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Fatwa issued against 'Surya Namaskar'

Again read my comments to Vinod. IF you declare this as a Hindu activity and concede that Muslims are CORRECT in objecting to part-taking in a Hindu activity, I won't object to the belief system in a sun god. Belief isn't scientific, it is something that is unproven but you have faith in it. My comments would end, you have a right to believe in the Sun god in isolation without compelling me.

But if you say its not belief, then its logic, then its science - then you expose yourself to further inquiry.

I have no issue whatsoever if people be they Hindus, Muslims, Christians or anyone else choose not participate in performing the suryanamaskar. I see this whole issue being blown out of proportion. Muslims are well within their right (as indeed are any others) not to indulge in this activity & I, for one appreciate their concerns. I'm sure most Hindus do not believe in a Sun God anymore than others do but they may not have a cultural/religious opposition to do what is a culturally familiar act. One can do this without indulging themselves in the religious aspect originally attributed or one may choose to separate themselves entirely on reasons of faith but such decisions are best left to individuals. Fatwas only serve to unnecessarily sharpen the discourse as is so clearly evident here.

Me calling religious acts logical & scientific? You really haven't bothered to read any of my posts, have you?
you are partly correct, and almost answered the question yourself.

Islam has a system of worship which is based on one and only God,
any part of worship dedicated to God, is forbidden in part or whole or even resemblance of any kind to any one else.

Thus, people who are kissing saints, praying to their graves, touching feet etc are all HARAM.

The reason these kind of people exist is because in the subcontinent paganism was wide spread, and little distinction was made between what is reserved for God and what is not, thus people started to idolize others.

For this very reason, Surya Namaskar should be HARAM for Muslims,

@ Muslims, even offering prayers at certain times of the day is not allowed, those are the times with sun in a special position.
so how can you debate otherwise ?

One may perform
Surya namaskar as an excercise. Whats the problem in it?
Jon bhai,
Where does it say that 'muslims' doesnt want to do it?

The Fatwa-

---------- Post added at 10:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 AM ----------

Meanwhile somewhere in India Christians go for the kill to end this debate:


Surya Namaskar row: Christians question ‘Sun God’

Bhopal: After a fatwa was issued against Madhya Pradesh government’s 'Surya Namaskar' push, Christian groups are also up in arms against the move.

The Shivraj Singh Chouhan government had planned to enter the Guinness Book of Records for the maximum number of people performing the ancient Yoga regimen together on the occasion of Swami Vivekanand's birthday on Thursday.

Muslim leaders had termed the move as un-Islamic and equated it with idol-worship, which is prohibited in Islam and issued a fatwa.

Now certain Christian groups have also come out in the open against ‘Surya Namaskar’. They argue that the exercise regimen is a religious activity as sun is being termed a God.

Even principals of some Christian run schools have opposed the move and said that, as per the Constitution, no one can be forced to perform a religious activity and termed the move as ‘saffronisation of schools’.

They accused the government of giving ‘oral directions’ to ensure that ‘Surya Namaskar’ is performed compulsorily in all schools.

It may be noted that the state government had asked the school education department to make arrangements to ensure maximum participation in the exercise.

Meanwhile, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has clarified that the participation in the exercise is not compulsory. “It is not mandatory and there is nothing religious about it,” he said.

Chouhan added that it is just a form of exercise aimed at introducing children to the advantages of ‘Surya Namaskar’.

Several Yoga experts have expressed resentment over the politics being played over ‘Surya Namaskar’, which has been accepted the world over as a complete exercise.

thats should solve the itchings of Islamophobic Indians :D-
One may perform
Surya namaskar as an excercise. Whats the problem in it?

This wisdom may hold true for u and me, mere mortals.

However in the wisdom of ever present Deity, what starts as a harmless exercise today, turns out totally differently hundreds of years later.

Look at Subcontinent Muslims in general and Indian in particular.
What started out as respect of elders and of pious people, has today turned in grave worship and paganism.
I said its illogical to give salutations to the Sun.

To the Sun God? IT's not illogical to hear that from a Sun God believer. May be the belief can be questioned, but it can't be disproven since belief doesn't require proof.

You are tying yourself in knots all over.

Now don't get me started on the uselessness of Yoga as a weight losing exercise. It's good breathing and stretching.

You are no expert and it tells. Don't even try it.

Better luck next time, this trick has been exposed :P

Yes, there is always a next time.

Lol @ reversion.

Its just a matter of time imho.
The Fatwa-

---------- Post added at 10:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 AM ----------

thats should solve the itchings of Islamophobic Indians :D-

Some mullah issueing some fatwas doesnt means that muslims in india DOESN'T WANT to do surya namaskar.

Also,indians arent islamophobic
Meanwhile somewhere in India Christians go for the kill to end this debate:


Surya Namaskar row: Christians question ‘Sun God’

This is utterly Rubbish.

India is a hindu majority country and MP state is 90% hindu.

Its Govt has every right to propagate indian values and cultural practices .

Just because we have Muslim and christian as minorities that doesn't mean we have to give everything thats hindu.

