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Violence in Assam Has Pan-India Implications

Please don't self-aggrandize that much. RAW cannot go about investigating every conspiracy theorist in this World. NIMHANS, though, might be interested to take a look at you.:enjoy:
right place for him...
Many of those killed were on this side of the border or had been abducted in Bangladesh and taken to India. That still leaves you a mere few thousand.

Few thousands? :lol:
India become over crowded because of people from your country, every one from riksha wala to pan wala, chai wala is illegal Bangladeshi in all over India and so called secular parties using them as a vote bank for them as you also know these politicians (they can do any thing for power) but dnt worry modi is about to be PM of India and his vote bank is not these scums so dnt expect any mercy from him for these scums.

You will soon welcome millions of your people back in your country :lol:
If these are 3rd generation Bangladeshi, can they be deported ? Who is to blame for this scenario ? Shouldn't India have more stringent border controls if they want to restrict illegal immigration ? I doubt that any Indian government will have the political will or resolve to ship back millions of Bangladeshi immigrants even if those immigrants are Muslims. Is Mr Modi not therefore blowing hot air and causing unnecessary communal strife in Assam ?
If these are 3rd generation Bangladeshi, can they be deported ? Who is to blame for this scenario ? Shouldn't India have more stringent border controls if they want to restrict illegal immigration ? I doubt that any Indian government will have the political will or resolve to ship back millions of Bangladeshi immigrants even if those immigrants are Muslims. Is Mr Modi not therefore blowing hot air and causing unnecessary communal strife in Assam ?

At least he can stop many more to cross and can cancel their citizenship that was given because of vote bank.
Few thousands? :lol:
India become over crowded because of people from your country, every one from riksha wala to pan wala, chai wala is illegal Bangladeshi in all over India and so called secular parties using them as a vote bank for them as you also know these politicians (they can do any thing for power) but dnt worry modi is about to be PM of India and his vote bank is not these scums so dnt expect any mercy from him for these scums.

You will soon welcome millions of your people back in your country :lol:

The vast majority are Hindus who emigrated in 1947 and 1971 and to whom India provided wholesale citizenship rights.
The vast majority are Hindus who emigrated in 1947 and 1971 and to whom India provided wholesale citizenship rights.

Was there any census undertaken to substantiate your claim ?

At least he can stop many more to cross and can cancel their citizenship that was given because of vote bank.

Mr Modi can stop further illegal immigrants. I am strongly doubtful that he can cancel the citizenship of any Indian citizen on a whim or fancy
Was there any census undertaken to substantiate your claim ?

Well we do know millions of Hindus feld in 1947 and 10 million more in 1971 so the statistics are there.

Mr Modi can stop further illegal immigrants. I am strongly doubtful that he can cancel the citizenship of any Indian citizen on a whim or fancy

Yes if you cancel citizenship then you would have to do the same for the tens of millions of Hindus who migrated to India in 1947 and 1971. That would be unacceptable to the Hindu Republic of India.
Well we do know millions of Hindus feld in 1947 and 10 million more in 1971 so the statistics are there.

Yes if you cancel citizenship then you would have to do the same for the tens of millions of Hindus who migrated to India in 1947 and 1971. That would be unacceptable to the Hindu Republic of India.

1. You seem to remain blind at the fact that there are tons of Muslim immigrants from Bangladesh. Or do you deny that there are indeed a sizeable number of Muslim illegal immigrants in India from Bangladesh ?

2. Cancelling the citizenship without good cause of any citizen is unacceptable in the secular Republic of India. If it was the Hindu Republic of India, those huge number of Muslim immigrants would have elected to remain in Bangladesh ?
Not a single tear will be shed. These illegals come into our country like the disease they are polluting our society. Action must be taken, we must apply chemotherapy to remove these cancers before our country succumbs to them.
Your definition of what are illegal immigrants is contradictory and communal. Why should only Hindu immigrants be allowed to remain but not Muslim ones although the latter are far far smaller in number ...

When British India partitoned in1947
We have two types of Muslims One is religious that give more importance to religion and others patriots.Patriots stayed in India ,religious opt BD and
So muslims who opt that country must stayed there.Due to difficulties Hindus in that country cant cane to India .If they again opt India we will support them.But we dont need illegal immigrants from muslim majority countries not again.

So it is alright for 5 lakh Indians to illegally come to Bangladesh but not a few thousand Muslims to stay in India although they are now third and fourth generation immigrants?

Kick them out if they cause any problem in your BD.that is yours choice.
Illegal immigrants in India from BD is
at least 30 million and that is the SC offical number dont know the real number.Most of them are muslims
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@MBI Munshi I don't know about pan India implications, but if you guys keep creating problems, the problem will spread even into your country for no reason. And you know how far Assam is from your nation. :D

This is only one tribe. Once Garo and Khasi gets miffed enough along with Mizos and Nagas, you will be in a real big mess.

It is in the interest of everyone that the illegals simply leave. The potential of what happened in Myanmar to happen on a tenfold magnitude is dangerously high considering the tensions in NE right now.
If these are 3rd generation Bangladeshi, can they be deported ? Who is to blame for this scenario ? Shouldn't India have more stringent border controls if they want to restrict illegal immigration ? I doubt that any Indian government will have the political will or resolve to ship back millions of Bangladeshi immigrants even if those immigrants are Muslims. Is Mr Modi not therefore blowing hot air and causing unnecessary communal strife in Assam ?

So when he says that he will deport Bangladeshis, how do people infer that he is talking about all those who have migrated to India since 1947? That is not legally possible and no one can attempt to do that. Even those who migrated after the ‘Nehru-Liaquat Agreement’ of 1950 have legal sanction and cannot be deported. Those who migrated as a result of the Bangladeshi liberation war are covered under international agreements on displaced persons and refugees. India had allowed them to settle and earn their living in the country, even giving them concessions like non-transferable housing land at low cost (as in refugee colonies in Kolkata and other places of West Bengal). Most of them have become Indian citizens through naturalization with their children having acquired Indian citizenship by birth and that fact is indisputable.

But if someone makes out a case for retaining those who are entering India illegally since then, no right thinking Indian will tolerate it. Taking advantage of a porous border and corrupt security forces, illegal Bangladeshi immigrants have been entering India in West Bengal, Assam and Tripura.

Illegal Immigration from Bangladesh is Alive, Kicking and Hurting India
So when he says that he will deport Bangladeshis, how do people infer that he is talking about all those who have migrated to India since 1947? That is not legally possible and no one can attempt to do that. Even those who migrated after the ‘Nehru-Liaquat Agreement’ of 1950 have legal sanction and cannot be deported. Those who migrated as a result of the Bangladeshi liberation war are covered under international agreements on displaced persons and refugees. India had allowed them to settle and earn their living in the country, even giving them concessions like non-transferable housing land at low cost (as in refugee colonies in Kolkata and other places of West Bengal). Most of them have become Indian citizens through naturalization with their children having acquired Indian citizenship by birth and that fact is indisputable.

But if someone makes out a case for retaining those who are entering India illegally since then, no right thinking Indian will tolerate it. Taking advantage of a porous border and corrupt security forces, illegal Bangladeshi immigrants have been entering India in West Bengal, Assam and Tripura.

Illegal Immigration from Bangladesh is Alive, Kicking and Hurting India

So, a Bangladeshi who moved into India in 1952 and whose descendants assimilated into Indian society should be deported together with his descendants according to your logic ?
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