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‘Anti-national’ Muslims have no right to live in India: Uddhav (Shiv Sena )

when was the last time you checked your balls, new for you...not there!

Internet tough boys these Pakistanis are ...... :lol:

Did majority muslims in india asked for another country there should be consensus and right to vote..No? I think not they are fine in india. But than there are 3 million afghans who love india should we crave some part of hindustan setting up a brand new nation for those ungrateful. :disagree:

With 8000 posts you haven't learn to act like senior member but a tody troll.

Afghanis are your problem ...... not ours . You messed up their country , so naturally they will be your problems .

I reply to troll posts in the same coin .
One happened without assistance, the other had a massive invasion backing it up. The reasons were similar in that one section of the population was exploiting the other. One had a clear precedent, the other did not.. and Ill keep the which ones ambiguous just to clarify the difference in PoV between the two borders.

off topic:

While I am sure it is a unique archaeological find, you have to forgive me as I cannot decide whether your dp is made out of flour or stone.. and whether it is man in a nirvana position or someone taking a poop desi style.

That's terracota toy with folded hands (namaskar) found in Indus Valley site of Kalibangan.
That's terracota toy with folded hands (namaskar) found in Indus Valley site of Kalibangan.
Ancient civilizations perturb me, why would one want a toy thats either showing itself praying or greeting.
Ancient civilizations perturb me, why would one want a toy thats either showing itself praying or greeting.

Toys are made to depict what people do in daily life in the form of crude toys because everyone don't know how to make toy or sculpture with precision, such things still very common in India.
Internet tough boys these Pakistanis are ...... :lol:

Afghanis are your problem ...... not ours . You messed up their country , so naturally they will be your problems .

I reply to troll posts in the same coin .

Son read your hindustani's post with 8000 posts under his belt he should by now not be trolling and receiving shytty thanks from likes of little insignificant members like you. Last son your partner russians messed up their country and you supported russians...did you not supported soviet union?, we saved their arses for 33 years provided them with everything correct your history and facts.
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well thats why muslim created Pakistan .. In hindustan they always have too prove their loyalties and there is alot of discrimination

Lets keep safety from discrimination out from the reasons of creation of Pakistan.

The Shias, Ahmediyas, Bohras, Mohajirs and other varieties would not agree.
i am not agree with you..Terrorism is not because of indian muslims and how many indian muslims are there in al qaida, LET etc etc...we all know from where it orginates...and even though if there would not any muslims in india..war couldn't be avoid bcz of Kashmir, and uncertain political conditions in neighbor. mostly indian muslims are indian first than muslim, but our politicians unfortunately uses them as a vote bank... and anti nationalist can be any one...and he or she certainly don't have any religion...
I am not saying that Indian Muslims are terrorists ok you didn't get my point.
If that time separation done properly than all Muslims go to Pakistan and Bangladesh...Also from Kashmir because the King of Kashmir supported India (I know King supported India after separation and war but that time transfer can be done).
and if there no Muslims in India than no Hindus Muslims riots take place in our history and than no terrorist take done in our country main terrorist take in India are because of our history riots.
Internet tough boys these Pakistanis are ...... :lol:

Afghanis are your problem ...... not ours . You messed up their country , so naturally they will be your problems .

I reply to troll posts in the same coin .
Actually, the Afghans messed up their own country, Pakistan simply did what it need to in order to keep Afghanistan from continuing it's needless aggression against Pakistan.

Just a small thought.
Anti-Nationals irrespective of caste, creed or religion do not belong to the nation. Targetting a specific relgious group is pointless
Son read your hindustani's post with 8000 posts under his belt he should by now not be trolling and receiving shytty thanks from likes of little insignificant members like you.

Was your post supposed to make some sense .

Last son your partner russians messed up their country and you supported russians...did you not supported soviet union?, we saved their arses for 33 years provided them with everything correct your history and facts.

You have the similar responsibility like Russia and US in making Afghanistan into the mess it is today .
Wow cant believe the conspicuous silence of Indian posters here regarding post #130.. Are you guys for real ??

@WebMaster , @Oscar
No this is wrong. This is what separates us from exclusionary societies in our neighbourhood. Anyone has the right to speak as much against anything in the country, so long as the person does not lift arms that endanger the lives of innocent civilians. This is our ethos, and why Dharmic faiths have flourished and pushed the limits of human mind & spirit fifteen hundred years ago. My views are slightly more radical, so I'd likely be the only one, but I agree with Arundhati Roy that the meaning of India is much more than borders or a name, it reaches much deeper than that, something much more in tune with nature.
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