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India: Resolving the Bangladesh Immigration Issue

Again big talk but no action, we will do this and that, come back after you have DONE it.
I hope that terrorist at least comes up with some comprehendable made up no. and stats on "illegal migrants" so that he and his fan boys can at least save face in front of the gullible Indian pop.:lol: Beacuse the load of bull they made up and the mytical stories they have been pounding into the empty skull of their pop. would cost them big time. :rolleyes:
It is said to see that Indians feel so crap about the poor state of their starving state, not a nation as it is composed of multitude of ethnicities that have to be kept happy or the state disintegrates, that they have to make up this so called "illegal Bd'shis" nonsense.

Filthy Indians have shamed the whole of South Asia with their utterly disgusting habits and mass starvation.
It is said to see that Indians feel so crap about the poor state of their starving state, not a nation as it is composed of multitude of ethnicities that have to be kept happy or the state disintegrates, that they have to make up this so called "illegal Bd'shis" nonsense.

Filthy Indians have shamed the whole of South Asia with their utterly disgusting habits and mass starvation.
Bong saab, why so much anger? The number of ethnicities we contain has had absolutely no negative impact on us but still you blab on. Is the opinion of the UN on the matter of illegal BD rats not good enough confirmation for UK Bengali? Speaking of UK Bengalis, did you know you guys are the poorest ethnic group here? It shows in your homeland. Our GDP per capita is higher than yours, that alone should close your entire argument. But then I guess you will bring up the 24 year thingy lol as if Bangladesh retained none of its previous wealth from East Pakistan.:lol:
In fact according to predictions things are going to much better with the Indian economy as Modi is opening us up to foreign developments.

You are forgetting that our poor state could completely demolish BD rat swamp whenever we wanted in fact, we have already developed you into a vassal state. That just shows your worth. Shame on South Asia? Beta, nobody outside of South Asia knows what Bangladesh even is lol, when people think of Bangladesh they think of fish and midgets I'm afraid. You people have been slave to thousands of foreign invaders and absolutely no resistance. We can see the mentality of your people, even at this moment we are running your government.:enjoy:
It is said to see that Indians feel so crap about the poor state of their starving state, not a nation as it is composed of multitude of ethnicities that have to be kept happy or the state disintegrates, that they have to make up this so called "illegal Bd'shis" nonsense.

Filthy Indians have shamed the whole of South Asia with their utterly disgusting habits and mass starvation.

Bangali are poor and starving everywhere they go. You are on par with Somalis in the UK while Indians are one of the most successful communities. Why are Bangali poor everywhere they go? What's holding you back?
Fine,but keep your own filth in handia too.:-)

That includes indian workers working in Arab land too.I thought you knew that people from India also go there.
LOL indians are not falling head over heels to immigrate to bangladesh last time i checked, nor do we run to bangladesh for better lives.:-)

Our ultimate target is to convert as much hindu as possible in India and create the greater Bangladesh. Muslim left in India had a purpose and working perfectly. ;)

You should keep on counting on Bodos.. ;)
What you are going to do?They will be given Weapons and other help provided by government then you can keep count on more Assam like incidents ;)
But then I guess you will bring up the 24 year thingy lol as if Bangladesh retained none of its previous wealth from East Pakistan.:lol:

Are you now denying that Pakistan took the lion's share of the funds in 1947-1971 period ? If you are, then you are in contradiction of both neutral observers and your own countrymen:lol:

Face the fact, even with a 24 year head start, India GDP/capita is at 1600 dollars and BD is fast catching up at 1200 dollars. From a ratio of 50% 5 years ago, BD GDP/capita is now at 75% to India's.

As for Modi, Gujarat is no economic miracle as states like Maharastra, far bigger and still wealthier, also grew at the same rate over the last decade. Modi have be less corrupt then Congress but he still has to try and rule the mess of a country that India is with it's multitude of ethnicities and many CMs of the dozens of individual states.

Now learn something before you come here and make yourself look even more of a fool.

Bangali are poor and starving everywhere they go. You are on par with Somalis in the UK while Indians are one of the most successful communities. Why are Bangali poor everywhere they go? What's holding you back?

Bd'shis are fast catching up dude.

Anway, how people judge India is not what they do overseas but the state of their country after nearly 7 decades of independence.
indian hiigh caste hindus are genocidal maniacs. those Sunnis make up 20% of india

They are nowhere close to genocidal as compare to what sunni-arab wannabes are.

Sunnis are so violent that they are known to massacre even their own fellow muslims of other sects.

What more proof is needed than Iraq, Saudi, Kuwait and Bahrain to prove this?

they want to ethnically and religiously cleans one fifth of their country.

Our Hindu brothers are not sunnis.

They don't attack.

these indian hindus have never learned a history lesson

It seems you Arab-wannabes haven't learnt a lesson from the entire non-Islamic world about peaceful living. Here, let a non-Indian teach you first hand:


Our ultimate target is to convert as much hindu as possible in India and create the greater Bangladesh. Muslim left in India had a purpose and working perfectly. ;)

You should keep on counting on Bodos.. ;)

And VHP's main target is to get back lakhs of muslim families in Dharmic fold.

Go to their site and see how many lakhs they have re-brought back.

Oh and VHP has the blessing of our Dalai Lama too. :D

Remember, you are getting as many Muslims as many of them are leaving islam. With or without mullahs' knowing it.
They are nowhere close to genocidal as compare to what sunni-arab wannabes are.

Sunnis are so violent that they are known to massacre even their own fellow muslims of other sects.

What more proof is needed than Iraq, Saudi, Kuwait and Bahrain to prove this?

hahahah .. dude, Muslims despise Hindus no matter Shia or Sunni. Not because Hindus are less equal but their belief systems and social orders are not acceptable to Muslims. At least Sunnis can live or rule non Muslim (eg Hindus) but Shia's dont even do that. They are more radical when it comes to Bharatis. Read Hizbullh, Khumeni etc.

And VHP's main target is to get back lakhs of muslim families in Dharmic fold.

Go to their site and see how many lakhs they have re-brought back.

Oh and VHP has the blessing of our Dalai Lama too. :D

Remember, you are getting as many Muslims as many of them are leaving islam. With or without mullahs' knowing it.

Pagans dont qualify to convert others. They should try to convert those low caste buddhist first.

there are few Indian retard who created a junk mail in the name of Putin circulated it over the internet like Microsoft and Nasa had 40% of employees from India. Its only the retard Indians which believes in such stupidity and make themselves the laughing stock in the world
Russian President Vladimir Putin Says No to Sharia-Fiction!

Actually, Sharia is not allowed in Russia. If you can understand the language, you can watch it on Youtube.
LOL indians are not falling head over heels to immigrate to bangladesh last time i checked, nor do we run to bangladesh for better lives.:-)

What you are going to do?They will be given Weapons and other help provided by government then you can keep count on more Assam like incidents ;)
Last time I checked, Indians are coming in droves to work in BD for better wedges which will ensure better living standards they currently have in their own country.
Last time I checked, Indians are coming in droves to work in BD for better wedges which will ensure better living standards they currently have in their own country.
better wages?:rofl: They might come to do legitimate business but better wages?i don't see indians say hey i wanna go settle in bangladesh.
if you compare living standards of villages to bangladesh then yeah you might be a bit better, but cities no way. :rofl:

there are few Indian retard who created a junk mail in the name of Putin circulated it over the internet like Microsoft and Nasa had 40% of employees from India. Its only the retard Indians which believes in such stupidity and make themselves the laughing stock in the world
Russian President Vladimir Putin Says No to Sharia-Fiction!
But he did say this

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