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Congressi Propaganda: Hindu Majority provinces and Muslim Majority provinces can't live together


Apr 20, 2011
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..... but the sole argument was that Hindus and Muslims can't live together, ...

OK I am moving this into a separate thread for a wider audience.

Many Indians come on this board and spread ignorance about our history.

It was Congressi propaganda that Hindu Majority provinces and Muslim Majority provinces can't live together.

Do you know which Congressi leader made this statement first?
---- This was loooooooooooooong before any Muslim league leader ever said anything remotely close to this.

Hint hint?

It was 1922.

Let's see how much you know about your history.

In summary, I am looking for answers to the following questions:

1. Which entity gave the idea "Hindu majority provinces cannot live with Muslim majority provinces"?
-------- the same entity supported the idea of chopping into half two provinces Punjab and Bengal based on religion.

2. Who was the first major leader that supported the use of religion in the riots against the government.

Thank you
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Yeah, Baniya conspiracy started way before our Independence. Iqbal was RSS agent. :coffee:

Krait I expect better from you. You are a good poster.

Let me see from you, a quote from Iqbal and exact date/year when he may or may not have supported the idea that "Hindu Majority provinces cannot live with Muslim majority provinces".

yes please I am waiting.
Does it really matter who made the statement first? Communal tension was there, either Congress or the Muslim League had to say it first. .!

Yes it does.

Credit should be given to the one who came up with the idea.

So please do not try to push things under a hindustani sari.

Oh and now you talk about "communal tension". Who used religion to spur riots against the government and when?

Let's hear your knowledge of history before getting down to basics.

Thank you

p.s. I am going to past this into the other thread that is more relevant to this discussion. OK?

Tourist Trains planned for Pakistan
Let me paste the entire conversation here: :)

Pakistani tourism cannot succeed until we continue imposing our Islamist views and tribal behavior on others.

Not gonna happen.

Steam trains, PIA planes, our hotel industry will continue to suffer all thanks to Mullah pigs driving our national agenda.

This is why I say "Islamism is antithesis of Pakistani nation". The two cannot exist in the same region in the same space and time.

Maybe true! But then you don't need Pakistan!! Islam was not the reason for partition, Islamization was! :)

Now my dear you are taling like an Islamist Mullah who is typically worth few cents.

It is the Mullah language that gets repeated by so many Indians sadly.


Pakistan was formed for people living in the states (Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, the then Frontier) and Suhrawardy's E. Bengal was added to it later. People of these provinces didn't want to be ruled by Dilli. It was that simply.

However you and our Mullahs ignore our people and simply bring in false religiosity and pathetic Islamism.

Terrible terrible for sure.

Oh dear! I wish that was true! But the partition happened only on the basis of religion; politics, power, etc. did fuel the communal sentiments, but the sole argument was that Hindus and Muslims can't live together, no matter how damn similar the Punjabis or the Bengalis of both sides were. And the massacre that followed was also completely communal in nature, people killed each other only because they belong to a different religion, and not because of language, region, or anything else. So, "don't want Delhi rule" theory was not the reason for partition. Had we the people of both sides learned to keep religion as a matter of personal faith only, we would have a far more peaceful and prosperous living today, and the idea of partition wouldn't arise. Lastly, you might reconsider your assessment of me as a "Mullah" mentality! :)

However, that's not the topic. Tourist trains are great idea, and the photos are beautiful. Only concern for foreigners might be security. We also have tourist trains and heritage trains, some are as gorgeous as 5-star hotels. :)

you my dear are spreading ignorance.

Do you even realize this was the Congressi propaganda? Do you?

Do you know who made this statement first?

Hint hint?

It was 1922.

Let's see how much you know about your history.

Thank you

p.s. I am separating this topic into a thread. post your response there please.

Congressi Propaganda: Hindu Majority provinces and Muslim Majority provinces can't live together

Does it really matter who made the statement first? Communal tension was there, either Congress or the Muslim League had to say it first. Now you can argue who first said it in public, but you cannot deny that ultimately the partition happened on religious lines, the country, its provinces, and princely states were divided on the basis of the religion of the majority people. Damn, even Pakistan's claim on Kashmir stands on the ground that it was a Muslim majority state.

You can certainly argue which political party, which political leader was more responsible for partition, and the massacre & ethnic cleansing that followed, but there is no way you can establish your comment that "Pakistan was formed because People of these provinces didn't want to be ruled by Dilli.", no way, because Pakistan was created as a sovereign country for the "Muslims" of Indian subcontinent, Delhi was not the issue.

