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‘Anti-national’ Muslims have no right to live in India: Uddhav (Shiv Sena )

The irony is, since Muslims created Pakistan, they have to always prove their loyalty in Hindustan......
nopes... we saperated bcoz we want a nation ruled by muslim law and we know how much discrimination is there in Indian society ... all Muslims felt that way .. that why Muslim league got 86 % of muslims votes in 1940 election .. that show the frustration of muslims to toward the baised attitude of hindus
It will happen eventually. Raj Thackray is the real successor to Bal Thackray in terms of his politics.. Uddahv doesn't have it in him!
u got it bro ... but looks like pakistanies (who actualli boast so much of two nation theori) are now going ballistick over the issue

looks like the answer why congress was able to fool indian muslims for so long
Hay @SarthakGanguly @JanjaWeed @chak de INDIA Check This :lol::lol::lol:
nopes... we saperated bcoz we want a nation ruled by muslim law and we know how much discrimination is there in Indian society ... all Muslims felt that way .. that why Muslim league got 86 % of muslims votes in 1940 election .. that show the frustration of muslims to toward the baised attitude of hindus
Election time hai bhaijan, chill . . waise if you ever listen to those owaisi scums na. . you yourself will raise your Sulemani talwaar to kill them :D:D:D
narrow vision by Hindus of India. Because the irony is that those Muslims who sided with India now have to prove their loyalties by adopting Hindu customs otherwise they are called anti-Nationalists
...it's only natural.....since the partition was based on Religion, the 'rivalry is between Hindus and Muslims....
...you would be narrow-minded towards the remaining Balochs in Pakistan if the Baloch made their own land carving out Pakistan......then the 'rivalry' would be ethnic.....two sides of the same coin.....isn't it?
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well thats why muslim created Pakistan .. In hindustan they always have too prove their loyalties and there is alot of discrimination

Wow... I'm surprised a Pakistani is talking about discrimination... weren't you logging in PDF for past couple of days??? Pakistanis were burning Hindu temples in Pakistan beat the guards and so.... No Muslim in India has to prove his Loyalty to the Country if he's not doing any Anti-Indian activity then it's fine..
u got it bro ... but looks like pakistanies (who actualli boast so much of two nation theori) are now going ballistick over the issue

looks like the answer why congress was able to fool indian muslims for so long

They have been able to do that due to their opportunistic 'reverse communalism' that has historically done innumerable harm to the nation & continues to undermine india's progress, security & stability.

when a 'secular' party starts communal mass mobilisation on emotional sectarian issues, they participate in a dangerous trend, contributing directly to the greater radicalisation of minority community. now.. this trend of 'reverse communalism' is more dangerous than the actual one, which people normally talk about!
narrow vision by Hindus of India. Because the irony is that those Muslims who sided with India now have to prove their loyalties by adopting Hindu customs otherwise they are called anti-Nationalists

That doesn't mean we've to follow Hindu customs to be a good Inidan being Non-Hindu... You people know nothing and started to to be as usual manner of trolling here... get out of this tread
nopes... we saperated bcoz we want a nation ruled by muslim law and we know how much discrimination is there in Indian society ... all Muslims felt that way .. that why Muslim league got 86 % of muslims votes in 1940 election .. that show the frustration of muslims to toward the baised attitude of hindus
This is the same logic the Pakistani separatist groups give, infact all separatist groups all over the world give the same excuse.....
So, why Pakistan is averse to the idea of a separate Baluchistan......if the Baloch are feeling oppressed under Pakistan and want their separate land????
...it's only natural.....since the partition was based on Religion.....the 'rivalry is between Hindus and Muslims....
...you would be narrow-minded towards the remaining Balochs in Pakistan if the Baloch made their own land carving out Pakistan......then the 'rivalry' would be ethnic...

No we dont do that to those who side with us.
I agree with Uddhav Thackeray, anti-national indian muslims have no right to stay in india......jinnah baba envisioned Pakistan for sucha anti-nationals, all such muslims should be deported to Pakistan.
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