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Fatwa issued against 'Surya Namaskar'


God damn it Razpak. Stop posting such pics where animals are wanking their p***s. Grow up, will ya. :D
We've come mighty off-topic here so I bid you all farewell.
guys please hold down for hell sake before talk abut any others reliegon you have to read thousands of books abut it you should have 95%+ knowldge abut it i see here kids chit chat just for fun and trolling

for basic education of islam and talk abut it you should have read all these

shahi bukhari


shahi muslim


Sunan Abu Dawood


Sunan al-Tirmidhi

Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal


and most important tafseer of quran such as tafseer ibn katheer


FYI please stop this scrap now you guys know nothing and just bla bla bla is going on here :tdown:
guys please hold down for hell sake before talk abut any others reliegon you have to read thousands of books abut it you should have 95%+ knowldge abut it i see here kids chit chat just for fun and trolling

for basic education of islam and talk abut it you should have read all these

shahi bukhari


shahi muslim


Sunan Abu Dawood


Sunan al-Tirmidhi

Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal


and most important tafseer of quran such as tafseer ibn katheer


FYI please stop this scrap now you guys know nothing and just bla bla bla is going on here :tdown:

I would have become an IAS or scientist, If I would have read these many books (By Number.)..

OMG! you need to read 50-60 books to know Islam??? It need no book to understand Hinduism. Only scholar should learn Islam, Common men like me should go for Hinduism... :)

One proverb : "Pothi Padh Padh Kar Jag Mua, Pandit Bhayo Na Koye
Dhai Aakhar Prem Ke, Jo Padhe so Pandit Hoye" St Kabir Das..

Reading books everyone died, none became any wise
One who reads the word of Love, only becomes wise

I would have become an IAS or scientist, If I would have read these many books (By Number.)..

OMG! you need to read 50-60 books to know Islam??? It need no book to understand Hinduism. Only scholar should learn Islam, Common men like me should go for Hinduism... :)

One proverb : "Pothi Padh Padh Kar Jag Mua, Pandit Bhayo Na Koye
Dhai Aakhar Prem Ke, Jo Padhe so Pandit Hoye" St Kabir Das..

Reading books everyone died, none became any wise
One who reads the word of Love, only becomes wise

yes there is difference islam is not hinduism dear nor we comparing here both its matter of faith if you believe it do it otherwise just leave it but comment on Islam and have no knowledge of 5 hadees shareef books is like taking on nukes have have education of primary school .please leave it to others islam is way of life which cover each and every step of life if you want to follow .i my self think i follow 90% oppose then islam teachings but its not mean i have to make fun of them .
yes there is difference islam is not hinduism dear nor we comparing here both its matter of faith if you believe it do it otherwise just leave it but comment on Islam and have no knowledge of 5 hadees shareef books is like taking on nukes have have education of primary school .please leave it to others islam is way of life which cover each and every step of life if you want to follow .i my self think i follow 90% oppose then islam teachings but its not mean i have to make fun of them .

Take it light bro, My intention was not bad.. I become crazy when I see too many books.
Take it light bro, My intention was not bad.. I become crazy when I see too many books.

i never take it as aggressive yaar but fatwa is for those who believe that school of thought and follow it .they never said kill those who do it .
I bet you watched **** someday/sometime,listen to music watch movies with semi nude girls/kissing and other scenes.

