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Fatwa issued against 'Surya Namaskar'

the first one is from Quran-
the second one is a Hadith-

btw- these are meant as e a "Tashbeeh"- like we say in English sun sets in west- but it doesn't sets at all- Thats is just to narrate a happening-

thanks for the info ....
Ah! Movies. Entertainment purposes only. :)

Those "illogical notions" are based on the fact that life, as we know it, thrives on this but one planet in the entire Universe because of the Sun (and water and air and soil). Atleast the Ancients were intelligent enough to understand what is real and what is abstract! Get the drift?

Yes but in hindsight they are illogical right? Light causes photosynthesis that grows the plants, not a sun god. People grow plants with UV lights as well, heck some with tube lights.

You can excuse the cave man for thinking this sun is a deity, but what is the record setters' excuse for giving a salutation to the Sun?
No, it not about worshiping son...it about my religion dosnt allow this...so i'll will not do that....
I am a bhramin...i eat non veg...but in my family no one eats...
my frnd is christan... many time i gone to his church....this is wht im am tlking abut

You don't get it do you? Its simple we muslims just don't associate anything with Allah(swt). We
worship only Allah(swt) and we believe there is only one God. Associating anything with Allah(swt)
in any way is a unforgivable sin and we muslims just can't do it.
Why not calling exercising in the Sun. Namaskar implies acknowledgment of some entity. Bowing to it, implies worshipping.

Islam is strict, we don't bow and touch feet of our parents either.

Islam must be fragile that your faith weakens by paying respect to your parents.

BTW I hear this clamor that Islam of the subcontinent is Sufi Islam of Barevli school of thought and see how Muslims literally prostate in front of Sufi Mazzars. Either they are right in doing so or those guys aren't real Muslims ??

Again look at this ,what the hell is going on ??

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No, it not about worshiping son...it about my religion dosnt allow this...so i'll will not do that....
I am a bhramin...i eat non veg...but in my family no one eats...
my frnd is christan... many time i gone to his church....this is wht im am tlking abut

The main thing is-

If your religion has stopped you from going to church- would you go then?-
You see the Muslims are living with you guys as your countrymen- you should know better-
Islam forbids such things-
Being a moderate or belonging to a prosperous society- you should also try to understand these things-
Otherwise whats the difference?-

---------- Post added at 09:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 AM ----------

How to become a maulvi???

eat a lot of "halwa" :P-
I guess one thing I came to understand is Muslims from Islamic countries would never want to compromise, even on little things as beef consumption. They demand their rights as if their rights are superior to sentiments of others. And they make their countries Islamic so they don't have to extend similar rights to their own minorities.

I guess what I am trying to say is this is internal matter of India. Indian Muslims have every right to protest if this is enforced which it is not. But coming from Pakistanis, this is just hypocrisy.
Absolutely right sir , I agree with you 100%....

Qur’an 18:83-86—And they ask you about Dhul-Qarnain. Say: “I shall recite to you something of his story.” Verily, We established him in the earth, and We gave him the means of everything. So he followed a way. Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water. And he found near it a people.

Sunan Abu Dawud 3991—Abu Dharr said: I was sitting behind the Apostle of Allah who was riding a donkey while the sun was setting. He asked: Do you know where this sets? I replied: Allah and his Apostle know best. He said: It sets in a spring of warm water.

This is a problem in translation from Arabic... First of all one paragraph is from Quran which is actual word of god and the other is a narrative of xyz saying they heard the Prophet say this... Same thing, imo, but generally our belief comes exclusively from the Quran.

To top it all off, the Quran is also quoting a narrative of the legendary Dhul Qurnain where he traveled far enough to observe the setting of the sun where it appears to be going down in water.

“I shall recite to you something of his story.”

In all translations of the Quran you will see the translator translate it as "He found it, as if it was setting...". You obviously chose to go to some anti-Islamic website to find some choice translation that skips out on as if. To translate Quran you need to know Arabic and its usages as well.

If you didn't know hindi you won't be able to differentiate in the use of a coma

Ruko, mat maro

can be

Ruko mat, maro!

Same words different meanings. Arabic is the same.

---------- Post added at 12:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 PM ----------

Islam must be fragile that your faith weakens by paying respect to your parents.

BTW I hear this clamor that Islam of the subcontinent is Sufi Islam of Barevli school of thought and see how Muslims literally prostate in front of Sufi Mazzars. Either they are right in doing so or those guys aren't real Muslims ??

Again look at this ,what the hell is going on ??

Why is your parenting weak that you need Godly adoration from your subjects (oops, Children I mean)

We pay respect to them by taking care of them in old age, by listening to them and doing as we are told by them, respecting their wisdom. We don't need to bow to them to defer godly status upon them. They are respected for their wisdom and their affection to their children.

