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Fatwa issued against 'Surya Namaskar'

Jon bhai,
First of all,
1. Nobody is forcing muslims to do surya namaskar. Even if muslims are made to do surya namaskar as an excercise,whats the problem?
2. Whats the problem in saying VANDE MATARAM!?

1. If no one forcing them then why so much fuss over a Fatwa?- the fatwa itself is asking Muslims to not participate willingly or unwillingly- Every thing should be alright- No?- Why 16 pages of useless discussion?-

2. Off- Topic- There is a discussion here on pdf before- you may want to chk it-
1. If no one forcing them then why so much fuss over a Fatwa?- the fatwa itself is asking Muslims to not participate willingly or unwillingly- Every thing should be alright- No?- Why 16 pages of useless discussion?-

2. Off- Topic- There is a discussion here on pdf before- you may want to chk it-

Well everything is not ok if fatwa asking Muslim do not do thing even they want to.... this we called the forcefull implementation of your thinking to other and everyone has right to do his liking if anyone like it or not.

Muslims defy fatwa, perform Surya Namaskar

Sheikh Bilal, a student of class X, got up at 6 in the morning, facing chilly wind at 7 degree Celsius, to reach his school at 8am. He reached Government Naveen Higher Secondary School to be a part of a world record feat, Surya Namaskar, organized by the school education department of Madhya

The state government's programme of Surya Namaskar on Thursday marked the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekanand.

Commissioner, public instructions Arun Kochar said that this exercise was performed in the about 1.25 lakh schools of the state. More than 50 lakh students and about same number of guardians and state officials apart from public representatives participated in the event.

In Bhopal chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan performed Surya Namaskar at Government Naveen Higher Secondary school, Bhopal. At this location more than one thousand students participated in the event.

At the venue, where chief minister performed, number of muslim students were also seen participating in the Surya Namaskar, defying the fatwa issued by the clergy a day ago.

Taufeeq of class VIII said that his parents had no objection on his doing yoga or surya namaskar, which was a good exercise for his body. Same views were expressed by Razia of class V, who also performed the Yoga.

The department embarked upon a novel idea to organise the Surya Namaskar at the same time across the state. To achieve the goal a Surya Namaskar programme was aired live on All India Radio. The students and other participants in various districts, blocks and villages in the state listened to the Yoga instructions through radio to perform Surya Namaskar. All India Radio (AIR)'s broadcast began at 9:15 am and the programme went for an hour. Speech of Swami Vivekanand, of Chicago convention, too was a part of the radio programme.

Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan, talking to journalists said Surya Namsakar was an exercise good for mind and body. There was no compulsion from the government on anybody to participate in this event.

Officials of the school education department say that the figures of participation in the surya namaskar event would be collected within a week, with evidences and other documentation and would be forwarded to the Guinness book authorities within a month.

Muslims defy fatwa, perform Surya Namaskar - Hindustan Times
coexisting does not mean- to worship each other Gods-
To coexist respect is essential and one have that if you understand each other religious sentiments- and dont try to impose any thing- what you gona get by making Muslims do surya namaskar?- or by making them say Vanday Matram?- Heaven?- NO-
it just shows how much intolerant you lot are to your minorities beliefs-

Is surya namaskar forced??
Is Vande Matram forced??

Read the comment of salman to understand the context of my remark.
Is surya namaskar forced??
Is Vande Matram forced??

Read the comment of salman to understand the context of my remark.

The context of the thread demands- If people have problem with the "Fatwa"- That implies the majority religion wants the minorities to participate- thats forcing-
Because you can do the exercise at night too. The use of Surya, implies the Surya God in Hinduism. The act of Namaskar solidifies that implication.

namaskar is not prayer,namaskar is done to greet other people,things like you say salam someting to other people in islam so in a sence we are greeting the sun for comming up,dont know what the fuss is all about anyways its just an exercise to stretch your body after wakeing up
be cool SRK wife is an hindu :)

Look bro Any one who do Idol worship in any form what so ever is not a muslim and have
gone out of the fold of ISLAM.
If these bollywood khans do this then they have gone out of the fold of ISLAM. Its very simple. You
don't have to be a ISLAMIC scholar to know such Basic principles. Idol worship is an
unforgiveable sin. So what are you trying to prove with this videos?
Look bro Any one who do Idol worship in any form what so ever is not a muslim and have
gone out of the fold of ISLAM.
If these bollywood khans do this then they have gone out of the fold of ISLAM. Its very simple. You
don't have to be a ISLAMIC scholar to know such Basic principles. Idol worship is an
unforgiveable sin. So what are you trying to prove with this videos?

OK, what about alcohol? Alcohol is banned in Islam. So, people who drink alcohol not muslims? If yes, then probably half the pakistan is non-muslim according to you. :coffee:
OK, what about alcohol? Alcohol is banned in Islam. So, people who drink alcohol not muslims? If yes, then probably half the pakistan is non-muslim according to you. :coffee:
Sir first of all less than 5 % drink Alcohol in Pakistan Most do in fact 95 % Muslims of the whole world don't drink Alcohol and secondly punishment of Alcohol is 80 lashes which even a healthy would survive with lot of difficulty because son of great HAZRAT UMAR RA died when he was punished with 80 lashes during his caliphate
Because you can do the exercise at night too. The use of Surya, implies the Surya God in Hinduism. The act of Namaskar solidifies that implication.

Frankly you guys are incapable of understanding the meaning of plural societies.

You look at everything through the lens of your own Islamic society's norms.

When one believes in multiple paths to God, everything changes. And that is something you guys are incapable of understanding.
I always wonder why these Indian Muslims celebrity must have to do such things to live in secular India to gain fame and acceptance from janta

And I always wonder why it is the converts from Hinduism who take the most exception to such things.

Why do they need to do such things to claim the first class Muslim status? But the Arabs and others who converted you refuse to consider you that.

Its a shame really.
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Frankly you guys are incapable of understanding the meaning of plural societies.

You look at everything through the lens of your own Islamic society's norms.

When one believes in multiple paths to God, everything changes. And that is something you guys are incapable of understanding.

The thing that perplexes most is that you are incapable of understanding our path. Food for thought.
The thing that perplexes most is that you are incapable of understanding our path. Food for thought.

Not really. We believe God can reached through many paths. One just has to be a good human being.

I don't see Indians here discussing why Pakistan is an Islamic society. Its the reverse.

Isn't it funny that the people from an Islamic society that abhors secularism, claim to be the first and foremost to lecture others about secularism!

We find that hypocrtical.

Practice first what you preach and we may just give some attention.
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