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‘Illegal immigration from Bangladesh planned by Pakistan with support from China’

If no Bangladeshi settlement in Assam, no question of deportation: Bangladesh minister
Madhuparna Das
, ET Bureau|
Feb 21, 2018, 07.28 AM IST

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Bangladesh may not accept deportation of individuals from Assam on the grounds that they are illegal immigrants, even as work continues in the state on the National Register of Citizens (NRCBSE -0.82 %) which is expected to ascertain the number of unauthorised residents.

“There was no border fence between Assam and Bangladesh because the area was inaccessible. So, it is not possible for Bangladeshis to settle in that region in Assam,” Bangladesh’s information minister Hasanul Haq Inu told ET in Dhaka on the sidelines of a programme by the Institute of Conflict, Law and Development studies, a think tank.

“No question of deportation arises if there is no Bangladeshi settlement in the region,” the minister said.

However, he said, issues related to deportation have not been discussed between India and Bangladesh at any level.

“We consider NRC in Assam as part of India’s internal politics, especially state politics.

And we chose to ignore the developments. We remained silent as there had been no communication from the government of India in this regard. We are not concerned about the political developments and policies in Assam state.”

Even as the senior minister refused to acknowledge the existence of Bangladeshi immigrants in Assam, senior government officials said that the NRC is a “sensitive” issue between the two countries that is best left for the time to come.

Officials at the Indian High Commission in Bangladesh said they are making all efforts to improve ties between the two countries and to address all outstanding issues.

“We have made it clear that it is a legal process. And that it is under the scrutiny of the Supreme Court,” said Harsh Vardhan Singla, the Indian high commissioner in Dhaka.

“There is a scope for judicial redressal at every stage. It is only the first stage at present.

And the idea is to verify those who are Indian nationals. I don’t think that at this stage, there is any cause for concern,” he said.

Stressing that the issue has not affected exchanges between Bangladesh and Assam, he said, “The issue is even subsiding here and we had a very good exchange with the state of Assam. We had a Bangladesh delegation led by the industry minister for the Advantage Assam summit. We had important ministers from Assam including Himanta Biswa Sarma, who came here in a delegation. We hope to have a high-level visit to Assam shortly from Bangladesh. I hope we will address these issues.”
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General sb is trying to shoot two birds in one shot. :D
Bhai is level ke official ko aesi bongi marna suit karta hai?
Matlab wardi ki power mil hai kuch bhi bol deney ka. Matlab kuch bhi [emoji35]
Army chef talking about politics and that against Muslim population is a big deal.
I like it cause it is more open and you get to know them better.
Pakistan behind planned influx of people from Bangladesh into North East: Army Chief General Rawat
Updated: Feb 21, 2018 | 10:29 IST | Times Now Digital


Army Chief General Bipin Rawat | Photo Credit: PTI


New Delhi: In a bid to keep the area disturbed, a "planned" influx of people from Bangladesh into the North East is taking place as part of a proxy warfare by Pakistan with covert support from China, Army Chief General Bipin Rawat said on Wednesday. He further referred to reports of an increase in Muslim population in several districts of Assam to underline that the growth of Badruddin Ajmal-led AIUDF (All India United Democratic Front) in the state has been "faster" than that of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the 1980s.

"A planned immigration is taking place because of our western neighbour. They will always try and ensure that this area is taken over, playing the proxy dimension of warfare," Gen Rawat said while talking about the influx of people from Bangladesh into the Northeast.

Addressing a conference on bridging gaps and securing borders in the Northeast region, he said: "I think the proxy game is very well played by our western neighbour, supported by our northern border (China) to keep the area disturbed. We will continue to see some migration happening. The solution lies in identifying the problem and holistically looking at it."

An influx of illegal Bangladeshis is a major issue in Assam and the state government is now coming out with a national register of citizens to find out those living illegally in the state. "There is a party called AIUDF. If you look at it, they have grown in a faster timeframe than the BJP grew over the years," he said while referring to the BJP winning only two seats in 1984. "The AIDUF is moving at a faster pace in Assam."

