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‘Illegal immigration from Bangladesh planned by Pakistan with support from China’


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‘Illegal immigration from Bangladesh planned’


NEW DELHI , FEBRUARY 21, 2018 22:16 IST
UPDATED: FEBRUARY 21, 2018 22:16 IST


  • Assam political outfit), Army Chief Gen. Bipin Rawat on Wednesday said the latter’s sudden popularity was due to the population inversion that has taken place in the northeast. Gen. Rawat was discussing issues surrounding migration to the northeast.
  • “When we talk of the Jana Sangh with two MPs in Parliament and where they have reached, the AIUDF is moving at a much faster pace in the state of Assam,” Gen. Rawat said speaking at a joint seminar organised by the Centre for Joint Warfare Studies and Integrated Defence Staff.

    Talking of the population dynamics of the northeast, Gen. Rawat said “inversion has taken place” and it cannot be changed.

    Discussing illegal immigration from Bangladesh into India, Gen. Rawat said it was being done in a planned manner by the western neighbour with support from the northern neighbour.

    Two reasons

    “Migration from Bangladesh is due to two reasons. One is they are running out of space. Large areas get flooded during the monsoon and they have constricted area to stay. The other issue is planned immigration, which is taking place because of our western neighbour. They will always try and ensure that this area is taken over. It is the proxy dimension of warfare,” he said.

    Stating that to this kind of migration would continue to keep this area disturbed, he said: “This proxy game is being played very well by our western neighbour supported also by our northern neighbour.”

    He said it was important to amalgamate all the people living there and then identify the troublemakers. “Development is the main issue,” he added.
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Pakistan backed by China behind influx of Bangladeshis into Assam: Army chief


Army chief General Bipin Rawat says a ‘planned’ influx of Bangladeshis into Assam is taking place as part of a proxy warfare by Pakistan with support from China with an aim to keep the area disturbed
Last Published: Wed, Feb 21 2018. 09 04 PM IST

Army chief General Bipin Rawat said the solution to the problem lies in ensuring development of the region by taking a holistic approach. Photo: Hindustan Times
New Delhi: A “planned” influx of people from Bangladesh into the Northeast is taking place as part of a proxy warfare by Pakistan with support from China with an aim to keep the area disturbed, Army chief General Bipin Rawat said on Wednesday.

Referring to reports of increase in Muslim population in several districts of Assam, the Army chief also talked about Badruddin Ajmal-led AIUDF (All India United Democratic Front) in the state, observing that its growth has been “faster” than that of other political parties.

“A planned immigration is taking place because of our western neighbour. They will always try and ensure that this area is taken over, playing the proxy dimension of warfare,” Gen. Rawat said, talking about influx of people from Bangladesh into the Northeast.

He was addressing a conference on bridging gaps and securing borders in the Northeast region.

“I think the proxy game is very well played by our western neighbour, supported by our northern border (China) to keep the area disturbed. We will continue to see some migration happening. The solution lies in identifying the problem and holistically looking at it,” he said.

Influx of illegal Bangladeshis is a major issue in Assam and the state government is now coming out with a national register of citizens to find out those living illegally in the state.

“The AIDUF is moving at a faster pace in Assam.” The AIUDF, which was formed in 2005 with an aim to champion the cause of Muslim community, currently has three parliamentarians in Lok Sabha and 13 legislators in the state assembly.

The Army chief said the solution to the problem lies in ensuring development of the region by taking a holistic approach. “I do not think you can now change the population dynamics of the area. If it was five districts to eight to nine, inversion has taken place whichever be the government,” he said while referring to reports that Muslim majority has increased from five to nine districts in Assam.

The Army chief said efforts should be to “amalgamate” the people living in the region and then try and “start identifying those creating trouble for us”. “The government is looking at the Northeast in correct perspective, and if that happens, time will not be far that we will be able to amalgamate the region and ensure development. And with development comes the control of the people who are residing in this area,” he said.

