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Violence in Assam Has Pan-India Implications

There are many Hindus in postitions of power in Bangladesh and not just symbolic positions like President.

He is not symbolic president .He is a legend ,our missile man ,an emeratius scientist.
Dont measures his greatness with your little knowledge
He is not symbolic president .He is a legend ,our missile man ,emeratius scientists.
Dont measures his greatness with your little knowledge

A man with no real power just like Manmohan Singh whose strings were pulled by Sonia Gandhi ...
A man with no real power just like Manmohan Singh whose strings were pulled by Sonia Gandhi ...

That is not your concern.He was our President .and he has all powers granted by constitution of India.
FYI He snubs Sonia gandhi by returning bill again for future negotitations
A man with no real power just like Manmohan Singh whose strings were pulled by Sonia Gandhi ...

How dare you call Abdul Kalam a "token" President ??? Now you are proving me correct in my earlier post when I labelled you a person full of assumption without any substance to your submissions, hence making you a dubious author of note :D
How dare you call Abdul Kalam a "token" President ??? Now you are proving me correct in my earlier post when I labelled you a person full of assumption without any substance to your submissions, hence making you a dubious author of note :D

Blah Blah Blah ....:blah:
Your definition of what are illegal immigrants is contradictory and communal. Why should only Hindu immigrants be allowed to remain but not Muslim ones although the latter are far far smaller in number ...
Beacause it is homeland for hindus and other dharmic faiths genius.Abhrahamic faith people have many countries to go to for asylum.India is for dharmic faith people.:D
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