The AIUDF, which was formed in 2005 with an aim to champion the causes of the Muslim community, currently has three parliamentarians in Lok Sabha and 13 legislators in the state Assembly. The Army Chief said the solution to the problem lies in ensuring the development of the region by taking a holistic approach.

China in direct talks with Balochistan militants to protect CPEC infrastructure projects: Report

"I do not think you can now change the population dynamics of the area. If it was first five districts ... then to eight to nine, inversion has taken place whichever be the government," he said while referring to reports that Muslim majority has increased from five to nine districts in Assam.

The Army chief said efforts should be to "amalgamate" the people living in the region and then try and "start identifying those creating trouble for us".

"The government is looking at the Northeast in correct perspective, and if that happens, it will not be far that we will be able to amalgamate the region and ensure development. And with development comes the control of the people who are residing in this area," he said.

General Rawat said the Centre is taking several measures to seriously ensure the development of the region. "The development will finally happen in the area. That should take care of a lot of things."

He said, "We will have more problem in segregating people. Yes, some people will have to be identified who are creating trouble for us." The Army Chief added that migration is also taking place from Bangladesh because of shrinking land space in the country due to various reasons including floods.

He said the government must send a message that peace will lead to development in the region, adding enough development has not taken place in Mizoram though it is a peaceful state.

(With PTI inputs)
Are illegal Bangladeshi migrants to blame?
  • Ajaz Ashraf
  • Published at 05:47 PM January 24, 2018
  • Last updated at 06:05 PM January 25, 2018

Not infiltratorsREUTERS


Don’t blame Bangladesh for Assam’s problem. This is the first part of a two-part op-ed

Census reports have long been a pivot of Assam’s politics, spawning anxiety among its people that “unabated infiltration” from Bangladesh would endanger their cultural identity.

It is claimed that the influx from the neighbouring nation is why Muslims have grown from being 24.68% of the state’s population in 1951, to 28.43% in 1991, and 34.22% in 2011.

It is a myth that Infiltration: Genesis of Assam Movement busts conclusively.

The book, published last year, is written by Abdul Mannan, former professor of statistics at Gauhati University. He concludes that Assam’s Muslim population has increased because of the community’s high birth rate, and not because of illegal immigration from Bangladesh.

Illegal immigrants in Assam are estimated to number between 1,600,000 and 8,400,000, in a total population of 31,200,000, according to the 2011 census.

Discussing Mannan’s findings in a recent article in the Economic and Political Weekly, political scientist Akhil Ranjan Dutta wrote:

“Successive censuses have proved — as Abdul Mannan has established using extensive data in his recent book — that birth rates among scheduled tribes, scheduled castes, and Christians in Assam had been even higher than among Muslims during 1971-91. This was due to the backwardness of these communities in all dimensions of development.”

But that is getting ahead of the story.

In the 1950s and 1960s, successive Congress governmentsexpelled hundreds of thousands of Bengali Muslims from Assam on the ground that they were illegal infiltrators from what was then East Pakistan.

It was not until Bangladesh became an independent country in 1971, however, that popular anger against the so-called foreigners acquired intensity.

Bangladeshi Muslims were perceived to be flooding into Assam through the porous border to escape poverty.

By 1979-80, the All Assam Students Union was spearheading the anti-foreigner movement, cashing in on wild estimates of the number of Bangladeshi immigrants to gain wide support.

One estimate numbered the Bangladeshis at 45% of Assam’s estimated population of 16,000,000 in 1981. Such claims were hard to refute, not least because the 1981 census could not be conducted owing to the Assam agitation, then at its peak.

In 1991, the census reported that Muslims were 28.43% of Assam’s population, up from 24.56% in 1971. Several publications interpreted these figures to reach an alarming conclusion: Bangladeshis were demographically colonising Assam.

Challenging common sense

For instance, Asam Bani, a popular weekly, claimed in its August 18, 1994 edition that 1,600,000 Bangladeshis had entered Assam between 1971 and 1991.

