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Fatwa issued against 'Surya Namaskar'

As much as you choose to believe whatever an Arab claimed to be the voice of God.

With no corroborative evidence at all.

We see as much logic (or illogic) in Islam as you do in the religion of your forefathers. Let's not be judgmental for your own good.

Look faith isn't scientific, I would admit that. I say I have faith in the words of that Arab. Are you saying you have faith in the Sun?

That's the premises of my argument. If you believe the sun to be God and want to offer a salutation to your god, I would have no problem to it except saying "Hey sorry buddy, Muslims can't join in offering salutations to your God". But Indians here are saying no sun's not god but let's just offer salutations to it, trust us you won't be offering salutations to our God.

Silly chaal baazi of entrapping people in your act of worship, IMO.
That's a bit rich. You too seem to (correct me if I'm wrong) believe in the existence of God (whatever you choose to call it). Logically, it follows that everything runs as per the wishes of God. Why then does it so surprise you that other people may fragment those very same beliefs & create separate divinities for each of the parts of the "creation"? Any religious belief does not obtain a higher ranking from the scientific point of view merely because the believers believe that theirs is a superior form of belief.

Again read my comments to Vinod. IF you declare this as a Hindu activity and concede that Muslims are CORRECT in objecting to part-taking in a Hindu activity, I won't object to the belief system in a sun god. Belief isn't scientific, it is something that is unproven but you have faith in it. My comments would end, you have a right to believe in the Sun god in isolation without compelling me.

But if you say its not belief, then its logic, then its science - then you expose yourself to further inquiry.
Look faith isn't scientific, I would admit that. I say I have faith in the words of that Arab. Are you saying you have faith in the Sun?

I have faith in my religion though I am not overly religious.

Do you believe everyoine not born Muslim or converted to Islam will be condemned to eternal hellfire?

Just because an Arab claimed this is what will happen? Doesn't it make a supposedly "merciful God" too much narrowminded?

That's the premises of my argument. If you believe the sun to be God and want to offer a salutation to your god, I would have no problem to it except saying "Hey sorry buddy, Muslims can't join in offering salutations to your God". But Indians here are saying no sun's not god but let's just offer salutations to it, trust us you won't be offering salutations to our God.

Silly chaal baazi of entrapping people in your act of worship, IMO.

No one is being forced to do anything.

It is nothing like what happened during forced conversions by swords anyways. ;)
Yeah its voluntary, no one is being forced to do it, the fatwa seems a bit redundant.
I have faith in my religion though I am not overly religious.

Do you believe everyoine not born Muslim or converted to Islam will be condemned to eternal hellfire?
What is my belief got to do with this discussion, you digress. I can believe Mickey Mouse would be condemned to hellfire or Mickey Mouse is God... As long as I believe it, that is my religion and my belief system. None of your business.

Just because an Arab claimed this is what will happen? Doesn't it make a supposedly "merciful God" too much narrowminded?
But if someone believes in him, what're you gonna do about it? Belief doesn't require logic. THat's another thing there may be reasoning against your interpretation of narrow mindedness and the believers' but thats above the purview of this discussion.

No one is being forced to do anything.

It is nothing like what happened during forced conversions by swords anyways. ;)
So you agree this is some form of conversion tact eh? Maybe not forced conversion but "trick conversion"?

---------- Post added at 12:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 PM ----------

Yeah its voluntary, no one is being forced to do it, the fatwa seems a bit redundant.
Yeah but if its trickery, then someone who pointed out that trickery did a good thing. Not redundant, but a reminder.

---------- Post added at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------

This was my original comment:


My opinion, my interpretation and my advice. I never enforced it, nor did I said anyone else is being enforced.

How the discussion unfolded from there can be seen by all.
Surya namaskar isn't telling hi to sun.
It involves a set physical actions similiar to yoga. Its good for your body.

Hindu custom states that one must chant mantras while performing it. However,when i do it,i skip the mantras. Most muslims skip em too.

But,from my personal observation chanting them helps to us to concentrate.

Chote- Muslims doesn't want to do it- Let it be-
I have this doubt from many years and I want somebody to kindly clear this. It is against Islamic principles to worship idols of any form. Then why do muslims pray kaaba in macca? Kaaba also has a form rite...then dosent it accont to worship an idol?

Very nice question, as ,many non-muslims see it this way. Well the fact is that Kaaba is a holy place for us, but it is not the Kaaba we worship. The verses we recite during prayers does not, in any way direct, that we are worshipping Kaaba.
Why is your parenting weak that you need Godly adoration from your subjects (oops, Children I mean)

We pay respect to them by taking care of them in old age, by listening to them and doing as we are told by them, respecting their wisdom. We don't need to bow to them to defer godly status upon them. They are respected for their wisdom and their affection to their children.

Bowing down and toughing our parents feet isn't godly adoration in our culture. It simply is how you pay respect .
We also have to do everything that any dutiful children must do for their parents.

As afar as prostration to Sufi saints is concerned - they IMO are real Muslims but doing this one thing wrong out of their affection and misguided devotion. Sufi saints and Sufism isn't wrong since they never asked for this. Never. A lot of these people go there out of desperation and are seeking to ask help to overcome some trouble in life. They justify it by saying they are asking the Sufi's to ask Allah on their behalf.

You mean to say what they are doing is wrong by Bowing down in front of Sufi saints. Or as we saw in the video i've posted in my earlier post of pakistani muslims "Kissing " the feet of a another Muslim man . I don't know his status in the society.