Why shouldn't our kids learn great practices of Hindus culture such as Yoga ,and invaluable teachings of Gita in schools from an early age ??

When Hindus are the majority and pay off taxes to run the govt and the country ,why the govt shouldn't actively propagate ancient hindu practices we cherish and appreciate as part of our culture ??
Some mullah issueing some fatwas doesnt means that muslims in india DOESN'T WANT to do surya namaskar.

Also,indians arent islamophobic

A Mullah represents the Muslims- thats how it goes-
Even if the Muslims want to do it- it was the duty of the Mullahs to tell them of the consequences-
Time for a recap:

We didn't protest, someone from your country raised a protest against this Hindu World Record. Then someone from your country posted it here and tried to ridicule that protest. We only said "Hey we agree with it".

So perspective. We didn't go out there looking for a brawl for your internal matter, you brought it upon yourself.

Moreover this is an international discussion forum, everyone has a right to their opinions and you will have to hear ours. Or close the window and don't. But you can't stop us from speaking up.

Of course it is an international forum which is why I am opining about your judgment of Indian secularism. I say the 'judgments' because I don't see many of the comments as opinions. I find it hypo-critic that bunch of Pakistanis are standing in judgment of India's secular make up considering their own country oppresses minorities legally in far greater extent than India does.

I am of opinion that only Indian Muslims have the right to protest of perceived injustice with regard to beef consumption. I can safely say they are quite happy to forego that to uphold sentiments of their fellow countrymen. That is an example of the harmony in India.

Also don't forget when you point a finger at some one, four other fingers are pointing at you.
This is utterly Rubbish.

India is a hindu majority country and MP state is 90% hindu.

Its Govt has every right to propagate indian values and cultural practices .

Just because we have Muslim and christian as minorities that doesn't mean we have to give everything thats hindu.

Why shouldn't our kids learn great practices of Hindus culture such as Yoga ,and invaluable teachings of Gita in schools from an early age ??

When Hindus are the majority and pay off taxes to run the govt and the country ,why the govt shouldn't actively propagate ancient hindu practices we cherish and appreciate as part of our culture ??

No body is saying to Ban the practice-
The unfortunate minority religions is foreboding their followers to not to participate-
and they have every right in a democratic and so called secular india-

You as a majority should not be that much insecure- teach your kids what ever you want-
This wisdom may hold true for u and me, mere mortals.

However in the wisdom of ever present Deity, what starts as a harmless exercise today, turns out totally differently hundreds of years later.

Look at Subcontinent Muslims in general and Indian in particular.
What started out as respect of elders and of pious people, has today turned in grave worship and paganism.

Islam has clearly states that one is free to follow his own religion as long as it isn't against humanity.

In surathil kafirun,
It says,
"lakum deenakum valya deen"
i.e, for me,my religion, and for you,your religion.

As an indian muslim ,i am proud to say that i perform surya namaskar daily,just like the way i namaz 5 times a day,and is equally proud of my hindu friends who taught me it and thank full to the hindu religion for devising such a great excercise.
Meanwhile somewhere in India Christians go for the kill to end this debate:


Heh thats funny. Anyone who has gone to a catholic school in India must have done , "Our father in heaven" prayer each and every day of their school life. I did my primary schooling in India, remember doing that prayer, funny thing was that about 25% of the students were muslims,70% were Hindus and probably 5% Chirstians. No one ever threatened to move to the high court and no fatwa was ever issued.

Looks like the issue is being politicized by the Congress party.
Islam has clearly states that one is free to follow his own religion as long as it isn't against humanity.

In surathil kafirun,
It says,
"lakum deenakum valya deen"
i.e, for me,my religion, and for you,your religion.

As an indian muslim ,i am proud to say that i perform surya namaskar daily,just like the way i namaz 5 times a day,and is equally proud of my hindu friends who taught me it and thank full to the hindu religion for devising such a great excercise.
Sir understand the meaning of this ayat Sir it is a difference between Muslims and Non Muslims but if you are a Muslim you have to follow Islamic rules and if you are also in Islamic State you can be forced to follow many Islamic Rules Sir
This is utterly Rubbish.

India is a hindu majority country and MP state is 90% hindu.

Its Govt has every right to propagate indian values and cultural practices .

Just because we have Muslim and christian as minorities that doesn't mean we have to give everything thats hindu.

Why shouldn't our kids learn great practices of Hindus culture such as Yoga ,and invaluable teachings of Gita in schools from an early age ??

When Hindus are the majority and pay off taxes to run the govt and the country ,why the govt shouldn't actively propagate ancient hindu practices we cherish and appreciate as part of our culture ??

After reading the bold part,
You aren't an indian.
...No one ever threatened to move to the high court and no fatwa was ever issued.
Looks like the issue is being politicized by the Congress party.

Its all being done in a deliberate political move keeping the elections in mind... the other day someone wanted to ban Salman Rushdie from coming to India ... all these years he has been visiting India without a hitch... and all of a sudden because of the elections, everyone is starting to play their cards...
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