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Gita to be taught in Muslim Madrasas in Madhya Pradesh

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well,i have been to many hindu schools and they have nothing to envy from those christian convents in anything,perhaps sports.

I saw no difference whatsoever.
Going to madrasa is choice by students parents,its religious school like even catholic schools.Yes madrassas are misused in many parts of the world,but absolutely zero evidence in india.
As for kashmir,man its not only pandits who have suffered and bled....all of kashmir has bled.
What do u mean happening same thing in kerala,assam?Alarmist much?

You skip many of my questions. Yes we didn't see that suicide bombing in Pakistan 10 years back but seeds of evil were sown at that time. When Madrasa student will come out of Madrasa and see that the world is totally different and he has no place in this world. He has no job to do than he will get frustrated. His frustration coupled with religious extremism will make him extremist. By the way I again ask What way it is going to be helpful to Madrasa Student as well as to the country? Actually when you advocate Madrasa education for innocent children, you are playing with the future of innocent children to please fundamentalist.

Going to madrasa is choice by students parents,its religious school like even catholic schools.

I pity your knowledge. Many middle class and effluent class people send their students to missionary schools. How many send their students to Madrasa? Are you so ignorant not to differentiate between Missionary school and Madrasa.

What do u mean happening same thing in kerala,assam?Alarmist much?

Are you not aware of incident of chopping off hands of a christian professor in Kerala? Are you not aware of what is happening in Asam? Should one turn blind eye on that like you.

all of kashmir has bled.

Oh I do not know that!!! I thought only Pandits left kashmir because of threat from Islamic fundamentalist.
You skip many of my questions. Yes we didn't see that suicide bombing in Pakistan 10 years back but seeds of evil were sown at that time. When Madrasa student will come out of Madrasa and see that the world is totally different and he has no place in this world. He has no job to do than he will get frustrated. His frustration coupled with religious extremism will make him extremist. By the way I again ask What way it is going to be helpful to Madrasa Student as well as to the country? Actually when you advocate Madrasa education for innocent children, you are playing with the future of innocent children to please fundamentalist.

Going to madrasa is choice by students parents,its religious school like even catholic schools.

I pity your knowledge. Many middle class and effluent class people send their students to missionary schools. How many send their students to Madrasa? Are you so ignorant not to differentiate between Missionary school and Madrasa.

What do u mean happening same thing in kerala,assam?Alarmist much?

Are you not aware of incident of chopping off hands of a christian professor in Kerala? Are you not aware of what is happening in Asam? Should one turn blind eye on that like you.

all of kashmir has bled.

Oh I do not know that!!! I thought only Pandits left kashmir because of threat from Islamic fundamentalist.

There are problems,whats ur point?reading gita in islamic religious school will solve them?It will be taken as an insult rather.
Good Move !
Similarly other Religious scriptures should also be introduced in other schools vice -versa.

This would be only possible if people are not conservative.
There are problems,whats ur point?reading gita in islamic religious school will solve them?It will be taken as an insult rather.

My problem is that allowing them to learn fundamentalist ideology is not going to help Muslim or Nation. You are sowing the seeds of extremism. If they learn something good from other religion, they are not going to become less Muslims than what they are. If they feel insult than it is extremism. Educate them. Bring them in main stream. The appeasement is neither in their favor or in the favor of Nation. Pseudo secular are real enemy of Muslims who always support extremism in Muslims. Are you getting my point?
My problem is that allowing them to learn fundamentalist ideology is not going to help Muslim or Nation. You are sowing the seeds of extremism. If they learn something good from other religion, they are not going to become less Muslims than what they are. If they feel insult than it is extremism. Educate them. Bring them in main stream. The appeasement is neither in their favor or in the favor of Nation. Pseudo secular are real enemy of Muslims who always support extremism in Muslims. Are you getting my point?

My point is madrasas have been in india all this time,does that mean extremism has been taught all this time.
As for bringing into mainsteram,thats done with science.Gita has nothing to do with this.What does gita have to offer in terms of modern education,none.For spiritual education each man chooses his own.Muslims koran,hindus gita,vedas etc,christians bible.

Teach them and anyone for that matter science,tech.
science and technology are over rated,u learn enough theory and parcticals in school,u can teach gardening,horticulture,farming and spiritual education is not wrong too.

it is very very important in today's world.
Make both compulsory, why one?