Who werethey? Muslims, Asam Bani declared, after analysing the census data. Since Hindus had a growth rate of 41.89% in 1971-1991 and Muslims 77.42%, the weekly argued that the excess growth rate of Muslims was primarily because of the Bangladeshis.

It further argued that had the influx from Bangladesh been negligible, the growth rate of Muslims would not have exceeded 45%. Why? It did not offer a reason. Still, such claims became common sense in Assam.

It is this common sense that Mannan challenges: The rise in Assam’s Muslim population was not unusual, and it was not a consequence of immigration from Bangladesh.

Is the higher growth rate among Muslims, scheduled castes, and scheduled tribes linked to poverty, illiteracy, and social backwardness?

After all, the all-India growth rate ofMuslims between 1971 and 1991 was 71.47%, just a little lower than the 77.42% that the Muslims of Assam clocked in the same period.

More significantly, the growth rate of Assam’s Muslims in 1971-1991 compared favourably with the community’s growthrate in states such as Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tripura, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh. Barring Punjab, all these states have always had sizeable Muslim populations.

In this context, Mannan asks a crucial question: “If it is assumed that the high growth rate among Muslims in Maharashtra, Punjab, and Haryana is due to the migration of Muslim workers from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, or West Bengal, then how would we explain the high growth rate in Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, and West Bengal?”

Certainly not on account of Bangladeshi infiltrators, with West Bengal perhaps being the exception.

The crack in the census

The growth rate of Hindus (41.89%) in Assam in 1971-1991 was indeed much lower than that of Muslims (77.42%). But parsing this low growth rate throws up a story: Assam’s scheduled castes and scheduled tribes grew at a higher rate than even Muslims — scheduled castes at 81.84% and scheduled tribes at 78.91%.

The high growth rate of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes too is not unique to Assam. The growth rate of scheduled castes was far higher than that of Hindus generally in most states. In fact, scheduled castes in Andhra Pradesh (83.43%), Maharashtra (189.44%), and Karnataka (91.41%) grew at a higher rate than in Assam. The growth rate of scheduled tribes followed similar trends.

Referring to these trends, Mannan asks: Is the higher growth rate among Muslims, scheduled castes, and scheduled tribes linked to poverty, illiteracy, and social backwardness?

He proceeds to answer this question through another statistical comparison. By assessing the growth rates of various communities in each of Assam’s 23 districts between 1971 and 1991, his findings show that the growth rate of the scheduled castes is higher than that of Muslims in 10 districts. In eight districts, the scheduled tribes outstrip the growth rate of Muslims.

Significantly, Mannan compares the growth rates of Muslims in upper Assam and lower Assam in this period. This is because Muslims in upper Assam are largely of indigenous origin, while lower Assam is home to Muslims of Bengali origin.

The latter are not infiltrators. They are descendants of Bengali Muslim peasants settled by the British in marshy and riverine areas of Assam to boost agriculture. Some also migrated voluntarily in search of livelihood, but, in undivided India, they were just moving from one part of the country to another.

* * *

Assam’s districts have been repeatedly divided to create new ones, leading to a peculiar trend in Dhemaji.

When this district was carved out of Lakhimpur in 1989, a large number of Muslims moved to the latter for reasons of livelihood. Dhemaji thus registered a negative growth rate for Muslims.

In 2011, Hindus comprised 95.47% of Dhemaji’s population and Muslims just 1.96%.

“Dhemaji’s Muslim population was low even in 1987,” said Mannan. “The migration of Muslims brought down the population sharply and led to the community’s growth rate being negative. But the growth rate of Muslims in Dhemaji in 2001-2011 crawled up to 20%.”

Leave out Dhemaji as an anomaly then. In all other districts of upper Assam, except Jorhat and Sibsagar (now Sivasagar), the growth rate of Muslims was over 68%. In Jorhat, it was 60.80% and in Sibsagar 59.01%.

What Jorhat and Sibsagar have in common is a high literacy rate. In 1991, it was 65.89% for Jorhat and 64.84% for Sibsagar, much higher than the state average of 52.89%.