Gen. Rawat said the Centre is seriously taking several measures to ensure development of the region. “The development will finally happen in the area. That should take care of lot of things.”

He said, “We will have more problem in segregating people. Yes some people will have to be identified who are creating trouble for us.”

The Army chief said migration is also taking place from Bangladesh because of shrinking land space in the country due to various reasons including floods. He said the government must send a message that peace will lead to development in the region, adding enough development has not taken place in Mizoram though it is a peaceful state.

First Published: Wed, Feb 21 2018. 09 04 PM IST
"New Delhi: A “planned” influx of people from Bangladesh into the Northeast is taking place as part of a proxy warfare by Pakistan with support from China with an aim to keep the area disturbed, Army chief General Bipin Rawat said on Wednesday."


So what you say dudes about this then?
He said it was important to amalgamate all the people living there and then identify the troublemakers. “Development is the main issue,” he added.

What is this General hinting :what:

the AIUDF is moving at a much faster pace in the state of Assam,” Gen. Rawat said

What kind of general is this? Openly talking about politics and saying against Muslims of Assam. These guys are communal top to bottom.

Discussing illegal immigration from Bangladesh into India, Gen. Rawat said it was being done in a planned manner by the western neighbour with support from the northern neighbour.

But but all we see is North East tribes killing more and more security personnel and general people in the name of Independence from India. Nothing that sort of demand is set by Muslims o_O
Bangladesh fears exodus of Bengalis from Assam
Kallol Bhattacherjee
DHAKA, FEBRUARY 21, 2018 22:38 IST
UPDATED: FEBRUARY 21, 2018 22:41 IST

  • Bangladesh, senior officials of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government said here on Wednesday.

    Addressing visiting Indian journalists, they said the process in Assam is threatening India-Bangladesh ties and will be exploited by anti-India elements and Islamic fundamentalists who are challenging the Awami League rule.

    “Citizenship issue will be another disappointment after the setback on the sharing of water of the river Teesta. We believe India should think of its friendship with Bangladesh before going ahead with the full implementation of the citizens register in Assam.

    “If the process leads to deportation of a section of the Bengali population of Assam, it will trigger another Rohingya-like refugee crisis,” said Iqbal Shobhan Chowdhury, media adviser to Prime Minister Hasina.

    Bangladeshi policymakers are unanimous that the failure to conclude the Teesta water sharing agreement between New Delhi and Dhaka has been disappointing and the ongoing process in Assam will complicate the situation further.

    Prime Minister Hasina reflected this sentiment on Tuesday and said, “It’s sad that ‘Didimoni’ (West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee) does not want to give the share of Teesta’s water that belongs to us.” These observations have gained significance as a section of the ruling Awami League believes that India has not reciprocated Ms. Hasina’s support on counter-insurgency steps in the northeastern states.

    They said that the Awami League government under Ms. Hasina, without any expectation of reciprocity, aided India to nab ULFA leaders who had taken refuge in Bangladesh and in Southeast Asia. But a new refugee flow from Assam, will undo years of bilateral cooperation.

    They said that Bangladesh experienced two major floods in 2017 and the Rohingya crisis has strained its resources and further turmoil will add to the volatility of the country which is heading to the polls by the end of the year. In a frank exchange regarding irritants to bilateral ties, officials said the citizen-related exercise in Assam is reminiscent of the communalism of the 1940s.

    “If someone has lived in a place for sometime, then he or she is presumed to belong to that place and they should have the freedom to stay where they are located. But the (exercise reflects the) the two-nation theory and it seems that Muslims are meant to live in Bangladesh and Hindus will live in India, as if Bangladesh is a successor to Pakistan,” said Mashiur Rahman, senior civil servant and Economic Affairs Adviser to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh.

    Ms. Hasina’s party has been in power for nine years and has to counter anti-incumbency factor along with other substantial issues. “India must help us,” said Communication Minister Obaidul Quader urging Delhi to address Dhaka’s concerns.

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