Indians Muslims are welcome to Pakistan if they are forced.
Make both compulsory, why one?

Indians Muslims are welcome to Pakistan if they are forced.

close this tread......BJP has taken their decision back..........................no mor gita
Hindu nationalist leaders need to set higher ambitions entrenched in realpolitik if they wish to connect with urban masses. When Muslims and their special interest groups strive for nationwide job reservations or legislation regarding objectionable content, their agenda is quite explicit, significant in terms of advantage and measurable in its relative success or failure. What does adding material from the Bhagavad Gita in a Urdu textbook actually achieve? Nothing. In fact, it is embarrassing how comparatively miniscule the dreams of these so-called Hindu netas are.

That said, It is a healthy stretch to go from Gita references in a Urdu textbook to implying that the Hindu scripture is being forcefully taught verbatim to Indian Muslims. To subscribe to such a theory would be to concede that Urdu is the sole domain of Islam, can only be taught to Muslims and prescribed only as how madrasas see fit. NDTV has done a dodgy job of putting two and two together and some members seem to have taken the bait on it.
This proves that India is still in the end a Hindu country.
You skip many of my questions. Yes we didn't see that suicide bombing in Pakistan 10 years back but seeds of evil were sown at that time. When Madrasa student will come out of Madrasa and see that the world is totally different and he has no place in this world. He has no job to do than he will get frustrated. His frustration coupled with religious extremism will make him extremist. By the way I again ask What way it is going to be helpful to Madrasa Student as well as to the country? Actually when you advocate Madrasa education for innocent children, you are playing with the future of innocent children to please fundamentalist.

My problem is that allowing them to learn fundamentalist ideology is not going to help Muslim or Nation. You are sowing the seeds of extremism. If they learn something good from other religion, they are not going to become less Muslims than what they are. If they feel insult than it is extremism. Educate them. Bring them in main stream. The appeasement is neither in their favor or in the favor of Nation. Pseudo secular are real enemy of Muslims who always support extremism in Muslims. Are you getting my point?

Some of the very valid points. Our Madrasa education system is so flawed that students coming out of madrasas will not be good for any job. About a month back I was stuck in a traffic jam while traveling in a taxi, somehow a conversation started about education and the taxi driver, who was a Muslim, told me that his two children are studying in an English medium school under CBSE board. He bluntly said; "What they will become studying in a madrasa...maulavi"?

The problem is that mostly economically backward students go to madrasa, after passing out they don't qualify for any decent job, and end up remaining poor only. Though I am totally against religious teachings in any school, but since it is not feasible to stop religious teachings in madrasas; the best solution would be to bring these schools under CBSE, ICSE, or general state boards with complete general curriculum that is taught in other schools, and allow the madrasas to add an additional paper on religion for which a separate certificate will be awarded on passing that paper.
My point is madrasas have been in india all this time,does that mean extremism has been taught all this time.
As for bringing into mainsteram,thats done with science.Gita has nothing to do with this.What does gita have to offer in terms of modern education,none.For spiritual education each man chooses his own.Muslims koran,hindus gita,vedas etc,christians bible.

Teach them and anyone for that matter science,tech.

Well, I would like to bring some facts to your attention. In the time of NDA, there were some terrorist attacks in India but not a single Indian Muslim was involved in that. All attacks had their routes in Pakistan. Later on many terrorist attacks took place. almost all these attacks have some Indian Muslims involved in it. What has caused these change? Should that route cause not be identified and corrective action should be taken? When we were in school we used to sing a prayer " Ishwar Allah tero nam sab ko sanmati de Bhagwan". Now If somebody has problem in singing this prayer than is not it a fundamentalism? When Godhara incident happened, I read that Muslim mob got offended because Karsevaks were shouting slogan Jay shree ram. This is the extension of the intolerance always justified by pseudo secular. If somebody says that each and every act of his or her will be dictated by some ancient book than it is fundamentalism itself. Gita is not an religious book containing the codes and punishment to non believer. It is a book of philosophy and part of Indian culture. And no body is going to teach them whole bhagvad gita but couple of shlokas which says that one should always do his duty without worrying about result etc. If they learn this than they are only going to be less fundamentalist. Answer me one question which I ask you for third or fourth time. We in our constitution allowed minority to teach the religion in their school. What good that did to Muslims and Nation?
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