The high literacy rates are a consequence of their relative prosperity — a large number of Assam’s tea gardens and oil fields are concentrated in these two districts, and they hum with business.

Literacy and prosperity translated, not surprisingly, in the low growth rate of Hindus in Jorhat (33.54%) and Sibsagar (35.91%). But why was the growth rate of Muslims still substantially higher than that of Hindus in the two districts? “The reason may be the social backwardness and relative poverty among Muslims,” Mannan suggests.

He also points out another statistical peculiarity: “If those who say Bangladeshi immigrants have ballooned the population of Muslims in Lower Assam, then how would they explain their high growth rate in the districts of Tinsukia (89.56%), Golaghat (97.24%), and Dibrugarh (68.43%), which are in upper Assam, where the presence of migrant Muslims is negligible?”

Mannan then turns to show that districts with a growth rate of 21% and above also have a high percentage of Muslims. What explains this phenomenon? Mannan chooses two districts — Jorhat and Dhubri — for comparison.

In 2001-2011, Dhubri registered the highest growth rate (24.4%) among all districts of Assam. By contrast, Jorhat clocked the lowest growth rate of 9.3%.

This gulf between the population growth rates was mirrored in other social indicators. Dhubri had an infant mortality rate of 72 in 2011, as against Jorhat’s 57.

In Dhubri, there was a doctor for every 10,844 people as compared to one for every 7,189 people in Jorhat. Dhubri’s literacy rate of 48.21% was far behind Jorhat’s 76.21%.

There was one lower primary school for every 1,129 people in Dhubri as against one for every 638 people in Jorhat. Dhubri had a bank branch for every 29,239 people while Jorhat had one for every 11,355 people. The per capita loan disbursal in Jorhat was three times more than Dhubri’s.

It is a truism in demographic studies that population explosion is a consequence of poverty, illiteracy, insufficient health, and sanitation services, and a sluggish economy

It is a truism in demographic studies that population explosion is a consequence of poverty, illiteracy, insufficient health, and sanitation services, and a sluggish economy. “This is precisely true of Assam too,” Mannan writes.

Indeed, many foot soldiers of the Assam agitation have veered around to thinking that the presence of Bangladeshi Muslims is not as high as was previously believed. One of them is popular TV anchor and author of Assam After Independence Mrinal Talukdar.

In his college days, he was deeply engaged with the All Assam Students Union’s movement. “During those days, I believed Bangladeshi Muslims had a substantial presence in Assam,” said Talukdar. “I have a neutral position on the issue now. I am willing to go by whatever number the National Register of Citizens throws up.”

Mannan says he is certain that if the ongoing exercise to update the National Register of Citizens is carried out honestly, Bangladeshi Muslims in Assam will be counted in thousands, not in lakhs.

Regardless of how many Bangladeshi Muslims the National Register of Citizens identifies, there is no denying that the truth about Assam’s demography was sacrificed on the altar of politics.

It seems spurious theories about Bangladeshi Muslims were spun not out of ignorance, but with intent. In this, two Assam police officers and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh played a crucial role.

The RSS deftly turned the All Assam Students Union’s movement against outsiders, that is, Indians from other states, into one against foreigners — that is, Bangladeshi Muslims.

Ajaz Ashraf is a journalist in Delhi. This article previously appeared on Scroll.in and has been republished by special arrangement.
Bhai is level ke official ko aesi bongi marna suit karta hai?
Matlab wardi ki power mil hai kuch bhi bol deney ka. Matlab kuch bhi [emoji35]
I have no idea what you just said.

General may be saying things according to the reports or not. I don't know.
I have no idea what you just said.

General may be saying things according to the reports or not. I don't know.

When this General is retiring? Any plan for politics or participating in election under BJP banner? Any idea?
general sahab was high on some unique kind of drug .
Whatever it is it's not opium we are not the largest users of opium. :D
Probably it's Tea since he is from Gurkha Rifles.

When this General is retiring? Any plan for politics or participating in election under BJP banner? Any idea?
Probably not. He has no history of controversy. And he'll probably go home taking pensions.

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