So what we see is that these seemingly anti Islamic acts are accepted and not condemned in the Muslim society of Pakistan.
But when it comes to "Surya Namaskar" which is merely an early morning exercise ,all hell break loose and Hindus of india are accused of thrusting anti islamic shrik on pious Muslims. This is the height of hypocrisy.
What is my belief got to do with this discussion, you digress. I can believe Mickey Mouse would be condemned to hellfire or Mickey Mouse is God... As long as I believe it, that is my religion and my belief system. None of your business.

But if someone believes in him, what're you gonna do about it? Belief doesn't require logic. THat's another thing there may be reasoning against your interpretation of narrow mindedness and the believers' but thats above the purview of this discussion.

It is you who tried to find logic in saying "Hi" to Sun.

The same logic applies here.

Many people do Yoga without thinking about its spiritual side. Some do it for the spiritual side, some for both.

Surya Namaskar is a form of Yoga. Everyone to his own end.

So you agree this is some form of conversion tact eh? Maybe not forced conversion but "trick conversion"?

No conversion (forced or trick). We may look at reversion (shuddhikaran) as a possibility though. ;)
But when it comes to "Surya Namaskar" which is merely an early morning exercise ,all hell break loose and Hindus of india are accused of thrusting anti islamic shrik on pious Muslims. This is the height of hypocrisy.

I have seen television programs dedicated to condemning it - of course with other proponents supporting it.

Thats how debates ensue, there are two sides. One side wins with the better argument :).
Bowing down and toughing our parents feet isn't godly adoration in our culture. It simply is how you pay respect .
We also have to do everything that any dutiful children must do for their parents.

You mean to say what they are doing is wrong by Bowing down in front of Sufi saints. Or as we saw in the video i've posted in my earlier post of pakistani muslims "Kissing " the feet of a another Muslim man . I don't know his status in the society.

So what we see is that these seemingly anti Islamic acts are accepted and not condemned in the Muslim society of Pakistan.
But when it comes to "Surya Namaskar" which is merely an early morning exercise ,all hell break loose and Hindus of india are accused of thrusting anti islamic shrik on pious Muslims. This is the height of hypocrisy.

you are partly correct, and almost answered the question yourself.

Islam has a system of worship which is based on one and only God,
any part of worship dedicated to God, is forbidden in part or whole or even resemblance of any kind to any one else.

Thus, people who are kissing saints, praying to their graves, touching feet etc are all HARAM.

The reason these kind of people exist is because in the subcontinent paganism was wide spread, and little distinction was made between what is reserved for God and what is not, thus people started to idolize others.

For this very reason, Surya Namaskar should be HARAM for Muslims,

@ Muslims, even offering prayers at certain times of the day is not allowed, those are the times with sun in a special position.
so how can you debate otherwise ?
It is you who tried to find logic in saying "Hi" to Sun.
I said its illogical to give salutations to the Sun.

To the Sun God? IT's not illogical to hear that from a Sun God believer. May be the belief can be questioned, but it can't be disproven since belief doesn't require proof.

The same logic applies here.

Many people do Yoga without thinking about its spiritual side. Some do it for the spiritual side, some for both.

Surya Namaskar is a form of Yoga. Everyone to his own end.
Now don't get me started on the uselessness of Yoga as a weight losing exercise. It's good breathing and stretching.

No conversion (forced or trick). We may look at reversion (shuddhikaran) as a possibility though. ;)
Better luck next time, this trick has been exposed :P

Lol @ reversion.
Yeah but if its trickery, then someone who pointed out that trickery did a good thing. Not redundant, but a reminder.

---------- Post added at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------

This was my original comment:


My opinion, my interpretation and my advice. I never enforced it, nor did I said anyone else is being enforced.

How the discussion unfolded from there can be seen by all.

Yeah thats the thing, I don't think even Hindus see Surya Namaskar as a form of Sun God worship. Its just an exercise for most of us, and millions of westerners who do it everyday.

No one was being forced to it, so I don't see why the Maulvis had to issue fatwa(I personally don't have any issue with that).

The news is being blown of of proportion though. The problem is most people(Indians) don't exactly understand the meaning of "fatwa". Fatwa so far in India has been associated for example with people like Salman Rushdie and fatwa issued against him(for his killing). Its seen as a violent imposition of orders, when in fact its just an order by the high ups in the clergy, as far as my understanding goes.

Just like no one is being forced to do the Surya Namsaskar, similarly no Muslim is being forced to abide by the fatwa issued by the Maulvis.
Meanwhile somewhere in India Christians go for the kill to end this debate:


Surya Namaskar row: Christians question ‘Sun God’

Bhopal: After a fatwa was issued against Madhya Pradesh government’s 'Surya Namaskar' push, Christian groups are also up in arms against the move.

The Shivraj Singh Chouhan government had planned to enter the Guinness Book of Records for the maximum number of people performing the ancient Yoga regimen together on the occasion of Swami Vivekanand's birthday on Thursday.

Muslim leaders had termed the move as un-Islamic and equated it with idol-worship, which is prohibited in Islam and issued a fatwa.

Now certain Christian groups have also come out in the open against ‘Surya Namaskar’. They argue that the exercise regimen is a religious activity as sun is being termed a God.

Even principals of some Christian run schools have opposed the move and said that, as per the Constitution, no one can be forced to perform a religious activity and termed the move as ‘saffronisation of schools’.

They accused the government of giving ‘oral directions’ to ensure that ‘Surya Namaskar’ is performed compulsorily in all schools.

It may be noted that the state government had asked the school education department to make arrangements to ensure maximum participation in the exercise.

Meanwhile, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has clarified that the participation in the exercise is not compulsory. “It is not mandatory and there is nothing religious about it,” he said.

Chouhan added that it is just a form of exercise aimed at introducing children to the advantages of ‘Surya Namaskar’.

Several Yoga experts have expressed resentment over the politics being played over ‘Surya Namaskar’, which has been accepted the world over as a complete exercise.
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