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Letter from America: Indian Expats in Bangladesh

Why would a Hindu Indian(citizen of the land of milk and honey) take beating from a Muslim Arab?

I can't watch the video from office, but I guess he("The Hindu Indian") had to bear it because he's there to make his ends meet. It's deplorable and I'm sure GOI took care of it. We should strive to achieve self-reliance so that none of Indians, Hindu or Muslim has to venture India for economic reasons. We have been economically sustained for millenniums and I'm sure we will eventually be once again and once the oil runs out Arabs will once again go back to their ancient professions but as of now it's sad and deplorable.

But what I can't fathom why Muslim Bangladeshis, the progeny of timurs, nadirs and quershis, are getting this treatment from their blood and faith brothers! I can't get a finger on it! Aren't you and Arabs brothers as mandated by your religion. After all you jamatis root for khalifate and what not!
Talk to Modi.. He got caught with his Dhoti down...

Yes sir...

He is the biggest disappointment the Indians are going to see. The Modi lovers believes he can walk on water, but they will find out he ain't no Jesus Christ Lizard,


It is surprising to see that the Indians are betting the house on him.
He is the biggest disappointment the Indians are going to see. The Modi lovers believes he can walk on water, but they will find out he ain't no Jesus Christ Lizard,


It is surprising to see that the Indians are betting the house on him.
so who should we bring according to u?
so who should we bring according to u?

I think Modi will be better than Congress in Admin. However, Indians see him as the answer to all the ills in India. He can be the turn-point towards better and efficient administration.

It will be the job of Conress to fight tooth n nail on every issue or progarm Modi would initiate. In politics what is good for the country is not necessarily good or the party, at least thats how politics is in South Asia.
He is the biggest disappointment the Indians are going to see. The Modi lovers believes he can walk on water, but they will find out he ain't no Jesus Christ Lizard,


It is surprising to see that the Indians are betting the house on him.

No we know that he can not do as much he is promising...But at least he will make sure...he will give a kick to the nutjob people who are anti nantional inspite of staying in India itself....And again...India is a diverse country..No one can really help us if people do not change...Forget about Modi..Our people are not so stupid...But they just want to give a kick *** to the pseudo secular anti national parties...
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