war crimes. However, the news and reports published in the international and Pakistani media are quite different to the stories of changing fates of the Bangladeshi people according to which Bangladesh has proved to be a heaven for investors in Ready Made Garments sector due to cheapest labor in the world where in the name of labor bounded work is being taken from poor. Most of the workers of this industry consists of women whom average monthly income is ten times lower than average income of Asian workers which can provide a meal in a day only.

Posters placed over the walls in Dhaka showing cartoons insulting Islam and Muslims
Moreover, the poor law and order situation and riots in Bangladesh from last few years has made lives of Bangladeshi poor more unpleasant. The reason behind this unrest are the policies of Haseena Wajid against Islam through which in the name of being agents of Pak-Army and ISI Islamists are being pushed against wall and doors of politics are being closed for Ad Options

On going protests in Bangladesh in which more than 200 People have lost their lives
Although India succeeded in dividing Pakistan into two parts in 1971 and Eastern Pakistan emerged as Bangladesh but this does not meant that at once Pakistanis (Easter and Western Pakistanis) ignored collective struggle based upon Two Nations Theory and accepted Hindu slavery as a system or ignored Islam and got away from religion. But due to irony of fate Haseena Wajid and her father Mujeeb thought so that they succeeded in weeding out the Two Nations Theory and Islam from Bengali people which resulted into the murder of the whole family of Mujeeb in 1975 (Haseena Wajid was out of country at that time). Murder of Mujeeb was not a simple act of treason to remove a ruling person from power but a collective treason or struggle of Bangladeshis against Indianimperialism because in planning of murder whole unit of Armor was involved. Second aspect is that some expressed happiness over murder of Mujeeb, some expressed astonishment, some expressed sorrow but majority took a sigh of relief that perhaps in this way they may get freedom from gangsters of Mukti Bahni, Awami League and Indian soldiers suffering from intoxication of victory who entered into Bangladesh without any resistance; property and honor of not a single Bangladeshi was saved from them because they had full support of Mukti Bahni and Awami League.

Bangladeshi Police beating a women during protests

A long time has passed since Bangladesh had separated from Pakistan but the routine of Awami League has not changed. As a result of Awami League’s wrong polices Bangladeshi national is protesting. I the upcoming elections the defeat of Haseena Wajid and her party is widely being forecasted by the international media because Haseena Wajid has ignored problems of the public but created an environment to press her opponents and registration of cases against them which has resulted in an unending crisis which has forced other parties to open a collective front against the govt. Moreover, by awarding death sentences through courts to aged leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami for supporting Pakistan during 1971 war, Haseena Wajid has further fueled public rage against her. Few leaders of Khalida Zia’s Bangladesh National Party have also been arrested under the allegations of war crimes. When supporters of Jamat-e-Islami and Bangladesh National Party came out to protest against these arrests based upon political rivalry, govt. used Haseena Wajid, Khalida Zia, and Tariq Rehman
Keeping in view her defeat in the upcoming elections Haseena Wajid has started propaganda against Tariq Rehman for having contacts with ISI, taking funds from ISI and involvement of ISI in ongoing protests in Bangladesh. Indian newspapers are also publishing reports regarding Indian Intelligence that ISI is distributing funds among workers of Bangladesh National Party for riots or protests in Bangladesh. Pakistani media is busy in reporting internal matters so they are not concerned what is happening outside of Pakistani borders against Pakistan. Perhaps our Foreign Ministry also does not give any importance to propaganda of India and Bangladesh against ISI and Pakistan army but our silence and continuous propaganda against us is hurting our credibility on international level while on the other hand ignorant public of India and Bangladesh is getting brainwashed against Pakistan developing hatred which proves fruitful for BJP in India and same policy has been adopted by Awami League in Bangladesh.

Change in the Fate or Bangladeshi People due to Developing Economy of Bangladesh by Leaps and Bounds due to policies of Haseena Wajid
By propaganda against Pakistan and ISI, Haseena Wajid wants to convey this message to India that if India does not help Awami League to win the elections and Bangladesh National Party comes into power it would hurt Indian interests in Bangladesh while Indian interference in Bangladeshi elections would prove last
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Written By Khalid Baig
Indian Propaganda against Pakistan regarding Unrest in Bangladesh! | PAKISTAN DEFENCE NEWS BLOG | Pakarmedforces.com

Seriously a Blog that to a Pakistani blog about BD
Who told you to cross border...do you know its not legal???So what is this bragging about!
Gaza episode has proven that Pakistan has had a quantam shift in its 'Ummah' policy.

Whatever happens in Bangladesh is none of our business.
The girl was crossing the border from India to BD, not the other way around. And that should be BGB's problem. Goes to show how trigger happy the Bharatiya Subhuman Force are!

so,you mean BSF killed an Indian,right??then why you're getting so angry for that??unlike some,BSF treats both Indian and Bangladeshis in the same manner.cross the border and get killed.
Even though East Pakistan is no longer part of Pakistan nor the influence on Bangladesh, yet Pakistan will still be blamed for something that is commited by other nation.

Pakistan has moved on, but Bangladesh is still stuck on anti-Pakistan that is clouding the judgement of Bangladesh as whole. That's exactly what the enemy of Pakistan and Bangladesh wants. When will Bangladesh wake up?

Unfortunately, the long-seeded of mind-controlled paranoia of anti-Pakistan elements is in effect, and the result is there in front of us now. Pakistan and Bangladesh need to be unite against the common enemy; the sooner the better.
Murder of Mujeeb was not a simple act of treason to remove a ruling person from power but a collective treason or struggle of Bangladeshis against Indianimperialism because in planning of murder whole unit of Armor was involved.

Everybody should know that There was an foreign hand in Killing of Mujib. India had the doubt. So RAW chief R N Kao himself went to alert Mujib and request him to flee to India to save himself. Which Mujib Denied and got killed shortly.
Gaza episode has proven that Pakistan has had a quantam shift in its 'Ummah' policy.

Whatever happens in Bangladesh is none of our business.
Your being optimistic and mistaking the woods for the forest.

It was not out of increasing maturity, this time people of Pakistan were more busy with the impending massive political confrontation and intrigue at home, that is why they did not do the regular burnings and violence about Gaza.

Though there has been a marginal increase in maturity of the populace with regards to the 'Islam ka qila' mentality, you are wrong to attribute this to the relative peace on Gaza issue.
And that is an absolute social transformation.People with medeival mentality and Jihadis cant understand that.
Now more women are in the front line to use the laws against crminals.We dont need an international pressure like happened in Mukhtar Bibi case.
And within last 2 decades we uplifted 300 million people in to middle class means twice of the present Pak population.Middle class means middle class, then come common people is coming having average income.
So get a life moron.We dont need an advice from a failed state citizen.
Woooo Somebuddy is on fire :flame::flame: And did we Ask for your Advise Moron Apply That on Yourself First:crazy:
You are rtying to distill all relationship between India and BD as
Kufr Vs Islam
Hindu Vs Muslim
Haseena Vs Muslims
India Vs Muslims

basically everything you do not like is anti muslim even when Haseena is a Muslim herself.

of course - you will call her "not a muslim but a kufr" and here is where it gets to a slippery slope - who is to decide that she is a muslim or not? who is to decide if you are the real muslim? who can tell if you are really for islam or just using islam for political propoganda?
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