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If Pakistan doesn't mend its way, Modi will have to press the nuclear button: Uddhav

You've never met a true Punjabi. Nothing is sexier to us than a aurath with a chappal in her hand.

Being a Punjabi my self I have to admit, girls who are very submissive are not very attractive at least to me, I like girls who are loud and try to dominate boys, but of course Punjabis never let them dominate :D. Of course there's a span of time in a day where every men becomes submissive lol :secret:
Being a Punjabi my self I have to admit, girls who are very submissive are not very attractive at least to me, I like girls who are loud and try to dominate boys, but of course Punjabis never let them dominate :D. Of course there's a span of time in a day where every men becomes submissive lol :secret:


Don't lie here, you can fight it all you want but proper Punjabi larkia always dominate boys. That's a fact this side of the border and the other side too, regardless of your ego.
Panic what's there to Panic ? It sounds absurd, I don't think so any person with an iota of IQ would even consider this possibility but if, it does happen then rest assured Sub-continent will be a Nuclear waste land my friend :D

And he gonna rule over a wasteland :D

Don't lie here, you can fight it all you want but proper Punjabi larkia always dominate boys. That's a fact this side of the border and the other side too, regardless of your ego.

Well, When a relationship is new and blossoming then I guess girls do have an upper hand but eventually Punjabi boys do take the command :D at least thats how I see it or I do it :d

And he gonna rule over a wasteland :D

With his IQ, this does sound like a possibility.
Stupid Thakre !! And these are the reasons he and likes of him would never come to power in India.
@Ayush - Bhai par bumb phenkeii ga ? :cray:

Itna zulm tou @levina seh bhi expected nahin ! :(

Waisee I tried launching a Nuclear Strike on Levina but the missile just bounced off her fat belly and back into my backyard ! :o:

I hate you!!!
stop mentioning me from now on. :(
You've been spreading rumors and this is the last straw.
Others have been using your words...and thats not fair.

@levina ko 100 bacho ki maa bana diya mujhe 50 bacho ki maa??????:pissed:

You know somebody told him zero doesn't carry any value and ergo he added two zeroes after one.He's a little errr :cuckoo: ...you know.
My sympathies!!!:tsk:
Didnt know a break up could hurt a guy soooo much. :(
Somebody please drill some sense into him.:moil::moil:
Uddav Thackaray is just trying to protect is turf.. just in case MNS steals the thunder! He knows he is in govt now... & rhetoric is the only option he has! Nothing substantial...
I hate you!!!
stop mentioning me from now on. :(
You've been spreading rumors and this is the last straw.
Others have been using your words...and thats not fair.

Okay - I'm sorry...that was never my intention, I won't mention any of that again ! :(
Okay - I'm sorry...that was never my intention, I won't mention any of that again ! :(
He's not talking about destroying us, he's talking about a mass suicide. Men with such suicidal thoughts must not have power.
He's not talking about destroying us, he's talking about a mass suicide. Men with such suicidal thoughts must not have power.

Don't worry...
Uddhav Thackeray doesnt have a decorous past so he's trying to grab the lime light with 2 words which 're trending these days
"MODI" and "Nuclear" whatever.....
He is really trying to cool down political sentiments isn't he? Raj Thackeray must have sent him a feeler.

If UT were of that caliber, he would not be talking like that.

Nuclear is more or less India's insurance policy against bigger powers.

There are other ways to deal with a loose-cannon when one sits down and thinks.


But it is unlikely that terrorism will be discussed. This is more or less a 'hey dude, wassup?' sorta meeting.
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