That's why I replied first to this portion of your post: "This is why I say "Islamism is antithesis of Pakistani nation". The two cannot exist in the same region in the same space and time." By saying this are questioning the creation of Pakistan as a separate nation! You might want to blame the radical Islamization of Pakistan during one of your ex-generals era, I don't know, but Islamism is antithesis of Pakistan nation? Hard to accept!!

Yes it does.

Credit should be given to the one who came up with the idea.

So please do not try to push things under a hindustani sari.

Oh and now you talk about "communal tension". Who used religion to spur riots against the government and when?

Let's hear your knowledge of history before getting down to basics.

Thank you

p.s. I am going to past this into the other thread that is more relevant to this discussion. OK?

Congressi Propaganda: Hindu Majority provinces and Muslim Majority provinces can't live together
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but didnt quaid e azam wanted a different nation for muslims ??

Dear Mohit,

Please go to the original post and try to answer the question posed.

It is not good to pose a question against a question. This approach shows that you have no clue. I am sure this is not the case.

Let me paste the entire conversation here: :)

OK Thanks.

That was my next step.

Anyways, I am still waiting for your answers to the following questions:

1. Who gave the idea "Hindu majority provinces cannot live with Muslim majority provinces"?
-------- the same entity supported the idea of chopping into half two provinces Punjab and Bengal based on religion.

2. Who was the first major leader that supported the use of religion in the riots against the government.

Thank you


This is going to be 'interesting' , have you read the book called, 'Jinnah, the champion of Hindu Muslim unity' ? :coffee:

The title sounds very familiar. Who is the author? you are not talking about Jalal. Are you?

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Dear Mohit,

Please go the original post and try to answer the question posed.

It is not good to pose a question against a question. This approach shows that you have no clue. I am sure this is not the case.

sorry......i didnt read it carefully....so yeah i had no clue n i'l delete it ryt now :)
That's why in Hindu majority India, Muslim population increased while in Muslim majority Pakistan, Hindu population decreased in last 66 years.

As for who were asking for reservations and insecure, a nation which was formed on Two Nation Theory, now saying Congress was behind it.

Blame anyone, the situation is in front of you.
That's why in Hindu majority India, Muslim population increased while in Muslim majority Pakistan, Hindu population decreased in last 66 years.

As for who were asking for reservations and insecure, a nation which was formed on Two Nation Theory, now saying Congress was behind it.

Blame anyone, the situation is in front of you.

Please do not try to obfuscate the two questions posed in the original post. You are smart guy. I respect you.

p.s. please do not keep on throwing ignorant/ignoramus bombs based on wrong statistics in an unrelated thread. Thank you.
population of Muslims in Indian Punjab dropped to zero in 1947
-------------(and it has never reached back to 35-65% based on village/town since then)

population of non-Muslims in Pakistani Punjab dropped to zero in 1947
-------------(and it has never reached back to 35-45% based on village/town since then)

population of non-Muslims in Sindh has remained stable.
Population of Muslims has increased in BIMARU states just like population of non-Muslims.

Learn a bit more about our region. Thank you
@FaujHistorian You want me to quote census data of India and Pakistan ?

BTW who came up with Two Nation Theory ? Why did Jinnah wanted special reservation in govt. for Muslims ?

How did Muslim League suddenly rose from meager 2 seats to a dominant party in Western India ? Check how the strategy was changed by Jinnah. He created insecurity among Muslims to get support of more Muslims.
According to Title of the thread: Congress is Secular Party :enjoy:
@FaujHistorian You want me to quote census data of India and Pakistan ?.

Please do not distract from the main thread. if you are interested in that topic please open a separate thread. Thank you.

BTW who came up with Two Nation Theory ? Why did Jinnah wanted special reservation in govt. for Muslims ?

How did Muslim League suddenly rose from meager 2 seats to a dominant party in Western India ? Check how the strategy was changed by Jinnah. He created insecurity among Muslims to get support of more Muslims.

As I requested Mr. Mohit,

it is being uneducated or at least impolite to pose questions to the already asked questions in the original post.

So let's keep our discussion "focused".

Thank you

Hint: you will find the answer to your questions, as soon as you can answer the ones in the OP.
If you are talking of RSS, then no one really cared of them at that time. BTW they hated Gandhi and Congress.
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