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Fatwa issued against 'Surya Namaskar'

No body is saying to Ban the practice-
The unfortunate minority religions is foreboding their followers to not to participate-
and they have every right in a democratic and so called secular india-

You as a majority should not be that much insecure- teach your kids what ever you want-

Stop replying him jon bhai.
Sir understand the meaning of this ayat Sir it is a difference between Muslims and Non Muslims but if you are a Muslim you have to follow Islamic rules and if you are also in Islamic State you can be forced to follow many Islamic Rules Sir

Forced to follow, like....
When Hindus are the majority and pay off taxes to run the govt and the country ,why the govt shouldn't actively propagate ancient hindu practices we cherish and appreciate as part of our culture ??

This is a careless and unmindful statement.... do you even think before you write?
Sir understand the meaning of this ayat Sir it is a difference between Muslims and Non Muslims but if you are a Muslim you have to follow Islamic rules and if you are also in Islamic State you can be forced to follow many Islamic Rules Sir

I am trying to become a deist actually,i.e,no religion only god!
Islam has clearly states that one is free to follow his own religion as long as it isn't against humanity.

In surathil kafirun,
It says,
"lakum deenakum valya deen"
i.e, for me,my religion, and for you,your religion.

As an indian muslim ,i am proud to say that i perform surya namaskar daily,just like the way i namaz 5 times a day,and is equally proud of my hindu friends who taught me it and thank full to the hindu religion for devising such a great excercise.

Dude, you quoted only last verse of the chapter ... what about the rest ?

Let me post those, and then you are free to make your mind.

1. Say (O Muhammad () to these Mushrikun and Kafirun): "O Al-Kafirun (disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness, in His Angels, in His Books, in His Messengers, in the Day of Resurrection, and in Al-Qadar, etc.)!

2. "I worship not that which you worship,

3. "Nor will you worship that which I worship.

4. "And I shall not worship that which you are worshipping.

5. "Nor will you worship that which I worship.

6. "To you be your religion, and to me my religion (Islamic Monotheism)."


even some thing as holy as prayer is banned at certain times, because of it's relation to the sun.

So after that how can you justify this "exercise"
This is utterly Rubbish.

India is a hindu majority country and MP state is 90% hindu.

Its Govt has every right to propagate indian values and cultural practices .

Just because we have Muslim and christian as minorities that doesn't mean we have to give everything thats hindu.

Why shouldn't our kids learn great practices of Hindus culture such as Yoga ,and invaluable teachings of Gita in schools from an early age ??

When Hindus are the majority and pay off taxes to run the govt and the country ,why the govt shouldn't actively propagate ancient hindu practices we cherish and appreciate as part of our culture ??

Because you say you're secular. Say you're Hindu and you're gold.

So now we have established that this is a "Whether or not Hinduism should be imposed upon Muslims and Christians" debate.
Dude, you quoted only last verse of the chapter ... what about the rest ?

Let me post those, and then you are free to make your mind.


even some thing as holy as prayer is banned at certain times, because of it's relation to the sun.

So after that how can you justify this "exercise"

Why see it as a prayer?
I see it as a physical excercise,like yoga.

---------- Post added at 03:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 PM ----------

Because you say you're secular. Say you're Hindu and you're gold.

So now we have established that this is a "Whether or not Hinduism should be imposed upon Muslims and Christians" debate.

Don't pay attention to his words. He isn't an indian .
Why see it as a prayer?
I see it as a physical excercise,like yoga.

Because you can do the exercise at night too. The use of Surya, implies the Surya God in Hinduism. The act of Namaskar solidifies that implication.
A Mullah represents the Muslims- thats how it goes-
Even if the Muslims want to do it- it was the duty of the Mullahs to tell them of the consequences-

Again,mullah saying no to something doesnt means that muslims are against it.
Why see it as a prayer?
I see it as a physical excercise,like yoga.

---------- Post added at 03:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 PM ----------

Don't pay attention to his words. He isn't an indian .

Ok, let me break it down for u.

Is prayer 5 times a day more holy and true or exercise ?

You think God's silly to have banned prayer at times when the sun is rising, setting or directly above ?

and if you think something as precious as prayer can be banned by God himself for the times listed above
how can you as a mortal continue to make arguments to do an exercise ?
Because you can do the exercise at night too. The use of Surya, implies the Surya God in Hinduism. The act of Namaskar solidifies that implication.

Surya namaskar,as an excercise,must be done at sunrise as its the time when we wake up from sleep,and our body is in the apt condition. Also the sun rays at that time is also comfortable.

Yoga is also performed at sunrise or sunset
I am trying to become a deist actually,i.e,no religion only god!
Than you will not find GOD to find GOD you need a way and the way is ISLAM Sir and read Islam Sir

---------- Post added at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 PM ----------

Again,mullah saying no to something doesnt means that muslims are against it.
And if Mullah proves what he is saying wrong is according to Quran and Sunnah and still you don't listen to him mean you are not a Muslim Sir
Ok, let me break it down for u.

Is prayer 5 times a day more holy and true or exercise ?

You think God's silly to have banned prayer at times when the sun is rising, setting or directly above ?

and if you think something as precious as prayer can be banned by God himself for the times listed above
how can you as a mortal continue to make arguments to do an exercise ?

Whats the problem with surya namaskar as an excercise?

---------- Post added at 03:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:49 PM ----------

Than you will not find GOD to find GOD you need a way and the way is ISLAM Sir and read Islam Sir

---------- Post added at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 PM ----------

And if Mullah proves what he is saying wrong is according to Quran and Sunnah and still you don't listen to him mean you are not a Muslim Sir

Are you sure with the bold part?
And if Mullah proves what he is saying wrong is according to Quran and Sunnah and still you don't listen to him mean you are not a Muslim Sir

Isn't that blind faith?... so the apparently 'ignorant' Mullah precedes your own logical thinking ... even if he is wrong?
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