As afar as prostration to Sufi saints is concerned - they IMO are real Muslims but doing this one thing wrong out of their affection and misguided devotion. Sufi saints and Sufism isn't wrong since they never asked for this. Never. A lot of these people go there out of desperation and are seeking to ask help to overcome some trouble in life. They justify it by saying they are asking the Sufi's to ask Allah on their behalf.

IMO it doesn't work that way, a person who dies, is dead and can't help you any more.
If it is related some GOD than it is compulsory to avoid it and still better to avoid it because after this Fatwa lot of questions are raised so better to avoid

According to the hindu custom,it is required to chant some mantras while doing surya namaskar. I skip the mantras and do the physical actions alone
This is what quran says about Parents- SO we respect them- but do not bow to them-

"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as] 'uff' [i.e., an expression of irritation or disapproval] and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say: 'My Lord! Have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small.'" [Quran 17:23-24]

This is an hadith-
It was narrated by Abu Hurayrah that a man came to the Prophet and asked him: 'Who is most deserving of my close companionship?' He replied: “Your mother; your mother; your mother; then your father; then the next closest to you in kinship; then the one next closest.”

So lets finish this off here-
Yes but in hindsight they are illogical right? Light causes photosynthesis that grows the plants, not a sun god. People grow plants with UV lights as well, heck some with tube lights.

You can excuse the cave man for thinking this sun is a deity, but what is the record setters' excuse for giving a salutation to the Sun?

As much as you choose to believe whatever an Arab claimed to be the voice of God.

With no corroborative evidence at all.

We see as much logic (or illogic) in Islam as you do in the religion of your forefathers. Let's not be judgmental for your own good.
Its better to be safe than sorry- specially in such sensitive issues-

I believe-
Its a very technical fatwa-

The Fatwa has made it clear no Muslim should hi hello the sun-
So the excuse of ignorance has gone-
Now any muslim doing it understands the consequences and is doing with his own free will-

The Mullahs has done their duty right-

Surya namaskar isn't telling hi to sun.
It involves a set physical actions similiar to yoga. Its good for your body.

Hindu custom states that one must chant mantras while performing it. However,when i do it,i skip the mantras. Most muslims skip em too.

But,from my personal observation chanting them helps to us to concentrate.
I guess one thing I came to understand is Muslims from Islamic countries would never want to compromise, even on little things as beef consumption. They demand their rights as if their rights are superior to sentiments of others. And they make their countries Islamic so they don't have to extend similar rights to their own minorities.

I guess what I am trying to say is this is internal matter of India. Indian Muslims have every right to protest if this is enforced which it is not. But coming from Pakistanis, this is just hypocrisy.

Time for a recap:

We didn't protest, someone from your country raised a protest against this Hindu World Record. Then someone from your country posted it here and tried to ridicule that protest. We only said "Hey we agree with it".

So perspective. We didn't go out there looking for a brawl for your internal matter, you brought it upon yourself.

Moreover this is an international discussion forum, everyone has a right to their opinions and you will have to hear ours. Or close the window and don't. But you can't stop us from speaking up.
in1947 India was devided into two dominion One for Muslims another for Hindu and Hindu like religion. Pakistani leaders played a card of secularism, They said "Pakistan will be a secular state with Muslim majority", Indian leader didn't saw the trap, they too declare the same "India will be a secular state with Hindu (and hindu like) Majority".
Muslims growth of 3 to 30% shows that India is not anti-Muslim state, and Hindus can accommodate Muslims well. While Pakistan story tells something else. How can yo justify these things??
1. First Pakistan was secular nation, later it was converted to Islamic state
2. Decline of non Muslims from 20 to 2%.

Really , when did that happen ? :azn: Pakistan was bound to be a Islamic republic from the very start ... We dont run around with false flags of secularism tied on our heads ... and BTW , since when Indian leaders became so blinded so as not to see the trap ?

Sensible people understand that something called partition happened which resulted in migration of majority of Hindus and Sikhs in the country ... Unless you provide evidence to the contrary of any holocaust , I am obliged to stick with this theory ...
Yes but in hindsight they are illogical right? Light causes photosynthesis that grows the plants, not a sun god. People grow plants with UV lights as well, heck some with tube lights.

You can excuse the cave man for thinking this sun is a deity, but what is the record setters' excuse for giving a salutation to the Sun?

That's a bit rich. You too seem to (correct me if I'm wrong) believe in the existence of God (whatever you choose to call it). Logically, it follows that everything runs as per the wishes of God. Why then does it so surprise you that other people may fragment those very same beliefs & create separate divinities for each of the parts of the "creation"? Any religious belief does not obtain a higher ranking from the scientific point of view merely because the believers believe that theirs is a superior form of belief.
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