Doesn't get you outside the folds of Islam even though it is a big sin ... Shirk ( workshipping other diety besides Allah ) is different ... Allah can forgive anyone but a polytheist ! ... Considered the biggest sin in Islam , it is obvious that we Muslims take strong objection to it ... Atleast research a little before posting on sensitive topics ...
Sir first of all less than 5 % drink Alcohol in Pakistan Most do in fact 95 % Muslims of the whole world don't drink Alcohol and secondly punishment of Alcohol is 80 lashes which even a healthy would survive with lot of difficulty because son of great HAZRAT UMAR RA died when he was punished with 80 lashes during his caliphate
I wish I could just call the cops on you. Get a life.
And also, i hope u get a worse punishment for making up lies about the sahaba
Muslims defy Fatwa, perform Surya Namaskar : Over 70 Lakhs MP'ians in total
The Muslim fatwa and Secular deception not withstanding, over 70 lakh people, most of them students, performed Surya Namaskar across Madhya Pradesh. The event was organised by the State Government through its School Education department marking the coming of Uttarayan, or Makar Sankranti.
Despite it being cold and the exercise being completely voluntary, students in Government schools and colleges flocked to perform the Sun salutations. Muslim students openly defied the fatwa issued from Bhopal calling this age-old tradition as unislamic. Read here [a fatwa in india against surya namaskar] Over 6000 schools participated in the event which is set to go into the Guinness Book of World Records, now.
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan himself led from the front. The signal to begin the Surya Namaskar was given via All India Radio. The Chief Minister was seen stretching out on the occasion despite the fact that he was recently operated in his left palm. With 15 stitches, bandage was visible in his palm.
The School Education Department had already intimated the officials of Guinness Book of World Records regarding this exercise. For the purpose, special arrangements were made by installing video cameras in all the campuses where Surya Namaskar was organised. The recording will be sent for review to those who handle the Guinness Book of World Records. It will take around a month for the record to be updated. The Guinness Book of World Record in largest aerobics demonstration is currently with Kazakhstan in which 48 lakh people had participated.
Despite the event nurturing an age-old tradition of India, Muslim Organizations, Christian organization and Congress have opposed the event.
Embarrassed Muslim organizations, which were until yesterday, calling it anti-Islam, changed their tone, and are now calling it 'against the constitution'. Five organisations of Muslims had opposed the event and appealed to the Muslim parents not to send their wards to school on the day.
Isai Mahasangh (IMS)stated that it would approached the Guinness World Records authorities asking them not to include the event, as it promotes communal discord in a multi-religious society. Congress MLA and leader of the opposition in MP Assembly Ajay Singh said that Surya Namaskar is meant to create discord among children of different religions and it is a crime. Congress also alleged the exercise to be meant for pleasing RSS
Look bro Any one who do Idol worship in any form what so ever is not a muslim and have
gone out of the fold of ISLAM.
If these bollywood khans do this then they have gone out of the fold of ISLAM. Its very simple. You
don't have to be a ISLAMIC scholar to know such Basic principles. Idol worship is an
unforgiveable sin. So what are you trying to prove with this videos?

It implies secularism !!!
Even i have gone to mosque and church and that havent made unhindu
don be too narrow !!!
For ur info my musim friends with whom i hang with come with me(along as a gang of friends ) to hanuman temple too !!!
They are secular even in mind but u r not secular even in words !!!
guys please hold down for hell sake before talk abut any others reliegon you have to read thousands of books abut it you should have 95%+ knowldge abut it i see here kids chit chat just for fun and trolling

for basic education of islam and talk abut it you should have read all these

shahi bukhari


shahi muslim


Sunan Abu Dawood


Sunan al-Tirmidhi

Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal


and most important tafseer of quran such as tafseer ibn katheer


FYI please stop this scrap now you guys know nothing and just bla bla bla is going on here :tdown:

Pothi pad pad jag mua pundit bhaya na koyi
dhai aakhar prem ka pade so pundit hoyi....

No one becomes a scholar after reading 1000s of books
But one who reads the 2.5 word of love(as it is written in hindi) becomes a scholar.
Pothi pad pad jag mua pundit bhaya na koyi
dhai aakhar prem ka pade so pundit hoyi....

No one becomes a scholar after reading 1000s of books
But one who reads the 2.5 word of love(as it is written in hindi) becomes a scholar.

How many Pakistanis or Muslims the world over have read and "understood" all that Imran mentioned?

If they have not, are they following something without understanding it?
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